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Wisdom teeth questions--dd had hers out today

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It's Labor Day weekend and dd, 18, is home for the weekend. She had her 4 impacted (90 degrees, sideways) wisdom teeth out just 8 hours ago after being under general anesthesia 1.5 hours and she's already bouncing around, driving me crazy! I'm in bed right now and I can hear her running around the living room, chasing the cats and making meow meow calls.


I've got a weeks' supply of Percocet painkillers for her, a weeks' supply or prednisone (steroid pills) to reduce swelling, antibiotics, and ice packs ready and waiting--and she's not having any of it. She says she's not feeling much pain at all, she's not tired, and she doesn't want ice on her face.


She's been drinking down kefir smoothies and coconut water to the point of bursting, so I know she's hydrated and is full of electrolytes.


Question: Is this normal? I keep telling her she needs to lie down and rest. Ice her cheeks. She just laughs at me and tells me not to worry.


Is she going to be sorry in the morning? Will more swelling come later, or is this the worst of it?

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When I had my wisdom teeth out (mid twenties) it didn't phase me a bit. No pain, eating real food the next day, ect. And while I was under for it (bit of a wimp, here!); when I woke up my dh handed me a couple of baggies of fragments that were what my teeth had been. Apparently, they didn't come willingly:lol:, and they had to shatter them to get them out.


So, she may really be feeling fine. Some of us have a pretty easy time of it.

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I had my wisdom teeth out at 16. Only one or two of them was impacted. I remember being a little groggy that afternoon while the anesthesia was wearing off, but I was eating solid (but soft) foods that day. I had no swelling, and only a vague achiness in my jaw. It wasn't until later that I realized that most people have real pain when they get their wisdom teeth rmoved. :tongue_smilie:

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I had my wisdom teeth removed at 18- all 4, all sideways or otherwise positioned poorly, and I felt fine when I woke up. I followed Dr's orders, but the pain was very minimal and I didn't swell or bruise much. I would insist that she take the pain pills tonight to help her sleep (especially if she sleeps on her side or stomach) and to help prevent swelling but there's no reason she needs to lay down or anything like that more than she wants.

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I had my wisdom teeth taken out last year at age 44! I never used the prescription pain medicine or any other prescription meds, but did use Advil for the first week.


If she feels fine, there's no need to rest.


I would try to get her to ice, because you don't know how much swelling there will be until it's too late! I believe the swelling is greatest on the second or third day.


I'd suggest ibuprofen before bed as a precautionary (who wants to wake up in the middle of the night in pain?), but I wouldn't force it.


I hope her recovery is smooth and uneventful!

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She says she's not feeling much pain at all, she's not tired, and she doesn't want ice on her face.


She's been drinking down kefir smoothies and coconut water to the point of bursting, so I know she's hydrated and is full of electrolytes.


Is she going to be sorry in the morning? Will more swelling come later, or is this the worst of it?


NO STRAWS! period. the suction is a big problem. I wouldn't have a problem with the no pain killers because those really are an "as needed" thing, but I would insist on the steroids and ice to reduce swelling. swelling will come later, but icing now will reduce it.

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I was similar to your daughter. I also had all four of my wisdom teeth out at the same time. I was 23 at the time. They all were at a 90 degree angle and because I have a very small mouth, they were horribly impacted. After the general anasthesia wore off, I was able to be driven home. I was told I would need all of the medications provided for me. I took NONE of them. I didn't need to. I had looked forward to losing weight because I couldn't eat. No other diet had worked up to then. I guess I am just weird like that. I came out of it with no pain, no swelling and no problem eating solid foods. The dentist office receptionist called the next day to see how I was doing. She wanted to see if I was able to get any food in me. I told her I was sitting there eating a plate of steak and baked potatoes. She thought I was joking. I wasn't. She asked me to come into the office right away. They wanted to see me to assess how I was feeling. I came in and they were amazed.


It really sounds like your daughter is having the same experience. Some people don't have problems though the vast majority of the people do. Because my mouth was so small, the roots of my wisdom teeth had grown together. They looked like white bullets. I think if the roots had not done that, I would have had a much different experience. Good luck to your daughter!

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Yikes! I had two taken out in July and I did not leave the couch for two days.:blink: I just had general anesthesia and it was the grosses thing I have ever had done in my life, and I have given birth to 4 babies.;) I would insist on no straws, taking it easy, and ice packs. You do not want dry socket to happen. Luckily I did not get dry socket but the first night after my mouth was extremely painful and the meds did not touch it.

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Has she had the steroids already? They can make you hyper


That explains it--the steroids. She had SIX of them throughout the day and night. She woke me up at 2 am to tell me she was wired and sick of liquid/yogurt/ice cream. She's supposed to be on the steroids for a week (!) but I don't know if this wiredness will be worth it.


This morning she was up at 7 and really cranky, she wants some real food;


Which brings me to the next question: what kind of food can she eat next? how long does she have to stay on smoothies, ice cream, and yogurt?


Thank you so much for your help!

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