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Dh started a diet and I don't like it

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DH is between 20 and 40 lbs overweight (he says 20 I say 40). He eats out all the time, drinks coffee and other non-water drinks all day, and way overeats. He eats so fast there is no way he can tell when he is full. Plus, he never eats veggies. He is super active and in good shape (he exercises daily).


I should be happy but he spent over $500 on food for just this week. It has filled up the fridge and it is so hard to find anything for the kids to eat. Like, there is no room for anything but his stuff. He has spent all weekend cooking, but it is just for him. He is doing the P90x diet. I wanted him to just try limiting going out to eat (or ordering better) and slowing down and eating more veggies. His diet is so bad I think it wouldn't be hard for him to lose weight. Why does he have to make it so difficult?


Sorry, just a vent. He thought we could all eat dinner tonight but he miscalculated and there isn't enough. Now I am scrambling to find something for kiddos

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Wow. That's a heck of a lot of food. My guess is that some of that money went towards supplements and protein drinks (having seen the program). I'm sorry, but I'd encourage him to stick with it. His fanaticism over the diet will wane a bit as he starts to see results. Then you guys can go back to eating as a family. Is there any way you (or he) could pack lunches for him with healthy P90X-approved foods? And some snacks? And some water bottles? That would help, too.

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For some people it is easier to make gigantic changes (that probably won't last) than to make small permanent changes. I watched my dad do this all the time. It seems like there was always a new diet. There would be a dramatic "change" but within two weeks the old eating habits were back. I understand the frustration!


Why does he eat out all the time? Can you help by making him a lunch to take to work? Would he even eat it if you did make a lunch? I finally got my dh off soda by making iced tea available all the time. He might not be saving much calorie-wise but I figure fresh brewed tea is better than the chemicals in soda. I've made small changes in how we eat over the years. You can sneak in vegetables by making soups and casseroles instead of separate dishes. My dh calls it "welfare food" :glare: but when his parents visit and take us out to eat once a day, after two days we are sick to our stomachs because we can't take all the rich food. Sometimes it is easier to focus on what little things you *can* do. I understand the need to vent though! That would make me frustrated...especially after all that cooking and you still had to make dinner for the kids!

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DH is between 20 and 40 lbs overweight (he says 20 I say 40). He eats out all the time, drinks coffee and other non-water drinks all day, and way overeats. He eats so fast there is no way he can tell when he is full. Plus, he never eats veggies. He is super active and in good shape (he exercises daily).


I should be happy but he spent over $500 on food for just this week. It has filled up the fridge and it is so hard to find anything for the kids to eat. Like, there is no room for anything but his stuff. He has spent all weekend cooking, but it is just for him. He is doing the P90x diet. I wanted him to just try limiting going out to eat (or ordering better) and slowing down and eating more veggies. His diet is so bad I think it wouldn't be hard for him to lose weight. Why does he have to make it so difficult?


Sorry, just a vent. He thought we could all eat dinner tonight but he miscalculated and there isn't enough. Now I am scrambling to find something for kiddos


Wow, it is unbelievable to me that he is just cooking for himself and not taking the kids into account. I could not imagine someone doing that.

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Wow, it is unbelievable to me that he is just cooking for himself and not taking the kids into account. I could not imagine someone doing that.


Well, tonight he did try to cook for everybody, but he didn't calculate right and there wasn't enough. But, that is what is most frustrating to me. If he is going to go to all the work to do all that cooking then he should make enough for everyone. He did make the kids pb&js and had plenty of veggies for them tonight, so I didn't have to do anything. I was also frustrated because I was going to make waffle mix tonight so we could have an easy breakfast in the morning and there is no room in the fridge to store it.


The $500 included protein powder, spices that I don't typically use, and a kitchen scale. It shouldn't be that much every week.


I just think he could have done this way easier, but he is the type that likes to "go big" or whatever. He has never brought his lunch to work, but I guess this new diet is going to force him to. He also never has time for breakfast, but tomorrow he is going to be having a chicken scramble. I really do hope it works out and I think it will be good for him. I just would have liked for him to do it my way :tongue_smilie:. You know-family meals, drink water, take lunch to work. Then, if that didn't work do something more drastic.

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What did he buy?


Lots of produce, lots of seafood, tons of different kinds of nuts, eggs, chicken, protein powder, vinegars, spices, and a kitchen scale. He showed me the receipt but I was just kind of shocked. It was way too long to read the whole thing. I can't believe that is food for just one week-but it is everything he is supposed to eat including snacks.


ETA: he also bought a lot of low fat/no fat versions of things we already have. So now we have regular mayo and light mayo, regular mozzerella and no fat mozzerella, whole and skim milk, etc (which also causes a crowded fridge). He is trying to follow the recipes exactly.

Edited by lovinmyboys
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Wow, it is unbelievable to me that he is just cooking for himself and not taking the kids into account. I could not imagine someone doing that.


My DH does that when he goes on diets and I hate it too! He wants to buy food for the whole week so he has it on hand and has all his meals planned out and we aren't supposed to eat his diet food because then it will mess up his plan. It would never cross my mind to make myself dinner without ensuring that the kids had food first, but he is oblivious. It's such a pain. It always ends up with more dishes for me too. I sympathize with the OP. The good news is that he'll probably chill out after a month. My DH is off the wagon again and I'm going to try to move everyone to a healthier diet with less processed junk (for the kids, ;) ). I'm hoping he will lose weight with these changes so he doesn't decide to go back on his mega diet again.

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My husband just lost 30 lbs in preparation for a 2 week backpacking trip. He kept saying that every pound he lost was a pound he didn't have to carry.


I didn't like it because he is so thin that even his underwear is falling down, but last night he came home (from backpacking) with THREE 6-packs, so I think everything is going to be fine after all.

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Well, tonight he did try to cook for everybody, but he didn't calculate right and there wasn't enough. But, that is what is most frustrating to me. If he is going to go to all the work to do all that cooking then he should make enough for everyone. He did make the kids pb&js and had plenty of veggies for them tonight, so I didn't have to do anything. I was also frustrated because I was going to make waffle mix tonight so we could have an easy breakfast in the morning and there is no room in the fridge to store it.


The $500 included protein powder, spices that I don't typically use, and a kitchen scale. It shouldn't be that much every week.


I just think he could have done this way easier, but he is the type that likes to "go big" or whatever. He has never brought his lunch to work, but I guess this new diet is going to force him to. He also never has time for breakfast, but tomorrow he is going to be having a chicken scramble. I really do hope it works out and I think it will be good for him. I just would have liked for him to do it my way :tongue_smilie:. You know-family meals, drink water, take lunch to work. Then, if that didn't work do something more drastic.


I agree with you.

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My husband can be like that, but he doesn't normally like to shop and thus takes me along...I become the voice of reason thank goodness. He's doing P90x too...anyone else get tired of hearing Tony talk? lol


I do make most of his lunches and such for work. I do the grocery shopping and he lets me know what he'd like/need. We already eat pretty good so that is not normally an issue, but he loves junk food and soda. That was difficult to overcome for him. I did notice that when he stopped eating and drinking so much of the sweet stuff, eventually he stopped craving it so often. He didn't believe me though when I told him that :tongue_smilie:.

I'm just glad that he doesn't cook his own separate meals...my kitchen would be a disaster. I cook and make sure it's balanced. He chooses what he wants to eat from that.

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I've struggled with my weight for decades. I'm going to try to say this nicely....Please, stop complaining, and do whatever you can to support and encourage him. You know how YOU lose weight, but this is how HE has chosen. Saying he should diet the way you want him to sounds petty and controlling. Sure, he miscalculated dinner, but that is a natural newbie mistake. It wasn't on purpose, and he won't do it again. He is trying to do something that is really hard and doesn't need anything but support. This is one of those times to stand by your man.

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I think that the OP's idea of ditching the junk is much more practical, and the way her DH has decided to do it is selfish. IMO, the idea of supporting such a costly and impractical diet, when just-plain-common-sense eating hasn't even been attempted, is foolish.


That's all.

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I've struggled with my weight for decades. I'm going to try to say this nicely....Please, stop complaining, and do whatever you can to support and encourage him. You know how YOU lose weight, but this is how HE has chosen. Saying he should diet the way you want him to sounds petty and controlling. Sure, he miscalculated dinner, but that is a natural newbie mistake. It wasn't on purpose, and he won't do it again. He is trying to do something that is really hard and doesn't need anything but support. This is one of those times to stand by your man.


I totally agree. Holy cow, of all the potentially bad things you *could* be complaining about this one is extremely small potatoes.


He's not stepping out, doing drugs, or a deadbeat. He's trying to better himself and perhaps making mistakes along the way. He's learning. Give him some support.

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I've struggled with my weight for decades. I'm going to try to say this nicely....Please, stop complaining, and do whatever you can to support and encourage him. You know how YOU lose weight, but this is how HE has chosen. Saying he should diet the way you want him to sounds petty and controlling. Sure, he miscalculated dinner, but that is a natural newbie mistake. It wasn't on purpose, and he won't do it again. He is trying to do something that is really hard and doesn't need anything but support. This is one of those times to stand by your man.




I can totally see where this would be frustrating for you, but I agree with the quoted statement above. Just support him and help him make the positive small changes in addition to what he is trying to do. :)

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My DH just started a diet, too. Not the same diet, DH is doing the Tim Ferris Four Hour Body diet (I think that's the right name). It's not his first time on this diet, and I have to admit that in the past I've found it a bit annoying - ok, very annoying - because of the shopping and the meals that work for DH only, but not for anyone else, and the extra dishes that result. So I hear you!


But this time, I am trying hard to be completely supportive, and am even doing the diet with him.


Maybe we need to form a support group for those of us with DHs on diets! :)

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I've struggled with my weight for decades. I'm going to try to say this nicely....Please, stop complaining, and do whatever you can to support and encourage him. You know how YOU lose weight, but this is how HE has chosen. Saying he should diet the way you want him to sounds petty and controlling. Sure, he miscalculated dinner, but that is a natural newbie mistake. It wasn't on purpose, and he won't do it again. He is trying to do something that is really hard and doesn't need anything but support. This is one of those times to stand by your man.



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I totally agree. Holy cow, of all the potentially bad things you *could* be complaining about this one is extremely small potatoes.


He's not stepping out, doing drugs, or a deadbeat. He's trying to better himself and perhaps making mistakes along the way. He's learning. Give him some support.


I must admit I don't like making people feel like they are only allowed to complain about something if it is at a certain level of bad. The OP is just venting.

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