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Urgent Prayer Request

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Oh Katie,


I am so very sorry for your loss. It has been a privilege to pray with and for your Mom along the way. My heart aches for you, your siblings, your dad and all of her family and friends. She seemed like a really special lady.


I pray that the Lord will bring you guys a palpable comfort in the coming days as you do all that must be done. Then, as you begin again and move forward, I pray the sweet memories are many and the remembrances of her illness are few.


Sending love and hugs and my deepest sympathies.

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:crying: So very, very sad to say goodbye, but looking ahead to the time when, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."


Praying for your family, Katie. :grouphug:


Same here Katie. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :grouphug:

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Tears are falling for you and your family because of your great loss. But I am rejoicing that your mother is with her dear Savior and no longer feeling the pain of her temporary, earthly body. I wish I could have known her; she just sounds like an awesome Mom with such tremendous faith. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead and praying that you will find strength and comfort in the Lord on this new journey.

In Christ alone,




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I am so sorry to hear this. I have no words that will heal your broken heart because I know all too well this pain. I will tell you to lean heavily on your family and friends. Seek them out, find them and share your pain and your memories of your mom. It is gonna hurt for a good long time and you and your family are now on a new journey. Have faith that you will make it and you will. I wish I could hug you. Death is so very hard and it just hurts so much. Praying for your family to have peace on this journey.

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