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Getting zofran for pregnancy?

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I had Zofran prescribed my last pregnancy because I was so sick so often I literally couldn't get off the bathroom floor. :ack2:


That being said it was still kind of complicated and they'd only prescribe small amounts of pills at a time and I think my insurance balked a covering too many, as well.



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It depends what your doctor is like and how bad it is. Have you tried things like B6 and unisom? I have had hyperemesis 3 times and needed meds.


With my first pregnancy I got a same day appointment with the CNM in my doctor's office. Even after explaining that I had tried everything on the sheet she gave me about morning sickness and that I could not keep water down she refused to give me a prescription. I got one later in the ER and when I saw the doctor later he refilled it with no problems. With my other 2 pregnancies I have gone to a different office and they have prescribed what I asked for with no problems. If your doctor isn't helpful I would try another for a second opinion.

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I used zofran during the pregnancy that was so awful I was hospitalized twice for dehydration.


If you can't keep anything down, there is a dissolvable tablet, but it tastes awful. If you can keep a bit down, go for the pills. And carry ziploc bags everywhere, as you never know when the yuck will hit!

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I love my zofran. I called in the first time, saying I was really nauseous, and they gave me 30 pills (to be taken every 3-4 hours as needed). When I went back for my next appointment, I mentioned they really helped, but I was running low, and she gave me a prescription for 20 pills with 2 refills.


No hassle at all, and it helps me feel like a person again.

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Zofran was my friend during hyperemesis.


I had Zofran prescribed my last pregnancy because I was so sick so often I literally couldn't get off the bathroom floor. :ack2:


That being said it was still kind of complicated and they'd only prescribe small amounts of pills at a time and I think my insurance balked a covering too many, as well.



:iagree: They dohave generic and it ran me around 8.00 bucks for a 30 day supply. I was like 11 weeks, lost 20 pounds, and couldn't drive. Hubby took me and I was hooked up on ivs and had people running circles. Insurance was a pain as they insisted on taking reglan first. DO NOT take that. They have lawsuits about that drug to it's side effects. We took the script, and the dr had me come back in three days to say it didn't work :D. Then insurance wanted me to be hospitalized before scribing Zofran. That's when I called around, found then cheapest price, and just paid out of pocket. It did keep me from throwing up water and gastric juices but it wasn't great at keeping me from throwing up food. So I ate very tiny amounts like a boiled peanut, waited and ate another and so on through out the day. I never did get to where I could eat a full meal but at least I wasn't sick 14 times in an hour anymore.

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Thanks... about to send DH to the drugstore.


AUGH! NO! Talk to a pharmacist first. PLEASE. There are so many drugs that cause problems. This combo might be just fine, but please, please, please ask a pharmacist first. They can look up how harmful drugs, vitamins, etc are to the unborn.


I work in a pharmacy. Just because something is OTC does NOT make it safe for pregnant women....

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The unisom/B6 is a new recommendation that is given to moms now. Some new research that was done. It's pretty standard protocol around here. But you must take the plain, regular without the D unisom. Certainly double check to make sure you have the right one. My ob's practice even write it up on a script for you to take and have them pull it off the shelf for ya. (Cause when you are puking that much, they don't won't you looking for anything but the little puke bag!)

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The unisom/B6 is a new recommendation that is given to moms now. Some new research that was done. It's pretty standard protocol around here. But you must take the plain, regular without the D unisom. Certainly double check to make sure you have the right one. My ob's practice even write it up on a script for you to take and have them pull it off the shelf for ya. (Cause when you are puking that much, they don't won't you looking for anything but the little puke bag!)


Ok. I can relax and get off my soapbox now. Whew! :) Sorry if I overreacted. There's some scary stuff out there and pregnant women often have no idea.

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Ok. I can relax and get off my soapbox now. Whew! :) Sorry if I overreacted. There's some scary stuff out there and pregnant women often have no idea.


:DNo problem. I freaked when they told me to take it and sick as a dog still had to search it on the net before I took it. I thought they had gone bonkers. They wouldn't give me any medicine with the first two and I had to just puke and puke and puke. Decade later, I felt like they were passing out candy. :lol: But boy was I glad to finally have some relief!!!

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I tried Zofran with all three pregnancies (severe Hyperemesis), along with Phenegren, Compazine, Tigan, and Reglan this last time....and all the OTC stuff that's been mentioned. The only one that helped at ALL was Reglan.


I hope you find something that helps. If the Zofran doesn't though, don't be afraid to ask for something else. There are LOTS of drugs that you can take now during pregnancy for nausea.

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Zofran was my friend during hyperemesis.




I had no trouble getting it via my midwife. However, my nausea landed me in the hospital severely dehydrated with a bad kidney infection. The zofran was all that worked somewhat. I was dealing with hypermesis until the day my younger son was born. The unisom b6 did nothing for me at all.

Edited by kijipt
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My SIL has really bad morning sickness and she also does the B6/unisom combination, plus sea bands. I've found that it helps to eat often and to make sure that each snack (at least every two hours during the day, before bed, and during the night) contains protein and a complex carb. And, as much as I don't want to eat once I start to feel yucky, I know that it's the only thing that will make me feel better.

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Unisom is an over the counter sleeping pill. You take one (regular Unisom, not gels or anything) at night, and then 100mg of b6 during the day.


Yes~ even one half of a Unisom before bed was enough to take the edge off of my violent nausea and vomiting. I was too afraid to put the B6 into my stomach. My sympathies!:grouphug:

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Zofran saved me and my kids, of that I'm pretty sure.

Nothing else worked.


I used both Zofran and Ondansteron (Generic Zofran) and did not notice a difference. The generic was about 1/4 of the price. (Zofran is very, very expensive!)


I had terrible constipation from Zofran! It's a common side effect - so be prepared to deal with that in which ever way you must. Still 100% worth it!


Hope you find some sort of relief soon.

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I took Zofran for one of my pregnancies - insurance balked and had to get approval so that wasn't too helpful....had to wait days for it...but they didn't have a generic back then.


As several have mentioned - constipation was horrible, plus I had the worst headaches from it as well. I didn't take it the next three pregnancies.


You have my sympathies - throwing up is not one bit fun!:tongue_smilie:



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