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If You Believe 'Tweens Should Wait on Makeup & Chemical Hair Procedures

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Would you mind giving my Amazon.com review of Bonding over Beauty a "helpful" vote? I hate to stump for votes like this but I know from past experience that being the odd reviewer out tends to draw a lot of "unhelpful" votes.




Just curious...why do you need people to vote on your review? What purpose does this serve? Edited to add: I'm seriously asking this, not in a snarky way, promise! I just want to know!

Edited by Ria
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If the author is as weird as you describe her, she insults both parents AND the young girls she claims to support. She assumes the worst of girls -- that they automatically will lie and act deceitfully. If I were a pre-teen or teen, I would rake that woman over hot coals for demeaning my intelligence and my sense of honorable behaviour.


I just voted "for" your review, and added my own observation that I probably would give the book zero stars.

Edited by Orthodox6
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My DD would think I'd lost my mind if I suggested that we "bond over grooming".


(Btw, did anybody else find the review by the UNCLE weird?

"As an uncle with tween nieces, I am always looking for new activities for our visits that make the short times we have together fun and valuable. The facial scrubs and aromatherapy advice would all be great to try together")

Edited by regentrude
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My DD would think I'd lost my mind if I suggested that we "bond over grooming".


(Btw, did anybody else find the review by the UNCLE weird?

"As an uncle with tween nieces, I am always looking for new activities for our visits that make the short times we have together fun and valuable. The facial scrubs and aromatherapy advice would all be great to try together")



Yeah, ick-o-meter was dinging loudly when I read that!


I just found the whole idea of the book - I don't know - focusing on all the wrong things. But that's probably just me.

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Just curious...why do you need people to vote on your review? What purpose does this serve? Edited to add: I'm seriously asking this, not in a snarky way, promise! I just want to know!


Amazon lists the reviews with the most "helpful" ratings first. A review that has a lot of "unhelpful" votes tends to get buried by Amazon. I don't want other moms picking up the book assuming it's going to be innocuous (like I did) and getting the nasty shock of all the age-inappropriate procedures discussed.


I don't normally go stumping for votes but I've noticed that in the past when I've given a mixed or negative review to something that most other reviewers have liked, I tend to get a lot of "unhelpful" votes.

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The author talks in the book about taking her 9 y.o. daughter to the salon to get blonde highlights :001_rolleyes: so I think she intended it for the full 'tween range of 8-12.


Oh, I didn't see that in the description. Thanks for clearing that up.

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I don't normally go stumping for votes but I've noticed that in the past when I've given a mixed or negative review to something that most other reviewers have liked, I tend to get a lot of "unhelpful" votes.


i've had the same thing happen. It irritates me that the 'helpful' button is confused with an 'agree' button.

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The keratin treatments contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, but I don't think the Japanese hair straightening (thermal conditioning) treatments do. I'm not sure, though.


Either way, I don't think the author's logic is right.

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The keratin treatments contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, but I don't think the Japanese hair straightening (thermal conditioning) treatments do. I'm not sure, though.


Either way, I don't think the author's logic is right.


I don't know anything about the chemical straightening procedures so I'm just going by what the author wrote. She made at least one other glaring error later on in the book in the section about female health (calling a yeast infection a subtype of bacterial vaginosis) so it wouldn't surprise me if she made other errors.

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BTW I did not know 8 and 9 year olds are now considered "tweens"!


I think it has to do with the earlier onset of puberty in many girls these days. Back when I started going through puberty at 9 in the '80's, this was considered as being on the early side. Today, I see many 8 y.o.'s already visibly starting to change. I don't know if it's all the hormones in our food or the obesity epidemic or what. :(

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I don't know anything about the chemical straightening procedures so I'm just going by what the author wrote. She made at least one other glaring error later on in the book in the section about female health (calling a yeast infection a subtype of bacterial vaginosis) so it wouldn't surprise me if she made other errors.


Done. I like it that your review pops up first.


On your comment about yeast infections, the author might be right. Since I have not read the book I don't know what else she says in regards to that. I have 2 dd's with a 'leaky gut.' One dd, her cause was from a candida overgrowth in her intestines. If you look at http://www.gaps.me to learn more about this condition, you'll see that yeast infections are a sign of a bad bacteria overgrowth. They can happen during detoxing as well. Bacteria leaves the body through stool and urine, and on it way out it can cause yeasties that way.


If anyone suffers from yeast infections, treat the gut with some good probiotics to get the gut flora in balance (proper balance between the good and bad bacteria found in the intestines) and watch what happens. Don't be surprised if the yeast infections go away.


So, yeast infections are a sign of bacteria issues.

Edited by Tabitha
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