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I have little ants all over my house! I HATE HATE HATE ants!!! So many bad memories from my childhood in Baton Rouge. I have had a bug guy out who charged me a fair handful for traps and spray. I must have intelligent ants because they avoided the traps even when placed and left in their path. Spraying RAID causes them to find new crevices. UGGG!!!!


Any fool-proof ideas to get rid of them?

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I was talking to a lady the other day who mentioned that she had a problem with ants. She told me that she got some mint and put it around her kitchen and anywhere near where they were coming in. They were gone in no time b/c apparently ants hate mint. :confused: I had never heard that so it stuck in my head. Definitely a cost effective solution if it works!

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Ugh, I hate ants too!


We've had great success with Terro. After first putting out the bait it seemed worse, like they were having a party. But by the next day there were less and by 24-48 hours they were just about gone.


If you want something more "natural" you could try Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. I recently read it be used to get rid of ants. I've never tried this though.

Edited by proverbs356lady
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We've had an endless parade of ants of all sizes. We've always had fantastic, overnight results with Terro Baits. Have you tried them?

:iagree::iagree::iagree: DON'T kill them. Let them carry out their "drunk" buddies and return to their home.


Also, like SailorMom said, clean well, and preferably with something lemon-based. Also, if you can find where they are coming in, grab some sidewalk chalk and chalk across their line. We've had some fun times corraling ants with sidewalk chalk.


Love the basil and mint ideas too. Gotta put them in my aresenal. We live on a sandbar that is really simply one large ant hill. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by nono
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We have also had great luck with Terro. The ingredients in it are basically corn syrup and Borax. It is a little bottle of syrupy liquid and you put it on little pieces of cardboard and paper and set it in all the areas where you see them. They have a little party there and carry it home and kill the colony. It takes a couple of days, but really works. And it is very safe and I think a pretty "green" way to go. We are pretty sensitive and are very careful about chemicals in our home, so we much prefer this over something like Raid or whatever the bug man sprays. I've also heard that you can spray them with Windex and scrub away their little trail that they follow, but this won't kill the colony as far as I know. It just gets them out of one area. Another thing I read was that you could sprinkle Borax around your foundation outside to stop them there too. Kind of along the same lines as the Terro, just an outside application.

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I don't know if this could apply to you, but having a child view ants as a pet does a good job at decreasing their numbers. Apparently, they don't appreciate the big "giant" that carries them around the house and squishes them by mistake.



This is hilarious, I wonder if it would really work...



The first year we lived in this house we had tiny, little "sugar ants" (as my neighbor called them) in one part of the kitchen. I tried all kinds of non-poisonous stuff before resorting to poison, which I abhor using. Nothing worked, I just kept killing by hand, keeping them to at least one area.


Last year, someone on this board mentioned sage. I happened to have some fresh sage, so I tossed down a branch between the fridge and the dishwasher (where they are located) and they were gone by morning. I literally left the same sprig there all season (I'm lazy) and the ants never came back. This year, I had no fresh sage, and they were starting to get sort of bad, so I spread out some jarred, rubbed sage in that area and the ants were gone in a couple of days. This was a couple of months ago, and they are still gone (wood! Where's the wood!).

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We did the outside treatment with ortho Max and a yard killer. Still have them. I will try the Terro and cleaning the house very well. Is that available at Wal-Mart or do I need to hit Home Depot?



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  • 1 month later...

Ah man. I just Ortho'd my yard today. I got them out of my house with this recipe:


1 T borax

1 T honey

1 T warm water


Soaked into 3 cottonballs and strategically placed. However, when doing yard work I realized we were surrounded and I should probably treat the yard too.


Where did you all find terro if I need a backup?

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