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I know it's early, but anyone already have Christmas ideas?

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My boys love Legos, but now that they are 10 & ~12, it gets harder and harder to buy for them. Plus I need to come up with a Christmas list to give to y SIL with ideas. So I'm trying to think now. My dd is 13 and has a nook color, so I'm putting a BN gc on there, but still need a few other ideas. She loves to read, likes to draw and cook.


Anyone have suggestions? or what are you getting your kids?

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I'm not sure how much I'll have to spend this year. Things have been very tight and we've had lots of extra expenses. So, I'm just going to wait and see what the situation is closer to Christmas/Chanukah. I did get ds2 a little sock monkey for either Chanukah or his stocking, because he kept saying he wanted a sock monkey. I'd love to get them the Hogwarts Castle Lego set, but we'll see.


:lurk5: I'm going to follow this post for possible ideas for my soon to be 13 yr. old god daughter, though.

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I started thinking about that this week. DH deploys this month and will be gone for the holidays. I've made about two gallons of vanilla, so I will give that out as gifts,.....unless I drink it all the day he leaves.


I will also make some lotion bars and pumpkin bread. Perhaps some Oreo truffles. Still working on the gift list for those I need to buy for.




I'd love to buy oldest a really nice DSLR, but I'd probably have to sell my plasma to do that.

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I just started a thread with an idea for Christmas. :) I'll probably be getting my 13 dd an assortment of ancient Roman/Byzantine rings and a reproduction Athenian Owl pendant from Noble Roman Coins. She loves Ancient history so she'll get a big kick out of rings that some ancients might have worn.


She's getting a subscription to YES magazine while my son will get KNOW magazine and they'll both get Kayak magazine. My son will also be getting Star Wars figures and some small vehicles.


There will likely be a bit more but that's it for now that I know of. I'm half thinking a cheap digital camcorder for the two of them but I haven't run that by the husband yet. I'll probably knit them some wool mittens as well as they both hate the store bought gloves and mitts for playing in the snow - once those get wet they get cold.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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I'm not sure! I was thinking today that I'll get my older son some dress shirts and ties. Other than that, I just don't know.... I know that I'll get some clothing items for the younger one, too, as he's getting to that age.


I'll probably get him some sort of good smelling stuff for hygiene.


He may get a TV if we can get a deal. He has this HUGE, front heavy one in his room and I'm constantly afraid it will fall on him and crush a foot. I've never seen anything like it anywhere and I'm not sure how we ended up with such a monstrous thing....


I think my husband and I are getting each other a new sofa and a new recliner (for him, mostly) for our den. His is a hand-me-down from his Dad that is about 50 years old and it's so full of holes it can't be recovered any more. There's no wood left to attach the tacks too, LOL.... We've had the sofa for about 20 years and it has been recovered, too (and they did a very poor job)....

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I think DS is going to get a Kindle, a bean bag, and a remote controlled helicopter (the last item mostly because Daddy's getting one, too). I may see if I can hunt down some good models for him to make, because he's really getting into those as well. Then of course we'll have Aussie chocolates, a Christmas ornament, and a couple of Horrible Histories for his stocking.


DD is probably going to get a Nintendo DSi or a digital camera, a papasan chair, a fairy nightlight, a ladybug habitat, and a slapwatch. She'll also have books (some classics, I think), an ornament and Aussie chocolates in her stocking.


DH is going to get either a Netflix membership and a hammock OR a bigger grill for Christmas. I'm not sure which yet.

Edited by elise1mds
forgot DH ;)
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Our 'big' presents for our kids will be (assuming no big changes in budget, schedules, etc) are:


Dd14: pie-baking classes at a local bakery


Dd13: fencing jacket


Ds10: Bible with leather cover with his initLs embossed on the cover (family tradition)


Ds7: no specific ideas but will be either weather or insect related


We've been picking up books, craft supplies, and other stocking-stuffers throughout the year.

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I've started thinking about Christmas, but I still have no ideas yet. My girls are young and they change their favorite toys from week to week. Right now it's My Little Ponies, but next week it could be something different. So I don't want to purchase things too early because they very well may like something totally different by the time that Christmas arrives.


My girls get 3 gifts from us (as Jesus received 3). They also get stocking gifts and gifts from Santa as well. Then, of course, I have to come up with lists to give to both of my sisters, my parents, both sets of my grandparents, DH's mom, DH's sister, and DH's dad. There's *alot* of people who purchase gifts for our kids. :001_huh: We're thankful, but at times it is overwhelming.


For DD4, I have been thinking of a Belle dress for a while. She has Belle's yellow dress that she wears all the time. I think she'd love Belle's red Christmas dress, as she has seen it and said that she loves it. So I've been keeping that idea tucked away for months now.


DD7 has said that she wants American Girl things....but we'll see. She goes through phases in playing with AG things. Right now she's into it, but for the past few months she has not been. If I'm going to pay some crazy amount of money for AG things, she has to really be going to use it.


But that's all the ideas so far.

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For your dd13 who loves to cook, does she own any baking things of her own? My dd13 has an apron she wears every time she cooks. She has asked for that big cupcake kit this year. I'm also thinking about fun shaped cupcake pans. They are good for muffins as well. How about a cookbook for teens? For dd19's birthday, I got her a waffle maker that makes heart-shaped waffles. (I know the baking things seem a bit weird because they belong in the kitchen, but my girls have really enjoyed owning their own kitchen stuff. They know they can take it with them when they move.)


Does she like decorations for her room? My dd13 went through a redecorating phase where she removed anything kid-like and chose more teen things. We got her a new comforter set, a few posters in frames for the walls, and a new lamp to coordinate with the comforter. Have you seen cafe press. com? What a cool site! My girls went gaga over the posters on that site. They have something for every topic you can imagine. Last Christmas, dd19 got a glossy upclose picture of a daffodil, her favorite flower. Dd13 got 2 posters of water lillies, her favorite flowers. Then I got simple black poster frames at Walmart to make them look more sophiscated than just tacking a poster to the wall. They turned out super nice looking.


I'll have to think about the boys. It's been a long time since I had purchased anything except video games and tv show related items for boys.

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We got an unexpected sum of cash and decided to put it to Christmas use early for a change.


We are doing a group present for the whole Tribe- a membership to Avalanche Express for a winter of snowtubing


DS16 is getting a futon for his room, 6 months of his cell phone paid for, books, hat/gloves


DD12 is getting a paintball set with everything he needs, cowboy boots/hat, books, hat/gloves


DD11 is getting an ATM bank she wants, a portable DVD player and dvds, books, hat/gloves


DD7 is getting scrapbooking set and pics, portable DVD player and dvds, books, hat/gloves


DD5 is getting an Imaginext Aircraft Carrier and accessories, DVD player and dvds, books, hat/gloves.


We really tried to stick with the theme of

1 thing they want

1 thing they need

1 thing I want them to have


And of course there will be mics stocking stuffers also, and a few new board games for the family.

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So far, my ideas are:


14 yo daughter: hair straightener/iron thingy (unless I give this for her b'day in October); gymnastics leotards; tickets to NCAA gymnastics championship in April (it is in our neighborhood, sort of); clothes; iTunes gift card; boots; new gym bag and/or new purse.


11 yo daughter: swim suits; digital camera and Shutterfly gift card; photo albums; boots; purse; clothes; more swim paraphernalia.


8 yo son: Legos, bb gun, boy stuff.


Husband: a portrait of our recently-departed 14 yo golden retriever.



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We were just talking about Christmas at dinner tonight! It used to be so easy (and fun!) to give lots of presents to our kids when said presents were fairly inexpensive Matchbox cars and Star Wars action figures.


Now that they're older and (I like to think) we're wiser, we are talking quite a bit about the beauty of simplicity and the joy in giving, etc.


I think we're going to follow some version of the category shopping list I learned about here on the WTM forum:


Something you want

Something you need

Something to wear


Something to do

Something to read

Something to share


That's my thought for now. Will be watching this thread with interest :)


This is great!

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I am so looking forward to this Christmas. It may or may not be on time, depending on when DH's deployment ends, but I do love to plan for Christmas! There will be stocking stuffers and a few other odds and ends but these are the big gifts this year.


Family - tent, camping and fishing gear (Santa is going to set it up in the back yard!), Chronicles of Narnia box set


DS8 - Dremel and accessories, Percy Jackson box set


DD7 - sewing machine and Pam Kitty fabric to make a new bedroom set, Ella Enchanted box set


DS5 - Lego Space and Alien sets (so the Earth people can battle the aliens :001_huh:), the Freddy Anniversary Collection


DH - a Weber Smokey Mountain smoker


I'm asking for a nice fondue set and cookbook, and The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen volumes. :)

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :svengo:



Okay. I've noticed lately that the girls don't really play with their toys anymore, so we're going to make Christmas a little more "experiential." We're thinking of taking a trip to Chattanooga to see Phineas & Ferb Live and go to the aquarium. They'd get the tickets in their stockings. Do you think that would let down an 8 and a 6 yo? I'm also thinking of getting Becca BF History of the Horse, since she loves horses. Beyond that, I'm drawing blanks. What do you do when toys are no longer an option?? :confused:

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I've been trying to put together a list for my girls. Here's what I have so far:


Anna: charm bracelet with a couple of charms, beads (she makes jewelry), I might get her the complete Harry Potter book set


Emma: mp3 player, itunes gift card, probably a Justin Bieber CD


Cora: small pony from American Girl and the cowgirl outfit for her doll, probably more dress up clothes (she never seems to get tired of that!)


I have no idea what we will get my parents, Patrick's dad, or anyone else in the family.

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I will be reading this board with interest because for 2 of my kids I HAVE NO IDEA! For youngest ds age 8 it really is still easy to just go out and look and find things - he plays great and has a great imagination so usually I find too much and have to decide which things to get/not get! But dd will be 14 next week and ds will be 18 in october - I just don't know. I may dd earrings - or actually a gift card somewhere where she can pick out her own. I thought of decorating stuff for her room - but then again, she would want to pick it out. I may get her a small purse, she hates purses, but one of the small wrist type things may be good (cause I try to tell her - sometimes of the month a girl has to have a purse!). Ds 18 (soon to be 19!) probably money - cause he is saving for a camera. I may see if there is some sort of gift card for his favorite online place to get his pictures developed. I have a hard time cause 2 of my kids have fall birthdays, the youngest has a birthday one week before christmas!!!



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