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Anyone past 4 days their due date and still no labor pains

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I am so concerned. My due date was July 1 and i had one episode where i thought was the beginning of labor but i think it was just gas. I have been only 1 cm for months and no progress. My concern is that the doctors push c- section very heavily on me. I have had 2 c-sections and 4 v- backs.

They say the only thing they can give is potasum to bring on the contractions but they cannot give me the other medicine to thin my cervix because i have 99.9% that it will cause my uterus to burst open from the 2 c-sections. My husband wants me to just walk but i have gotten so swollen that being on my feet is very minimal and the presure in my cervix weighs heavily on me. The work around the house tires me so.

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With my dd, I was 14 days past before going into labor and had no pains before that. I don't think being late is uncommon. But only and your doctor know your situation and I don't think your doctor would recommend anything that would be a poor choice for you or your baby. :grouphug: I know it's miserable to be waiting. Praying it all works out well for you.

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I've gone more than a week overdue with no sign of having a baby - not even 1 cm. Due dates are only approximate. They are really plus or minus two weeks. I don't know if having previous c-sections has any bearing on the situation, but unless baby is in distress, I would wait at least a week, or better yet two past my due date before having any medical help moving things along.

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I'm sorry you're stressed!


Most of my clients, even my VBAC ones, go past their due date.

Acupuncture can be very helpful, although expect to need 3 sessions.


You could also suggest a Foley catheter to induce labor, but I only recommend that as a last resort...as I don't like to push induction.


Good luck!!!

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I was 8 days over due with dd, 6 days over due with ds9 and 9 days over due with ds3. My body really, really likes being pregnant. With the first two I was induced. With the third I had him less than 24 hours before my appointment to be induced :D

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With my 1st dd I went two weeks past my due date and with my 2nd dd I was about a week past. They were right on time though. They weren't too big and still had vernix coating their skin. I don't know if I usually go late or my dates were off. My boys were induced. 40 weeks really is an average. Some tend to deliver sooner and others later.

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This is good to know, thank you ladies. I guess i am feeling the pressure from family since i have always been 2-4 days early on all my past deliveries.

My husband jumped the gun to begin his 2 weeks off 4 days before the due date hence his stress.

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I was a week overdue with both kids. With DS, my water broke and 15 hours later, he was born. With DD, I was induced as she was transverse. She got going the right direction with the contractions. I had no signs of labor with either of them before the day there were actually born.

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This is good to know, thank you ladies. I guess i am feeling the pressure from family since i have always been 2-4 days early on all my past deliveries.

My husband jumped the gun to begin his 2 weeks off 4 days before the due date hence his stress.


My 5th was the only one I didn't try to speed along with membrane stripping and/or castor oil. She went 11 days over. All the rest but one were between 4 and 10 days over. Totally normal. One was shockingly born right on her due date and none of us was prepared. I thought I had a week or so yet :D



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This is good to know, thank you ladies. I guess i am feeling the pressure from family since i have always been 2-4 days early on all my past deliveries.

My husband jumped the gun to begin his 2 weeks off 4 days before the due date hence his stress.


Oh no! I can understand that. :grouphug: Silly question, but can he go back to work and take a week off later?



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My first child was 15 days early - I hadn't even started expecting him yet!


Then my second child was 12 days late, and I started expecting her 2-3 weeks before the due date! That was the longest month of my life LOL!


4 days is nothing...relax and don't worry!

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I was two weeks late with my first and induced on my due date with my other two. I had huge babies.


With my second the dr. recommended LOTS of relations.......... we had fun but it did nothing to bring on contractions. I walked a lot with third, wend for drives on bumpy roads, ate spicy foods, tried just about everything recommended and it did NOTHING to bring on labor.



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I have never gone into labor on my own. With my first dd I was 8 days late, and because I was stupid, got induced and then ended up with a c-section because my daughter didn't like the pitocin. With my second, I was determined to have a VBAC, did Hypnobabies and tons of research, found a doctor who is great with VBAC and natural childbirth, and then 9 days past due, I had an ultrasound and my daughter's placenta was almost completely calcified and she was hardly moving at all, had almost no amniotic fluid, with decreased heart rate (no labor signs or even dilating). I had a second c-section with her.


So yeah, although mine ended in c-sections, I would suggest that 4 days past due with no labor signs is totally normal.

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My first was induced because of pre-eclampsia and 21 hours later, I had a c-section. My OB with my second would not consider a VBAC and so he was a scheduled c-section.


With my third, my OB was okay with a VBAC and he was THREE WEEKS OVERDUE before they finally induced - 22 hours later I had my third c-section. Fourth was scheduled. Other two were adopted.


So I have never gone into labor on my own and had four c-sections. My son who was three weeks overdue weighed 8.8 and was 23 inches long. He was past ready for sure. My other babies were much smaller.


I would see if your dh could go back to work and reschedule his time off. Is that possible?

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My first was 10 days after the due date.

My second was 14 days after the due date.


No pains until the days they were born.


If you read up on it, you'll find that they estimate the baby will come anywhere from 2 weeks prior to 2 weeks after the due date. They often don't like to go longer than 2 weeks after the due date, because that is considered dangerous.


Since my babies were both so late, I planned that if I got pregnant again, I would find out the due date, but not expect the baby to arrive before 2 weeks AFTER the due date, and set my sights on the latest date possible. (Because each day after the due date is more physically miserable than the one before it!!)

Edited by Garga
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