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is toothpaste really needed??

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we use non-flouride toothpaste at our home and I have tried about 5 different kinds/flavors and my 7 yer old doesn't like any of them. He would just rather brush without toothpaste....is there any really good reason why I should make him use toothpaste?

Not really.

There are some small benefits, but really, if he's manually brushing as well as he (that is to say YOU) can, it should be fine. Go ahead and brush for him, really, to make sure he does a good job.

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I was surprised when our dentist told us she was fine with DS1 not using toothpaste. She said dry-brushing can be just as effective, if not more so.

My dd hates the taste of toothpaste. Our dentist told us the same thing. She hasn't used toothpaste in several years and hasn't had any problems or cavities.

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Have you tried letting him brush with plain baking soda? Baking soda is a good alternative to toothpaste.


I use baking soda and an electric toothbrush. My dentist says that my teeth are so clean that they rarely have to do anything at my cleanings. No plaque, tartar, gum disease, cavities, stains or other problems. I have been doing it this way for years.

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Huh. My teeth always feel cleaner when I brush with fluoride toothpaste.


I actually read a booklet one in a dentist's office that promoted toothpaste free brushing. Apparently there may be an ingredient in toothpaste that numbs your tongue slightly and this is what makes your teeth feel smoother.


In fact, I've heard it suggested for numbing skin before shots.


Off to see what I can find on this...

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I became allergic to several ingredients in toothpaste a few years ago.


You have to brush a few extra minutes without toothpaste to get your teeth feeling as clean as with toothpaste.


I have several friends and family members who did Peace Corps when they were younger, they reassured me that 3 minutes brushing without toothpaste was just as good as a minute with toothpaste.


I missed toothpaste for a few months, now I do not miss it.

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We gave up toothpaste two years ago. Our teeth feel cleaner without it (probably because toothpaste has glycerine) and my morning breath has deceased by about 66%.


DH occasionally uses baking soda, but mostly uses just water. I use it a few times per week and the rest of the time I use Toothsoap. It's a special soap for brushing teeth. It takes a little getting used to, but I would never switch back to toothpaste. I buy it through their website when they have good sales and one bottle of the shreds can last me more than a year.

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Toothpaste makes me gag and when I was pregnant it would make me throw up. I stopped using it and told my dentist and he said it was just fine. My son has never used to toothpaste, but I'm toying with the idea of starting him on Tom's of Maine orange or strawberry when he gets his first adult tooth.

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Just be sure that he's brushing correctly. Most people don't realize that brushing your gums is more important than brushing your teeth, and you should brush for at least two minutes.


My FIL is a dentist, and he says that not using toothpaste is fine. He even goes so far as to say that if you can only manage to brush once a day, you should brush at night before bed. And don't forget to floss. I wish he'd tell me flossing wasn't important, because I hate it...

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My dh and I are discussing stopping the use of all fluoride products. Maybe we will try stopping all toothpaste altogether. What would you suggest then for breath freshening?


Has anyone used fluoride with their children when young and then find their permanent teeth have become very stained and brown-looking. I am so afraid that it is permanent on my daughter :sad:

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Be careful when getting rid of all fluoride - my hubby grew up on well water without fluoride (and no add-ins in toothpaste, mouthwash, etc back then) and he has always had terrible teeth issues. The dentists indicated lack of fluoride in any form while growing up as a large reason behind cavity problems, at the least.


I second someones post about about brushing your teeth CORRECTLY - I see many people brushing straight across for 30 secs or so & calling it a day! You are supposed to sweep away from the gums & brush for 2 minutes.

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I have never brushed for 2 minutes in my life.

In fact I didn't even brush my teeth regularly until I was 16. I have very large, perfectly white teeth and have only had 1 small cavity in 37 years. I get a huge amount of plaque, and the dentist told me that contrary to what people think, people who have huge amounts of plaque buildup have less cavities, and this is because they have a very alkaline mouth.

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We use Colgates Milk Teeth, the one meant for little kids.


No toothpaste should be used before 2yrs of age. From 4-6months start using a face washer to gently rub gums to get them used to brushing, there are also finger brushes that go on your finger with silicone or something brushes that can be used, just gently massage gums/teeth. From 12mnths they can start learning about brushing their teeth. Up until 5-8yrs of age the parent should always go over the childs mouth again, as there's always a spot the child will miss.


From 2yrs toothpaste can be used, but until they learn to spit it out properly always use a toothpaste meant for toddlers and useabout a babys smallest fingerail worth, not a dollop. For Children 5+ an amount half the size of a baby pea is sufficient, and really it does not need to be used more than 2 times a week (especially in children whom hate toothpaste)


Brushing is better than not brushing, the main thing of brushing your teeth is to gently massage teeth & gums (and tongues) and to prevent buildup of plaque or bits of stuck food that may cause cavities. 2 minutes of brushing in the morning and again at night would be sufficient. Do not exceed 6-8 minutes of brushing a day, as this in itself can cause other problems. Just concentrate on flicking up between the teeth to dislodge food and circle mssaging round whole tooth to dislodge any build-up especially near the gum-line.



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Yeah, my aspie boy has tried every. single. toothpaste. on the planet. He doesn't like toothpaste. We had found one he liked, but of course, they stopped making it. So, now, I've given up the fight and just let him brush with water.


Ds2 likes this ridiculous watermelon flavored kids' fluoride toothpaste. It's the only way he'll brush his frickin' teeth, so I've given up that battle, too, and let him use it. I may go buy a bunch and stock up in case they stop making that one, too.


I use Tom's of Maine and love it. We've tried all the kids' varieties, but my kids don't like it at all.

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