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Christians: What are the first 4 things you teach your children about God?

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It's hard to say exactly... but we tried to focus on God as Creator first. He made the trees, grass, animals, them... everything! After that, I went to His love for them and the world He created. There are many other concepts I tried to instill: He's perfect, knows everything and is everywhere (omnipotent & omnipresent to give the big words we don't use till they're older). Like the pp said, these things were talked about during everyday things and not sit down specific lessons. Just brought into conversations as the opportunity arose.

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1. God created everything in the universe.

2. God is all powerful, all knowing, all merciful, and all good.

3. God loved us so much that He died on the cross so that we have the chance to go to Heaven.


This is obviously not in order of importance, but I find that Christ as Savior is harder for young children to understand than "God made everything" and "God can do anything".

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Being Catholic the first thing I taught dd was to pray some of our common prayers. ( I specified because I know some other Christians don't do common prayers.) She got good at folding her hands and saying "amen." We were going to church since before she was born so the mass came second nature.


There was the phase about 3.5 with "Who Made It" I had to answer God or humans.


I don't know what specifically came next. I remember she thought our parish priest was God for a while. I'm not sure how that came about but it was rectified pretty quickly.


I suppose after that any specific teaching was when she received her FHC and was confirmed.

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That He made them (ie, they are special, here for a reason)

That He knows them (because He made them)

That He loves them (no matter what they do)

The story of his son, Jesus


:iagree: Good answer Stacie! I agree with this and would add that we make sure our children know from early on that God is in control and we can always trust Him and His word.

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uh never thought about it


i guess 'in life" vs "in school" is a bit differnt.



*be quiet respectful of pray


academic / be able to say or explain

God made everything

God made him (me, us) and God crafted us to Work for Him

God speaks to us and hears us

God Man His Son man for us

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Well, I guess we try to teach our children how much God loves them first. Then we stress that He is forgiving - that there is no condemnation in Christ. We all make mistakes - there is no one perfect - just Jesus, so we must try to be forgiving as well. Third is that God made all of us with free will, free will to choose Him (or not), etc., so we need to respect the free will of other people. Fourth is that if they choose to follow Christ, they must count the cost - it is not an easy path - a relationship with Christ is a humbling road, a dying to oneself, an entire life lesson in patience.


I guess these are the four top things we've tried to instill in our two kids.

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1) That God loves us.

2) That Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins.

3) That Jesus rose from the dead, and therefore so will we.

4) That God creates and strengthens our faith through the means of grace - the Word and Sacraments - and that's why we go to church, to be refreshed and renewed through God's gifts.


The above wasn't planned, but it's what came up as we lived our lives, and is a fair representation of what's most important to us - good that it worked out that way :). We also teach the Bible and the catachism through our devotions, which include common prayers and Bible texts.

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I think we started with bedtime prayers, so I guess it's that God loves them, cares about them, and wants them to be and feel safe. Then, it splits up a lot :p I think the next thing with Jocelyn had to do with the Holy Spirit. With Drew is more along the lines of turning to God in times of need. With Luke, we moved on to creation.

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I remember she thought our parish priest was God for a while. I'm not sure how that came about but it was rectified pretty quickly.


All my dc have though the same thing around 3yo. The first time I didn't know what to think, but now I find it cute.


Not so cute is when your 3yo whispers (as only a 3yo can), "Does that God in purple have a penis?"

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We've been reading the bible to dd since she was born. Most of the time we just pick a book and read it for several days until we finish it. Sometimes dh and I will be discussing something specific and read passages on the topic at hand instead.


We often say the Lord's Prayer

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my youngest has SPD (and I'm pretty sure is ASD - we're on the waitlist), so I've really had to pay attention to proactively teaching him.


in no particular order

God loves us - more than mommy and daddy, and gave us our family

God is real

He wants to help us do what's right because it will make us happy

He is always there

Edited by gardenmom5
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All my dc have though the same thing around 3yo. The first time I didn't know what to think, but now I find it cute.


Not so cute is when your 3yo whispers (as only a 3yo can), "Does that God in purple have a penis?"



Finally someone has been able to beat my toddler in church story.

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1. God created everything in the universe.

2. God is all powerful, all knowing, all merciful, and all good.

3. God loved us so much that He died on the cross so that we have the chance to go to Heaven.


This is obviously not in order of importance, but I find that Christ as Savior is harder for young children to understand than "God made everything" and "God can do anything".



Yes - this! And ... listen to His Mama as she'll always lead you to her Son. :)

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I don't know that there was anything we specifically 'taught' first. Our faith is so encompassing to our life, that it's talked about all the time.




God as a creator probably came up first, followed by the concept of God as our loving, Heavenly Father. Everything else follows on from that, really.


It depends on the child's questions, quite often.

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A friend told me about her friend whose child was kidnapped. A 6 year old girl, if memory serves me. It's been about 20 years now and they haven't heard from her, the police haven't turned anything up... it's just a mystery. The only comfort that mom has is that she taught her dd the song Jesus Loves Me, and emphasized that God is with her always, even when you feel all alone, even though you can't see Him. :crying: I've taken that story to heart. If I had to get the foundational stuff in, it'd be:

1) Jesus loves you SOOOOO much.

2) He is with you wherever you are, no matter what, even though you can't see Him.

Those 2 truths top it all, IMO. Secondary would be:

3) His grace renews every day.

4) He died so that you could live.

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The only comfort that mom has is that she taught her dd the song Jesus Loves Me, and emphasized that God is with her always, even when you feel all alone, even though you can't see Him. :crying:


This song got me through all sorts of hard times as a child: parents divorcing, boyfriends in the house, etc. etc. This song is so precious.

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