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What would your 14-year-old self think...

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This would be me. She would roll her eyes, tell herself how stoopit, and then tell whomever gave her this peek of her future that it was wrong, so like very wrong:lol:


Thanks for answering! :D


My 14-year-old self would be SO MAD!!! She had such high plans! I thought I might be a Mom, but it would never be the main thing that defined me! I might not even have kids! I thought I would be a major player in the business world, or play an important part in a church ministry, maybe even be a famous actress!!! My 14-year-old self would have been happy to see me doing anything that involved the world past my home life. I remember looking with disdain at the women who came to salad suppers and only talked about their kids. The ones that seemed to have no ambition past being a mom. I swore to myself that I would never turn out to be one of them....



And now.....I'm one of those women! :D I can't believe I have turned out to be the one thing I planned hardest not to turn out to be!


It just hit me tonight for some reason. All of the sudden I remembered all the plans I once had, and all the things I thought I'd "never be". And it got me to wondering, is this true for others as well? Or has life turned out to be what you hoped, more than you hoped, less?

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What would your 14-year-old self think of who and what you have become today?


She would be amazed and impressed. I think the knowledge of what was in store for me would have changed my 14-yo self's life for the better. I was seriously lacking in confidence at that age.


I wish I could go back and boost her confidence, and tell her that all her hard work would pay off, and she should keep it up but be happier about it.

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Relieved. I was a pure nerd at 14. Stringy, greasy hair, thick glasses, painfully shy, socially awkward, always saying exactly the wrong thing.


Now, I'm attractive (not gorgeous, or even pretty. Just attractive because I take time to polish myself up every day), animated, extroverted, very funny (so my friends tell me), married, have children, people seek out my advice, etc.


I was so afraid I'd be the outcast for my entire life. It took me until my late 20's to break free of that, so I've only been a non-nerd for about a decade now. Best decade of my life.

Edited by Garga
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When I was 14 I wanted to marry a cowboy southern gentleman type guy (like a Texan!) and have like 10 kids! ;) I didn't marry that far south, just a few hours south but still Canadian, I'm a stay home mom as I always wanted to be, and we have 3 kids, hopefully we'll have more, but with IF we're lucky to have 3- Oh, and we live on a farm, sort of (a few acres in the middle of nowhere, massive garden, lots of chickens, a barn, 2 pickups, and a few stray cats- I think that counts as a farm!). I'd be grateful that my dreams really came true, if somewhat disappointed that we couldn't have more kids. :D

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Urpedonmommy, since this thread has been brought back up again, I just want you to know. I have thought SO much about your post. I have actually quoted it to many friends and family. It has really brought me peace. You have helped me put my unrealized dreams into perspective. You reminded me that I am here because, in part, I chose to be here. I chose to sacrifice for my children. I chose to make my life more about their needs than my own ambitions. Also, I love the part about moving forward means closing another door, and doing something well means doing other things poorly. This is why I have made the choices that I have made. This is why I am here instead at the top of some social mountain. I now have peace in the valley, thanks to you.


I can not thank you enough for your wonderful, thoughtful post. (I hope you see this).


Kimberly--I did see it.:001_smile: I am glad there is peace.

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My 14 yr old self would be happy yet sad all at the same time.

Happy that I became a mom to four beautiful children.

Sad that we are poor as dirt right now because my husband is out of a job, now living in public housing. Sad that at age 35 I suffer from thyroid and other health issues and can't be the best mom I can be to my children, and best wife to my husband.

I'd be sad to know that I don't have the energy to do the things I once loved. Sad to know that she would have to live the next 16yrs without her mother because she will die when I have turned 18, and never had a chance to know her grandchildren and see me have a chance at being a mother. Sad that we now struggle to pay our bills and keep the only vehicle we have running so that we can take our 5 yr old to her multiple doctors appointments in three cities and two states.

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My 14-year-old-self would be thrilled that I didn't end up an old maid librarian living in a tiny apartment living off Subway. (Which was the plan at the time.) At that age I was convinced that no one would love me, and that my childhood dream of being a stay-at-home mommy would never happen. I would probably be surprised that I was homeschooling, but I would think my kids were super cute-which they are :D

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My 14 yr old self would be happy yet sad all at the same time.

Happy that I became a mom to four beautiful children.

Sad that we are poor as dirt right now because my husband is out of a job, now living in public housing. Sad that at age 35 I suffer from thyroid and other health issues and can't be the best mom I can be to my children, and best wife to my husband.

I'd be sad to know that I don't have the energy to do the things I once loved. Sad to know that she would have to live the next 16yrs without her mother because she will die when I have turned 18, and never had a chance to know her grandchildren and see me have a chance at being a mother. Sad that we now struggle to pay our bills and keep the only vehicle we have running so that we can take our 5 yr old to her multiple doctors appointments in three cities and two states.


:( Believing for you that your 55 year old self will look back at your 35 year old self and see how much better things became, and how - somehow - it was worth it all. Praying for that! Your post is a reminder to be grateful. Sometimes I get pouty and I forget that others have much more difficult things to deal with than me. My heart goes out to you tonight.

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My 14 yr old self would be totally disappointed that I didn't get to marry my first true love....




And sometimes my 42 year old self still looks back and asks, "What if...?" (yes, regarding that same first love....)


But, more importantly, my 14 year old self would be satisfied to know that I carried on my adult life continuing to live for God. She would be sad to know that I endured a divorce, but I think she would be proud to know that I finally learned to stand up for myself!!!!!! She would be happy to know that I am still long winded... and very chatty... and still love talking on the phone and writing all sorts of sentimental things.... She would love the idea of blogging and photography, too... Wow, I think that would have been totally cool for her to know!

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