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Favorite kale recipe?

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The best thing about this time of year is all of the fresh produce that comes our way via our garden plus a generous friend who grows enough for several families. He's a single guy who can't use everything he grows by himself so he often ends up bringing me a large box of produce a couple times every week. So far this year I'm already up to my ears in lettuce, chinese cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, snow peas, baby potatoes, wax beans and more!


Anyhow, I have a huge grocery bag of kale that needs to be used soon and most of the things I've made with kale are more well-suited to cooler weather like putting it in soups. It's too hot for soup right now, IMO.


Any favorite kale recipes that you like to use this time of year?

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We have an overabundance of kale right now. I put it in wraps, smoothies, salads, boil it, freeze it, and put it in rice.


My standby:

Kale rice


saute 1 medium onion chopped, at least 1 lb of kale chopped it 1/4 cup oil til wilted. Add 2 1/2 cups water, 1 1/2 tsp salt, any herbs that you want (I use lemon basil and lemon thyme.), pepper to taste, bring to a boil. Add 1 1/2 cups white rice, stir, bring to a boil again. Put on lid and simmer on low for 25 min. Fluff with fork when done.

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Are you looking for family torture or something edible? My favorite family torture recipe is for kale chips. I've also sauted w/butter and lemon juice. I've also heard it's good sauted with bacon.


I once put a layer of steamed kale in a mushroom & cheese strata and have never lived it down. Any time I make a casserole-type dish my kids ask if I put kale in it.

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Kale, potato and chorizo dip. Fry some onion and chorizo slices with some smoked paprika. Add sliced potato and broth. When almost tender add kale and cook until soft. Allow to cool and puree to desired consistency.


You can make this thinner as a soup for winter, but it works well as a dip.



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This is a favorite - I've tripled the recipe in parentheses:





Olive Garden Toscana Soup



2 ¾ C chicken broth (9C)

¼ C heavy whipping cream (3/4 C)

1 med russet potato (3)

2 C chopped kale (4-6 C)

½ lb spicy Italian Sausage (1 pkg)

¼ tsp salt ( ¾ tsp)

¼ tsp crushed red pepper ( ¾ tsp)

Grill/sauté sausage, cut into ½ inch angled slices. Combine stock and cream in saucepan over medium heat. Slice and quarter unpeeled potato. Add kale. Add spices. Simmer about an hour.

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I saute it with a bunch of chopped garlic (I stem the kale by running a paring knife from the stem end up to the stem's narrowest point...once you've done that and chopped it up, most kids don't know it from spinach or chard). Then I mix it with pasta and grate some parm on top. I add crushed red pepper to my portion. It's a desperation lunch around here, and the kids love it.

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Agh! We had a bunch from our CSA and I just started cooking it! It's finishing steaming/sauteing so I sat down to check email and here's this thread! If only I'd looked sooner!


So I sauteed up some onions and garlic and let the onions carmalize a little. Now the kale, mixed with a little chard is finishing up sauteing.


Do I want to hit it with a splash of rice vinegar or balsamic vinegar to finish it off? Which would be better?

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