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WWYD? 5 year old refusing to put weight on his leg...

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This started yesterday afternoon. My 5 year old (will be 6 in 3 weeks) was limping and saying his leg hurt. However, he seemed well enough to play a "nerf battle" with Daddy last night.


This morning, he hobbled to my room before 8am saying that his leg still hurt and that he couldn't walk. I looked and there is a bruise on his thigh. It's more of a line of a bruise rather than a roundish one. It doesn't look particularly painful or dark as far as bruises go.


He says it hurts to even bend his knee and he will not put any weight on his leg at all. He also says he has no idea how he got the bruise. He doesn't remember hitting his leg on anything.


I'm not sure what to think? Is he faking it? What could be going on if it really hurts to put any pressure at all on such a light bruise?:confused:


Any advice?

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My pediatrician father taught me a test for fake leg pain.


While child is standing: "Can you lift the hurt leg? ...And now show me, can you lift the other leg?"


A child who is faking will display great agony trying to lift the hurt leg, but will eagerly show you how, in contrast, lifting the other leg is no problem at all.


A child who is genuinely hurt will have trouble lifting the hurt leg (because it hurts) and the other leg (because they can't stand on it to lift the unhurt leg).

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Since it is so late in the day and Friday to boot, I'd just keep a close eye on him and the bruise for the weekend. Chances are it is a fairly normal but painful bruise. As it gets better he will start to forget it is supposed to hurt. If by Monday it is still really bugging him, call for an appointment.


My pediatrician father taught me a test for fake leg pain.


While child is standing: "Can you lift the hurt leg? ...And now show me, can you lift the other leg?"


A child who is faking will display great agony trying to lift the hurt leg, but will eagerly show you how, in contrast, lifting the other leg is no problem at all.


A child who is genuinely hurt will have trouble lifting the hurt leg (because it hurts) and the other leg (because they can't stand on it to lift the unhurt leg).

:lol: Smart man, your dad.

Edited by Parrothead
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I'd have it checked out. One of my sons developed toxic/transient synovitis at about that age. Apparently, it's common in boys from ages 5-6. It's not nearly as scary as the name sounds. Basically, it's an inflammation of the hip joint that clears up on its own but it does need to be monitored. Hope he feels better soon!

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Has he had a cold recently?


There is a condition called toxic synovitis (no guarantee on the spelling!) that sometimes follows a cold. It results in a painful inflammation of the area around the hip or knee joint. My eldest had that at about age 6. It was diagnosed by xray and bloodwork. The Rx was 10 days of complete rest of the leg.


If your ds has been ill recently (even if the other symptoms have passed) and he continues to experience pain, you might want to check with your doctor.


ETA Night Owl and I were posting at the same time! Also, my ds had no bruising, so that could be an indication of something else, maybe? Or just a coincidence?

Edited by AuntieM
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Thanks for the tips.:)


He has not been sick recently. I had him stand on each leg. I had to trick him by carrying him to the bathroom and then setting him down. He's definitely still favoring his left leg.


I thought I'd distract him and ask him if he wanted to go the park. That set off an emotional melt down. He was very offended that I offered to take him somewhere I knew he couldn't go because his leg hurt.:confused:


He says it hurts to move it in any way including bending at the knee. But...if I try to bend his knee, he pushes back hard with his foot on my hand to resist. That seems to indicate that he can, indeed, put weight on it.


I also tried to just sit him up. He's been laying in my bed nearly all day and he started screaming that it hurt. As long as everyone just leaves him alone, he seem to be content.


I guess if it's not better in the morning, I should take him to urgent care?

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I'd have it checked out. One of my sons developed toxic/transient synovitis at about that age. Apparently, it's common in boys from ages 5-6. It's not nearly as scary as the name sounds. Basically, it's an inflammation of the hip joint that clears up on its own but it does need to be monitored. Hope he feels better soon!


agree-- my youngest got that and the pediatrician diagnosed it immediately.


He had to sit in a wheelchair for about 10+ days. He's my active kid and that was the LOOOOONGESTttt time of his life! LOL


He woke up one morning and swore his leg wouldn't work. When he tried to walk, nothing would hold him up-- he was like spaghetti noodles. He was so freaked out, there was no way he was faking it.


He had not been sick at all. Just woke up one morning like that.

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I'd have it checked out. One of my sons developed toxic/transient synovitis at about that age. Apparently, it's common in boys from ages 5-6. It's not nearly as scary as the name sounds. Basically, it's an inflammation of the hip joint that clears up on its own but it does need to be monitored. Hope he feels better soon!


Apparently this is what the ER doc suspects but since he has a fever he's doing the blood work.

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Guest submarines
I'd have it checked out. One of my sons developed toxic/transient synovitis at about that age. Apparently, it's common in boys from ages 5-6. It's not nearly as scary as the name sounds. Basically, it's an inflammation of the hip joint that clears up on its own but it does need to be monitored. Hope he feels better soon!


My daughter had it when she was 4. It lasted for 3 or 4 days, I think. We might have had something anti-inflamatory for it, but I dont' remember clearly.

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Guest submarines
Well, dh currently has him at the ER. He has a low grade fever. The ER doc is ordering blood work and an X-ray and has said he might need to go to Children's Hospital to get his "joint tapped?":confused:


:grouphug: I hope it resolves soon, and easily.

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Well, dh currently has him at the ER. He has a low grade fever. The ER doc is ordering blood work and an X-ray and has said he might need to go to Children's Hospital to get his "joint tapped?":confused:


I know that sounds horrible, but knee taps aren't that bad. People often feel relief if it the pressure is drained off. :grouphug:

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Thinking of you this morning, how is your little guy feeling? Hope you were able to get a clear diagnosis.


He's still sleeping at 11:36am. ;) We didn't get home until 1:30 this morning.


Transient Synovitis seems to be the diagnosis. Dr. Hive is good!:)


The ER dr. was concerned that it might be septic arthritis which would have been the reason for the tap. He consulted with a pediatric orthepedist and the orthepedist from the hospital we were at and they both agreed on trasient synovitis.


So, he's supposed to rest for a few days and go back if it gets any worse.


It was a long night. I had gone to the hospital because they were talking about transporting him to Children's by ambulance. Today I have a shopping date with my 15yo dd.


Thanks for keeping me company here last night.:grouphug:

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I'd take him to urgent care, unless your ped has saturday hours. He needs to be checked out.


Just because the bruise is "light" doesn't mean there isn't a deep injury. It can take days for the blood to work its way to the surface where you can actually see it.

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Oh, Ronette, thanks for the update. Sleep is good for him - it's easier to keep 'em still when they're unconcious!


I remember stocking up on library books, coloring books and probably 400 videos to pass the time! Hope all is back to normal for you very soon.

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