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1st-3rd grade moms . . .


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If your child (1st-3rd grade) listened to a story, was given a paper, and told to write a sentence themselves about what they had just learned, would they be able to do that?


Please tell me their age/grade in your answer, thanks!


My 1st grader - No. Maybe, but there'd be some resistance and it would be 1st grade quality. :D


My 3rd grader - could write a couple of pages on it if he had to. His sentences are pretty good, but he has no paragraph structure.

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My ds is 8, he'll be 9 in a few days in 3rd grade and i'm ashamed to say that he could not do it. He would be able to tell me a few things about it or answer a few questions. Now, if I asked him something about the Army, he'd be able to tell me more than I wanted to know about that.


What kind of writing program are you using?


When I pulled my oldest 2 from ps, they couldn't write at all. They were taught that alien phonetic writing in ps and it took a lot to undo that. We used Writing with Ease and the PHP website has audio lectures "A Plan for Teaching Writing" - those helped sooooooooo much. I always say that WWE saved our writing's life. :tongue_smilie:


You can always post questions about writing classically on the forums if you need help.

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Thank you! I'm getting ready to teach this age in a co-op and while my son wouldn't be able to yet (1st), I'm thinking of asking that of the older students.


since this is for a co-op, and you won't be sure of the various levels, i think you could change the assignment to be comfortable for all of the kids. even some 3rd graders may feel a little frozen or emotional over trying to write, ykwim? but maybe you could ask that the students either write a sentence or draw a picture of just one thing about the story they remember.


just a thought:)

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If your child (1st-3rd grade) listened to a story, was given a paper, and told to write a sentence themselves about what they had just learned, would they be able to do that?


Please tell me their age/grade in your answer, thanks!


My dd at the end of first grade probably could have. My son ... no way.


My dd at the end of third grade (last year) could have written four sentences on her own. My ds at the beginning of third grade (now) would be able to tell me 3-4 sentences but only write one.



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My 7.75 yo 2nd grader, who is starting WWE3, would be able to do it fairly easily. He'd probably have a spelling mistake, but would be able to get a main idea along with appropriate commas and periods. My 6.5 yo 1st grader, just starting WWE1, would probably be able to tell me a sentence, as we've been doing informal narrations from books for a while now, but I'm not sure if she'd be able to write it on her own. She does write her own little stories in a blank notebook, and her sentences are usually complete, although her spelling is atrocious. She might be able to do it; I just don't know.

Edited by HLDoll
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Here's what my son just wrote after studying Beowulf. I helped him with some of the spelling (like the names, "warrior," and "hours").


Beowulf was a strong warrior. Beowulf killed Grendel with his own hands. Beowulf killed Grendel's mother and stayed under water for hours.


He is seven and in grade 2.

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I made mine start doing that in second grade last year, age 7. She was a slow writer and sometimes I wrote for her, but yes, she was capable and did the majority of her own writing. Her spelling was pretty bad and she's a perfectionist and so I spent a lot of time spelling things out for her. :)

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My daughter is almost 7 and in first grade. She can do it, but the sentence would not necessarily be about the main topic and would contain spelling and other errors.


I read her two paragraphs about grasshoppers, and here was her sentence:


ther are two kind's of grashopers.




Well, it's the beginning of first grade, what can I say?

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No. Not without help, depending on the story. My oldest twin can give me a pretty good narration, as long as he has gone through some questioning first. He tends to remember details, but the main idea doesn't come to him first. Once done he is happy to copy his narration, but he would get hung up on spelling.The second twin likely has some real auditory processing problems. He is hFA. He is a very slow reader. He sometimes will confuse words that sound alike. However, he can give a good narration as long as I keep it short, simple and as long as he really focuses on listening.Both boys are beginning second grade this year.

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DD6 is in 1st and would immediately say she couldn't do it. Until I gave her proper guidance and alot of rooting and cheering and reminding her that she can sound out each word to spell it. She doesn't have confidence in her spelling although she is doing great with AAS 1.


DD8 is in 3rd and would begin writing immediately. She'd try to cut corners and try to have the description fit into 1 sentence. But with proper guidance and rules set she would probably enjoy it greatly AS long as she was able to draw a picture at the end. She might have a couple mispelled words. But otherwise I would have confidence she'd do just fine with this task.

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DS, 6.5, 1st grade. No, not without freaking out and complaining first. Then after, maybe, with some help, such as reminders to think of the sentence first, then write it down. He'd probably want help with spelling. He is halfway through WWE1, so it's only been copywork and narration for him so far, and some short dictation from AAS2.

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