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speaking of libraries....anyone else notice no one checks out books anymore?

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I always see people coming in and just checking out DVDs. I also see parents limiting their kid to checking out 1 or 2 books. (We have a 50 book limit per card.) However, I know a lot of books still get checked out, as I see them on the hold shelves and on the carts ready for reshelving.


I have put limits on my boys' check-out habits when they have lost track of what is out and what is due, and they start collecting significant fines.

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I think what we see at the library can be deceptive. I *see* lots of folks on the computers, some moms with young kids, a few older folks, and NOT many people browsing the shelves. BUT, because the entire library catalog is online, I think many more people are not hanging out in the library--although I still like to!--and are simply reserving books online. They come to pick them up, check them out, and that's it. I know that people ARE taking out books because when something new comes out, it's a mad rush to not be #328 on the hold list!! LOL

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It seems that the majority of people at our library are there to use the internet computers.


Same here. I also see lots of people checking out dvds--but there are people still checking out books.


Libraries are multi-media these days, and therefore attracting readers and non-readers alike. As long as it keeps their doors open, it doesn't bother me.

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We have a number of library branches to choose from that are within driving distance. I've noticed in the libraries in the poorer neighborhoods most of the people are there to use the internet. The book collection at those libraries has been cut in half-- the shelves are practically bare. I still see people checking out books, and there are holds, but not huge amount. DVDs are popular.


In the wealthier neighborhoods, there is less internet usage and more book borrowing (DVDs popular there too). In those branches the shelves are still full.


My sister uses a library in a poor neighborhood and she says that the library has been transformed into something of an internet cafe for the homeless.


This may be the issue. The branch I go to is in a less well off area, in an area with worse schools, etc. So that may be why. I do love this branch though, because it is only 10 minutes away, and they have self check out computers, lol. No lines!

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At both of the libraries we go to (different counties) people still take out a ton of books. We quite frequently have to put books on hold for the kids to get the books that they want - especially in the summertime.


I don't typically see a ton of DVD checkouts but one library doesn't allow kids cards to check them out at all (and has a 7 day return on dvds anyways), the other library has no limit(other than the overall 25 item limit) and to my knowledge kids can check dvds out.

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They're not leaving with books if the library in question is the Undergraduate Library at our local university:


'At UT, the biggest challenge has been changing antiquated notions of a library's role in learning. "While most people have been hugely supportive of this idea, some have been sort of grieving over this iconic loss of the undergraduate library. I think what they are really grieving is the passing of the book as the means of scholarly communication," says Fred Heath, vice provost for the general libraries.'


I remember sitting in the Undergraduate Library (UGL, or "The Ugly" as we called it, for its acronym plus Stalinist-Five-Year-Plan style of architecture), reading stacks of books. Sigh.

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Huh. I don't find that to be true at all. In fact, I often get to star in my own impromptu infomercial about the rolling book cart I use to check out a ton of books. Other people (usually mothers) are always saying, "Wow! That's just what I need! Where do you get one of those?" :D


Now, I will say that there is a particular library that we sometimes go to that we only use to borrow Wii games. The kids call it the "Wii game library." They do have books there, of course, but I don't like that library, so I only get Wii games there. So, I suppose there could be a librarian at that branch who thinks we never read, we only play Wii.

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My husband often picks up things I've reserved at the library branch near work. Usually I'll request a big batch of books at once, and then different documentaries for myself once a week or so. (I finally watched 2 Million Minutes!) That library system also has all of the foreign language DVDs I've been watching with my children. About 3/4 of the stops my husband makes only include movies. That other 1/4 is a lot of books, especially considering that it isn't our main library system. I'd guess we average between 50 and 75 books to 1 movie from all of our libraries.

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I do notice that where we live. In fact, I was quite peeved when our neighborhood library was remodeled...they took out a TON of books to put in rows of computers, and more movies. :glare: Thankfully it's just part of a HUGE system with a great inter-library loan program. Anyway, yes I do see kids and young families checking out mostly DVDs. I have to say though, we often appear the same..once a week the kids will check out a small stack of movies. But what you may not notice is the other days that we walk out with bags of books :)

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We're guilty of checking out a lot of DVDs (although dh and I do check out a lot of books too). Partly it is because we don't have TV or netflix, so if we want to see movies we get them from the library. Also, we own tons of books, so there isn't a lack of reading material for the kids. I also get lots of books for the kids from paperbackswap, so we just don't end up checking out that many from the library.

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We are at the library 2-3 times a week and there are tons of books being taken out. And often the ones I WANT! :lol:


Hope that inspires you. Perhaps your area is a "fluke".


Oh and we got a lot of DVD's too, so perhaps that was ME you were looking at!:tongue_smilie: Seriously, we get a LOT of educational DVD's AND entertainment DVD's (Mommy approved, lots of classic movies, NEST videos, and very little Disney movies or media-tie-in's like Dora or other TV stuff I avoid).


I typically have over 100 books out of the library at a time.


I typically have 5-10 DVD's around to watch when I need a rest or the family has earned a family movie night!:001_smile:

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Our library doesn't have a lot of DVD's and there is a limit of 4 per card so people don't really check out "stacks of DVD's". The biggest difference I see in borrowing habits is that most people with little kids only borrow out 2-3 books at a time whereas I borrow out up to 30 each week. People always ask me whether I really read these to my kids and I when I say "Oh easily it's only 5 books a day - we read that many just before bedtime" they give me a raised eyebrow LOL.


We have a toy library attached to our regular library - the kids are always leaving with STACKS of toys and 0-2 books. I'm the only crazy who comes out of the library loaded down with 30 books and 6 educational games/toys while trying to wrangle 3 young kids. I usually dump it all in the stroller and make the baby walk LOL.

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