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Prayers Needed Please

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Dear fellow Hive people,

As a few of you already know, my dh had a minor stroke last April which resulted in his medical card being pulled by the DOT, disqualifying him from commercial truck driving. For the past nearly three months he's been assigned to working maintenance on the plant nursery farm that his employer owns. He's been given odd jobs, mainly grunt work and dirty jobs nobody else wants to do, but he's remained on the payroll as a truck driver earning the same pay. We knew that he would at some point be reassigned to another position, but haven't been sure what they would decide to do with him. It had been discussed here and there, and implied that they would go over his resume and review his skills and experience. That hasn't happened though. We know that by law they are required to make reasonable accommodation, and to asses his skills then offer an open position for him that he would be qualified to perform.


Today HR handed him a paper at the end of the day with a position listed that is way below his skill level and we know that it would mean a significant drop in pay. He's been told that they will meet with him on Monday to discuss his employment, and we are both just sick to the pit of our stomachs. This is especially hard because dh was displaced from high tech manufacturing ten years ago and it took a long time to land on his feet. He finally found a niche in truck driving (although we've had a really rough go of it with economy related layoffs), and now this. He is 59 years old and feels at a complete loss. I was already looking to find another part-time job to do during the evenings because we need additional income even before the pay cut. This is another big challenge and a test of our faith.


Please pray for us to stay strong and stay focused on the Lord during this time. Also pray that God will provide for our family and that dh will either find a job right away that fits his skills and experience -- or that he will find some sort of career guidance and counseling to help him retrain. The Lord has done some amazing, miraculous things for us through the years and we have never gone without. Our faith and our trust is in Him right now, no matter what may come. We would just appreciate some extra prayer to help us get through this.


Thanks and God bless,


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:grouphug: so hard. i'm sorry. is there a point at which he can reapply for a driver's license?


will pray,



Dh is not restricted on regular driving, but he can no longer do commercial driving. They said he has to go 5 years without another stroke, and by then he'll be 64. So that pretty much takes care of that.


Thank you all for praying. Thank you every so much.




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Dear fellow Hive people,

As a few of you already know, my dh had a minor stroke last April which resulted in his medical card being pulled by the DOT, disqualifying him from commercial truck driving. For the past nearly three months he's been assigned to working maintenance on the plant nursery farm that his employer owns. He's been given odd jobs, mainly grunt work and dirty jobs nobody else wants to do, but he's remained on the payroll as a truck driver earning the same pay. We knew that he would at some point be reassigned to another position, but haven't been sure what they would decide to do with him. It had been discussed here and there, and implied that they would go over his resume and review his skills and experience. That hasn't happened though. We know that by law they are required to make reasonable accommodation, and to asses his skills then offer an open position for him that he would be qualified to perform.


Today HR handed him a paper at the end of the day with a position listed that is way below his skill level and we know that it would mean a significant drop in pay. He's been told that they will meet with him on Monday to discuss his employment, and we are both just sick to the pit of our stomachs. This is especially hard because dh was displaced from high tech manufacturing ten years ago and it took a long time to land on his feet. He finally found a niche in truck driving (although we've had a really rough go of it with economy related layoffs), and now this. He is 59 years old and feels at a complete loss. I was already looking to find another part-time job to do during the evenings because we need additional income even before the pay cut. This is another big challenge and a test of our faith.


Please pray for us to stay strong and stay focused on the Lord during this time. Also pray that God will provide for our family and that dh will either find a job right away that fits his skills and experience -- or that he will find some sort of career guidance and counseling to help him retrain. The Lord has done some amazing, miraculous things for us through the years and we have never gone without. Our faith and our trust is in Him right now, no matter what may come. We would just appreciate some extra prayer to help us get through this.


Thanks and God bless,



Praying for you. We have some really similar job related stress on the horizon with dh so I understand how scary this is for you. :grouphug:

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Praying for you. Does he have any rights to push for a higher level position or should he be thankful that they keep him at all? :grouphug::grouphug:


In the case of a disability issue, he doesn't have a right to push for a higher position. According to law, the company is only required to offer a position that is open. They can, at their discretion and ability, create a position. But it seems that is not going to happen. We will know more on Monday when he meets with HR.


One big concern is the medical insurance that we have through his job. A drop in pay would really hurt us because of the premiums we are paying for that out of his wages. Ouch!



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