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What do you consider "essential" for a good BBQ?

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I am planning to throw DH a BBQ/party for his 40th b-day. I am primarily a vegetarian and can come up with lots of ideas for sides and stuff, but tend to go overboard. So, burning question of my day - if you were attending a BBQ what would need to be there to eat for you to consider it well-done? And, how much would you consider too much (ie. 2 meats/4 sides is too little, but 10 meats and 20 sides is ridiculous, or whatever)?


We will have access to a grill and a smoker, as well as the usual stuff like oven, stove, crockpots, etc......

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Well "meat" is essential to a good bbq! :D Burgers and hot dogs are totally overrated so I'd skip them. I'd offer one red meat and chicken. Tri-tips are fabulous on the grill along with bbq chicken.


Grilled veggies are also super easy. We usually do corn, asparagus, zucchinis, or whatever else sounds good. Finally, I usually include a cold salad and cut-up fruit. All are very easy without a lot of prep. Hope that helps...

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Our family loves bbqs where there are dishes besides salads. We're not a casserole family, so potato salad and stuff just doesn't appeal to us. But give us grilled veggies, cut fruit, corn on the cob...things we can easily determine ingredients and not worry whether they have things we don't care for....it's heaven to us.


Recently we went to a party that had grilled veggies and the hostess also had some wraps- we made veggie wraps, and some of us added a touch of meat to ours. It was wonderful, and such a nice change from the typical white bread buns we usually see.


What a nice wife you are to do this for your dh! I'm sure it'll be tons of fun.

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It is hard because we have vegan friends and also carnivore friends who wouldn't know what to do with a broccoli floret if it jumped in their mouths and begged them to chew.


So, if you had your choice of hot dogs and hamburgers and grilled chicken breasts or pulled pork, brisket and smoked whole chickens which would you prefer? I have easy access to grass fed beef, pastured pork and pastured chickens, but not sure it is worth the money. On other hand don't want to seem like I am just going through the meat-motions with general burgers, etc.


Neither DH nor I ever do anything for our b-days and I really want to make it nice. My mum (in a totally not like her sweet thoughtful gesture) is sending a couple hundred dollars to help with costs.


Also is renting bouncy house for the kids a good idea?

Edited by jenr
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I think throwing a bbq party depends on how many people are going to be there. Are there kids, or are there vegetarians coming over too. Most men like meat more than sides. Kids love hotdogs and burgers. I think steak are a little expensive if you are feeding a lot of people. So I'd go with tritips sliced it and it will feed a lot. I would also do bbq chicken. Chicken is always a safe bet for every one. As for the sides, potato salad, corn, coleslaw,potato chips, assorted fruits. I think 5 or 6 sides would be plenty.

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For me it is all about the company and I don't really care what is on the menu.


That said: Traditional Fare is burgers and dogs because feeding steak and chicken to a crowd gets pricey. However, for a smaller group I love some steak and chicken.

Sides: Potato Salad (I like a Brazilian style), Macaroni Salad and/or a nice pasta salad, and grilled veggies,

Condiments: Sliced tomato, red onion. and lettuce for hamburgers. Cheese for the burgers, ketchup, mustard, relish.


Cole Slaw-I don't care for it and don't care one way or the other if it is not there. Dh, on the other hand, loves the stuff and considers it an essential.

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Cole Slaw

Baked Beans

Potato Salad

Banana Pudding


:iagree: Seeing as how you are in Texas, this is standard fare at a BBQ. I would skip the banana pudding (because I don't like it) and add a peach cobbler and homemade ice cream. :001_smile:


Oh, and brisket is a good choice for meat, esp for larger crowds as it's typically fairly inexpensive. Just remember it's got to cook for a LONG time.

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Yes to the bouncy house! All the kids in our neighborhood love them.


What about things to assemble on skewers? Like make-your-own kabob type things? The vegans can put marinated veggies on them, and the meat eaters can load theirs up with a variety. Kids like to choose what to put on them, too, as long as there's something they'll eat like cubed chicken or cherry tomatoes.


That might be a good fun alternative to expensive meats. Of course get some burgers (and veggie burgers) for anyone who wants that. I would offer some corn on the cob, potato salad, beans, and a good tossed salad with a variety of dressing choices would finish it off. A fruit dessert like cobbler would probably be pretty easy to make acceptable to most of the guests.

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Meat to me equals a BBQ - but I'm happy with any kind of meat that doesn't break the bank account. Hot dogs would be too skimpy unless you also offered hamburgers. We recently went to a BBQ and they also offered salmon burgers (you can get these at Costco). You can also do just chicken and then I wouldn't need any other meat. Steaks get pricey. Ribs are the best (do them in the oven first and then only 10 minutes on the grill).


As far as sides - a standard I like to see at a BBQ is potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob and watermelon. You can expand that to green salad, other fruits like strawberries and grapes, and a jello salad. Chips are nice too, but not necessary.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I tend to shy away from beef because I find it is a pain when there are so many people who like it at a different doneness. I also stay away from BBQ sauces for large groupsbecause it always seems everyone likes a different style! I try and do kebabs (veggie, chicken, and shrimp) to hit the basics and then add sides like a cold rice salad, fruit salad, tomato and cucumber salad, and potato salad. I toss out chips and dips and maybe an artichoke dip and VOILA!!!

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One thing, as a veggie, if you are firing up a grill, first make babaganoush. Grilled whole eggplants MAKE this dish. If you want details, ask. I never miss some good coals for this.


For the rest, coleslaw and potato salad. I used to make my mum's tater salad, but now I make Delia Smith's lemony tater salad. I get raves over it.

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I am planning to throw DH a BBQ/party for his 40th b-day. I am primarily a vegetarian and can come up with lots of ideas for sides and stuff, but tend to go overboard. So, burning question of my day - if you were attending a BBQ what would need to be there to eat for you to consider it well-done? And, how much would you consider too much (ie. 2 meats/4 sides is too little, but 10 meats and 20 sides is ridiculous, or whatever)?


We will have access to a grill and a smoker, as well as the usual stuff like oven, stove, crockpots, etc......


Well BBQ for one. Pork is my favorite. I wouldn't necessarily see the need to offer different types of meat. You might do a spicy version and a non spicy version but I wouldn't go to that much trouble. Then just basic picnic type sides. Beans, Potato Salad, Chips, Cole Slaw, Corn the Cob, Watermelon. Veggie Tray. Sounds yummy!

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Recently we went to a party that had grilled veggies and the hostess also had some wraps- we made veggie wraps, and some of us added a touch of meat to ours. It was wonderful, and such a nice change from the typical white bread buns we usually see.




That's a great idea!


If you do anything that lands in a bun, be sure to grill whole portobellos and onion slices and red peppers for the veg people there. I love that!

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Wow, so sweet! As someone who really can't stand burgers or hotdogs, I'd absolutely love having a garden burger. I also love pulled chicken. (I don't eat pork) I love having some veggies without bacon... (like either the green beans or potato salad or something. :) So many times it's burgers with hotdogs and everything else with pork. Yummy on the Peach Cobbler and fresh Vanilla Icecream! (You can have it going in electric icecream makers) Have people help, if you can! ;) YUM!!

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