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Went to Crazy Town ;)

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Ummmmm. .. . I don't even know what to say.


BLESS YOU'RE EVER-LOVING HEART!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even fathom being placed in such a situation and I am quite positive that I would have run out crying and wishing to climb into a hole.


Gee, I bet that just makes you want to run home, grab your kids and throw them into that ps where those people's kids attend, right? I mean, they are apparently incredibly socialized, well-rounded, well-educated, open-minded, non-judgmental, happy, well-adjusted, super-dee-duper citizens!! (tongue in cheek)


One really, really wants to believe that there aren't many people who really have something against homeschoolers, but unfortunately I believe there are many more people out there that are in the camp with the people you were subjected to tonight than any of us wish to know about.


Get up tomorrow, hug your kids and thank the Lord that homeschooling is, at present, still legal!!!

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At some point you had to start laughing, right?

Maybe you haven't hit that point...you'll be washing dishes tomorrow and bust out laughing at the lunacy.



That's what dh and my kids said in the car on the way home.

Why did I stay? Well, I didn't stay the whole time. The food was good.

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How did so many of these people happen to be in the same place at the same time? Weird!



It was seriously a couple of folks. One was very vocal and she felt like about 10 people.


It really was a small minority.


Thank heaven for small favors.

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Heh, you should have dinner with my inlaws sometime. It's a fun combination of rants about how people should only have one or two children ("I honestly wish I had only had one," -- what a horrible thing to say when you have two children!), people with large families are weirdos who are making their older kids parent for them, etc. There's also a hefty serving of the mentality, "My politics are absolutely correct and if you hold any other view, you are insane or stupid or both."


Taking a shower and having a glass of wine after we get home helps.

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