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Can we maybe get a roll call of all the moms with a new kindy child this fall?

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I believe some are and hopefully they will respond. I have gone back and forth about it, as we are doing a mix of K and 1st. For now, we are not going to be doing it but we may add it later, maybe in Jan., depending on how everything goes.


I am leaving it till 1st -- Dh wants the boys to go to public school after 5th or 6th (don't get me started) -- so on the assumption all I can PLAN to have is to 4th at home -- I am going to do a 4 year history cycle 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

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My DS5 is not official with the state until next year, but we've been having fun with Singapore Earlybird A and HWT pre-k. We're going to do WP Animals and ETC this fall. Enjoy ourselves and work on maintaining a routine until we start "for real" fall 2012.


Just an update!


I've changed what we're doing quite a bit! After more reading around here, we've switched to Primary Arts of Language for K, as I'm looking ahead to Phonics Road for grade 1.


I really like PAL, but I'm still figuring out how best to schedule it. DS is enjoying it, and my 3 yo is picking up a lot too and playing the games. I actually think all the sounds practice will help his speech (initial consonant deletion)!


We're still doing a little Earlybird A, but moving into Rightstart A. I've loved this program from afar for years, but now that it's in my hands, I'm unsure about it. :confused: Maybe Miquon or Essentials??


I'm not sure how much we'll do with Winterpromise Animals (just the reading maybe), and I'll probably add in some SL Core A. I also have Elemental Science Intro that we've played around with once or twice.


My love for Waldorf calls me in the fall, so we'll be adding lots of seasonal crafts, stories, and nature time too! :D

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We are going to start Pumpkin in Kindy this year. Time will tell if we will do 2 years of kindy or move on to 1st grade next year. We are starting him a year early because he has picked up so much already he is beyond what I would consider pre-k. But I am unsure of his physical readiness... sitting still for any length of time, handwriting, attention span.


We "officially" started last year with Booger in Kindy.

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I really really need to read this thread. :p


DD is turning 5 in Novemember. I am planning on giving her two years of kindergarten with this being the first official year. :) We are going to be primarily learning to read, write, count, skip count, and do a few fun science projects, work on our sign language, Bible, and do some memory work. :) Next year will be about the same with more math skills. :p

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I really really need to read this thread. :p


DD is turning 5 in Novemember. I am planning on giving her two years of kindergarten with this being the first official year. :) We are going to be primarily learning to read, write, count, skip count, and do a few fun science projects, work on our sign language, Bible, and do some memory work. :) Next year will be about the same with more math skills. :p


That is pretty much our story -- this is our 2nd kindy year, our first offical year. :001_smile:

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Well I have a K'er, but she is my last one, [unless I have some sort of divine intervention.]


Anyway, it is not my first year of homeschooling, but I am always reinventing K. This year, I am doing a less is more approach. DD, 5 is really good with numbers so we are going to play with math this year. She is already reading but I am going to use OPGTR to make sure there are no gaps. Other than her co-op, and whatever I happen to leave lying around for her to discover in terms of books that is it.


I am looking forward to it. :001_smile:

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DD will be officially starting K this year (she'll be turning 5 really soon)...we were hs'ing last year (MUS primer & PP, printing practice)... I plan on adding elemental science (looks like they have fun experiments), more art & aa1...

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My fifth child, ds 4.5, is starting homeschool kindergarten Monday. I have one ds9 that attended a public school kindergarten and one special ed ds11 who has been in excellent public school programs since he was 2.5. So this will actually be my third time doing kindergarten, and will repeat it in two or three years with ds2. I am a modified LCCer, using mainly Memoria Press materials this time around. They have become my favorite provider for K-8 (tweaked to make it a Catholic curriculum). Then for high school (ds14) I like Kolbe Academy. Had enrolled in some CLAA classes, and dropped them in less than a week due to philosophical differences with the director and parent forum participants.

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My fifth child, ds 4.5, is starting homeschool kindergarten Monday. I have one ds9 that attended a public school kindergarten and one special ed ds11 who has been in excellent public school programs since he was 2.5. So this will actually be my third time doing kindergarten, and will repeat it in two or three years with ds2. I am a modified LCCer, using mainly Memoria Press materials this time around. They have become my favorite provider for K-8 (tweaked to make it a Catholic curriculum). Then for high school (ds14) I like Kolbe Academy. Had enrolled in some CLAA classes, and dropped them in less than a week due to philosophical differences with the director and parent forum participants.

BFF uses Kobe for high school -- 2 grads, 2 in it, 5 to go ....

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We start tomorrow! He just turned 5 yesterday, so now that the birthday insanity is over, we're starting school! We did a ABC notebooking style pre-k last year at home - so I kinda feel like this is our first official year. We'll also have baby sis (2.5) tagging along doing some tot school stuff (if she wants - not gonna force her this year).

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  • 3 weeks later...

We just finished our third week of official kindy. My littlest girl is such a joy to work with. She has so much enthusiasm for learning and loves her school time. We read "A Little Princess" outloud and now have moved on to "Pippi Longstocking". I am needing some recs for good, quality readalouds for a kindy girl if anyone would like to give some.


She loves her math (we're about halfway through SM Essentials B), and is doing well with Explode the Code. She is on the last of the Bob books and then we will move on to other readers we have. A big hit has been a Starting Out Science book by Usborne. It is just the right amount of information and pictures for her at this age. She really absorbs it.


One endearing and frustrating quality of my girl is her need to make up elaborate stories while doing math problems. With subtraction, she says that she had six cupcakes which she bought at the store for a birthday party for her friend, and then she gave her friend two of them...no, then she ate one and gave her friend one and then she had some left. :lol: Sometimes the narrative can go on for a while and I must admit I am guilty of thinking, "For the love of everything holy, can we just do the math!":tongue_smilie:


This is a really precious age, though. I hope everyone is enjoying their kindy students as much as I am. This is my last trip down this path. <sniff>

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We just finished our third week of official kindy. My littlest girl is such a joy to work with. She has so much enthusiasm for learning and loves her school time. We read "A Little Princess" outloud and now have moved on to "Pippi Longstocking". I am needing some recs for good, quality readalouds for a kindy girl if anyone would like to give some.


One endearing and frustrating quality of my girl is her need to make up elaborate stories while doing math problems. With subtraction, she says that she had six cupcakes which she bought at the store for a birthday party for her friend, and then she gave her friend two of them...no, then she ate one and gave her friend one and then she had some left. :lol: Sometimes the narrative can go on for a while and I must admit I am guilty of thinking, "For the love of everything holy, can we just do the math!":tongue_smilie:


This is a really precious age, though. I hope everyone is enjoying their kindy students as much as I am. This is my last trip down this path. <sniff>


My dd is like this with math. Enough about the baby kittens! Can we move on? That's what I think, through a plastered on smile. :lol: For your dd's read aloud, I highly recommend Jenny and the Cat Club. Too sweet!


My youngest is in Kindy this year. He is so incredibly excited, probably because he's just like his older brother and sister now.

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We just finished our third week of homeschooling with DD. I'm really glad we decided to do this. :001_smile: DD is especially loving the science and the read-alouds. She's good at math, but she only likes it in brief lessons so far.


My main issue at this point is the nagging worry that I'm neglecting DS (2). He's the ideal younger sibling in that he's usually very content with entertaining himself while we do school stuff, but then I worry that he's not getting enough attention of his own. (He's speech-delayed, so that probably makes me worry more than I would otherwise).

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My main issue at this point is the nagging worry that I'm neglecting DS (2). He's the ideal younger sibling in that he's usually very content with entertaining himself while we do school stuff, but then I worry that he's not getting enough attention of his own. (He's speech-delayed, so that probably makes me worry more than I would otherwise).


How long does school with the 5 year old last? Our school takes an hour or so four days a week. I read the current read aloud before bedtime soo it is separated from the other schooling.


If you are a stay at home mom and your youngest isn't in any type of program (preschool), then that leaves plenty of time to interact with him. IMO. I am homeschooling three kids and thus need to divide my time up quite a bit but I believe that learning to share mom and to be patient while someone else is completing his or her work is a good skill to learn. Two year olds aren't great at this, of course, but he can learn. I tend to believe that the benefits of siblings even out the drawbacks of having to share mom's time and attention. Hope that helps!

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My dd is like this with math. Enough about the baby kittens! Can we move on? That's what I think, through a plastered on smile. :lol: For your dd's read aloud, I highly recommend Jenny and the Cat Club. Too sweet!


:lol: I suspect it is the girls who are the worst "offenders". My boys never did all of that.


Thanks for the read aloud rec!:001_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess I'll jump in here! I'd been looking at MFW K and thinking it'd be perfect for DS2 right now, but he's not "K" until next year. By then, I think it'd be too easy. So, I sold some stuff so I could buy MFW K. Then last week after speech therapy, he told me he wanted to start Kindergarten when he turns 5 (in November). I said ok! Good thing I'd been looking at curriculum. :lol:


We've been doing occasional math and phonics, but I really needed something to add some fun "K" stuff in there. I think this will fit us well.


So we will start in October! I'm excited, and so is DS! I know the phonics will be easy for him for a while (he already can sound out/blend CVC words and basic sentences), but I think it'll be good for him, as he needs daily practice to move forward. He's still at the stage where doing easy stuff is fun. ;)


I'm expecting a box day Wednesday! Can't wait! :D

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A little late but my dd is 4.5 and we started kindergarten at the beginning of September. We are starting young but she is pushing me so I figured I might as well just take the plunge. She is already reading and just kept wanting to learn more and more so we just made it "official". We are both enjoying homeschooling so far and I have learned so much from this forum!

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Guest kdaniele

My daughter turned 5 on April 27, 2011. We started Kindergarten in July. Due to some life events we have not been as consistent as I would have liked but we have been doing a 2 weeks on 1 week off schedule more or less. She started reading last month and that has catapulted us ahead with a new focus.


Happy to be here.

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