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if you exercise regularly

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were you really ornery when you first started? :tongue_smilie: Dh started doing p90x 7 weeks ago, and he's been getting up at 5:30 to do it before work. I started it with him last week. He has been grumpier than normal for most of the 7 weeks, and now so am I :glare: I don't know if it's the getting up early (sometimes I go back to bed or take a nap) or having super sore muscles allll the time, or if we're detoxing junk in our sweat or what. We're out of our good multivitamins, so I'm going to buy some more of those and see if that helps, but I don't know if I can keep this up once school starts. I don't want to be so on edge all day when we are doing school.

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both my dh and I are dedicated, regular exercisers. I can say we were not particularly ornery when we 'recommitted' about 4 or 5 years ago. But, we were very ornery the few weeks we decided to get up early to get it done. That didn't last long.


I am a big believer in playing to your strengths. Getting up early is not one of my strengths. I would much, much rather workout at 8pm than 5am. I can honestly say that the 5am thing ain't gonna happen.


We pretty much arrange our lives so that we can workout when it feels good to us, not like torture. One of us will have dinner with the kids while the other goes for a run, bike ride, nordic trak or whatever. Then we switch and the other puts the kids to bed while the other gets some cardio in. When the kids are in bed, 8-ish, we often do some weights, abs etc together. When that is done we fold laundry, clean up the kitchen etc.


As you can see, we are night owls, not morning people, so we make it work.


And spending time with Tony Horton any time before noon is torture to me.

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My husband and I are daily exercisers. I can't even remember starting -- it's just a normal part of our life. We feel ornery if we don't exercise.

We run, bike, walk, play frisbee, basketball, swim...


The difference, I bet, is that you two are pounding through high-intensity workouts that are new to you. I can sometimes feel really sick for the day if I run extra, extra far. It's a bad feeling -- I think it's my body kicking into recovery mode. I try to avoid that and stick with workouts that elevate my mood and energize me.


If you have that recovery feeling every day, I'm amazed that you're sticking with it. :tongue_smilie: The P90X people must have a message board or something similar. I'd go on there and see what fellow P90 people can say.

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both my dh and I are dedicated, regular exercisers. I can say we were not particularly ornery when we 'recommitted' about 4 or 5 years ago. But, we were very ornery the few weeks we decided to get up early to get it done. That didn't last long.


I am a big believer in playing to your strengths. Getting up early is not one of my strengths. I would much, much rather workout at 8pm than 5am. I can honestly say that the 5am thing ain't gonna happen.


We pretty much arrange our lives so that we can workout when it feels good to us, not like torture. One of us will have dinner with the kids while the other goes for a run, bike ride, nordic trak or whatever. Then we switch and the other puts the kids to bed while the other gets some cardio in. When the kids are in bed, 8-ish, we often do some weights, abs etc together. When that is done we fold laundry, clean up the kitchen etc.


As you can see, we are night owls, not morning people, so we make it work.


And spending time with Tony Horton any time before noon is torture to me.


When mine were younger that how dh and I did things. I would go for a run while he did supper and stuff. I now have teens but I still workout sometime between 7-10 each evening.


We turned our basement into a gym we have a weight room with bow flex, weight bench, and other equipment and then we have a aerobics room for the DVD workouts we both use.


But our evening are usually down stairs. My DH usually does the weight bench while I do a DVD in the other room.


We are both love working out in the evening. I am cranky without my workout.


But if I had to workout at 5 am it would make me a very ugly ugly person:D

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Nope, not me. I started running last august 31st, and the only time it makes me grumpy is if i am injured and can't run. So long as I can run, it makes me SO much happier, calmer, and more tolerant of life craziness. Maybe you should try running, lol.


I doubt if something inside in a class or video or machine would make me calm and happy. I think being outside is important for me. The simplicity of running is also rather mediatitve, which is also important to me. I now run primarily for the mental benefits, even though I started it for the physical benefits.


So, if I were you, I'd try running or biking for a few weeks to see if that impacts your mood more positively.

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Dh started doing p90x 7 weeks ago, and he's been getting up at 5:30. I started it with him last week. He has been grumpier than normal for most of the 7 weeks, and now so am I :glare: I don't know if it's the getting up early (sometimes I go back to bed or take a nap) or having super sore muscles allll the time, or if we're detoxing junk in our sweat or what. We're out of our good multivitamins, so I'm going to buy some more of those and see if that helps, but I don't know if I can keep this up once school starts. I don't want to be so on edge all day when we are doing school.


Is he going to bed earlier so he's still getting enough sleep? super sore muscles *all the time* indicates working out too hard for the muscles to recover. if you're doing stength training, muscles groups shouldn't be worked more than every other day. (rotate groups). detoxing can definitely make you grumpy. drink LOTS of water (clear liquids) when detoxing to wash everything out. fitness trainers have recommened at least 8oz per 20lbs of bodyweight.


I found yoga to be very calming, no matter how sore I am from it. (I started it to help with flexibility alongside my ski-machine - which I love. Now, I like it better because I can breathe better, and I'm calmer with my SPD son.)

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As you can see, we are night owls, not morning people, so we make it work.
I'm a night owl, dh is not. :glare: and I do like having my evenings to relax. I have found that I get more done during the day once I'm up early.

And spending time with Tony Horton any time before noon is torture to me.

I agree!!! He drives me up a wall.
Are you eating enough protein and drinking enough water?
sigh. probably not. That seems to be a consensus here, so I guess I need to eat more. I get really lax on lunch and snacks for me b/c it seems like I'm always cooking and I just get burned out on dealing with food and meals :tongue_smilie:



Maybe you should try running, lol.
I wish I could!!! I started c25k this summer, and pulled my achilles tendon, and then hurt my knee.....I've never exercised before in my life. So my dh figured I just didn't have any muscles built up to do any kind of running, so I started this to help that, so I don't hurt myself seriously.


super sore muscles *all the time* indicates working out too hard for the muscles to recover. if you're doing stength training, muscles groups shouldn't be worked more than every other day. (rotate groups).
oh that's the best part of p90x. You rotate every day. So yesterday my butt and legs were super sore, and today it's my arms and abs that are super sore, and tomorrow is crazy yoga x which means everything gets sore :D and then on Friday my legs and abs get to hurt gain. And I'm kind of a wimp, so super sore probably isn't that accurate :tongue_smilie:


I guess I just need to eat more during the day. What a hassle, lol

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I dance about 8 hours a week. I don't dance one single step before 5 p.m. We are night owls too. Occasionally a rehearsal will run as late as 11p.m., but we don't go to bed until midnight at the earliest, so it works.


I am grumpy in the morning anyway. I am incapable of forming sentences before 7 a.m. Yes, I'd be a full-out whiney brat on your schedule.

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Congrats on doing P90X -- my dh is in week 7 as well.


We both work out daily and have found that the P90X recovery drink makes a huge difference in how we both feel -- it's not my imagination either -- I drink ALOT of water and so does dh, but the recovery drink makes me feel much less wiped out after I work out. HTH

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Being active definitely doesn't make me ornery - just the opposite, in fact! I'm ALWAYS happy, calm, & full of energy :thumbup1:


Me too (obviously). I exercise/train a couple hours a day but ... that's how I have fun. P90X can feel like a long program and if it feels like it is dragging on, that would make me cranky, too.



OP, you all sound tired and hungry. More fruit, more sleep, more water.

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I think by week 7 you need to be increasing your carbs so you have energy to get through your workout. Get your nutrition guide out. I would NOT up my protein. Also, make sure you are getting enough rest. Go to bed early if you need to. Rest and fuel are critical for doing P90X.

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Sounds like it may be low blood sugar. Try drinking a half cup of orange juice (or other 100% juice) before exercising.


I exercise 5 days a week and give myself 2 FULL days off on the weekends. My body needs that recovery time. And I am up and just hanging out around the house for about 30 minutes before starting my routine...it lets my brain wake up and give me a chance to drink some water.

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