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BC Pill/Period/Traveling Overseas???

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I do not use bc. I haven't for nearly 3 years because I had some very bad side effects with what I was using and told my husband I wouldn't use them anymore. I have loved being off them.


But in September I am going on a mission trip to Sierra Leone Africa and will be traveling in some areas that aren't the most hospitable for "that time of the month" if you know what I mean.


As it stands right now I will be starting my period right around the time I head out to fly over there. I do NOT want to be in the midst of a period while on this trip for obvious reasons- sanitary reasons.


The only way I know to assure I won't have my period while I am there is to go on BC pills and don't take the placebo week but start immediately on the next month's pill pack.


But I am nervous. I don't want the bad side effects again, nor the expense since our insurance won't cover the pills. But I cannot fathom my very painful and heavy periods while traipsing through slums and other locations.


Anybody gone on the pill for a short time and if so did you have any bizarre reactions or anything? Did you still have spotting even if you started the next pack right away?


Advice is welcome.

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I tried BC pills when I was first married 24 years ago...they made me a horrible person...mean and sick. Now 4 years ago I was having horrible periods and decided to talk to my doctor...she was awesome. I started Reclipsen 0.15mg/0.03mg and take them 12 weeks on 1 week off. I know this isn't for a longterm thing for you, but it really changed my life. Going from 12 times a year to 4 times a year and extrememly light...life is soooo much better. Just throwing it out there for ya. ;)

Edited by Tammy in Germany
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I've found that my body's reactions to things like that change over time, so I wouldn't assume I'd have the same side effects this time around too. If I were in your situation, I'd start the pills now--I wouldn't wait until September. That way you can see how you'll react and whether you experience anything like breakthrough bleeding, etc. If you still experience the bad side effects, you don't want to find out in Africa!


Other than the pill, though, I don't know what else might solve that problem for you. I know Depo Provera shots can also halt a period, but they have their own issues. Have you asked your doc about different options?

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Ack! Sure, you *might* not have the same bad experience, but do you really want to be dealing with potential (unpredictable) side effects while traveling like that?!? I would be an awful lot more worried about that than about dealing with a period.


Have you tried the Keeper or Instead or one of those types of products? As long as you can wash your hands (even if you rinse and then use a sanitizer), you can manage with one of those and have nothing to dispose of and little to carry with you. (Instead is disposable, but you can use a single cup per cycle, just dumping and occasionally rinsing ~twice a day.)

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The one time I tried BC pills many years ago I spent six hours throwing up. So I wasn't anxious to use them again.


Many years later, enter the Nuvaring, and my life has never been the same! I don't have a period, (had been heavy, very painful) don't have cramping, don't have mood swings. No need to remember pills. I just mark the date on my calendar in big letters when I need to replace the ring.


Breakthrough bleeding is light and tapers off after the first few months. No biggie.

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Have you tried the Keeper or Instead or one of those types of products? As long as you can wash your hands (even if you rinse and then use a sanitizer), you can manage with one of those and have nothing to dispose of and little to carry with you. (Instead is disposable, but you can use a single cup per cycle, just dumping and occasionally rinsing ~twice a day.)


I love my Diva, but I don't think I'd want to be dealing with it in a place like that, honestly. I often have a hard time getting it to pop open unless I have hot running water. If I were to drop it or need to wash it for some reason, I'd worry. I'd worry about my own hands, even with sanitizer. And if the OP is saying that her period is heavy and long, that's more than a twice-a-day thing--at least it is for me. Sometimes, for me, it's a once-an-hour thing :( I'd definitely go pill/Nuvaring or fully disposable in those circumstances.

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I would get in to see your Dr. ASAP. If you knew what you tried before, he/she might have some suggestions. But, you'll want time to try it.


I went on BCP last fall, because my cycles were so heavy and painful. It has been awesome. I've skipped the placebo pill a few times and I've had no issues with break-through. Even with the placebo week, my cycles are very, very light.

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When you say it's inhospitable..... I've had my period whilst travelling in China, with communal pit toilets and eager observers. It wasn't what I would have chosen, but it all added to the (weird) adventure.




Agreed, down to the pit toilets and eager observers. You get through it, and it always helps me remember that all the women around me deal with it all the time.


If you do go the BC route, I also agree with others who've suggested starting now to be sure it's going to be a good option for you.

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I'm not allowed to use as many :svengo: as it would to express my feelings about this. You are a much braver woman than I, my dear!


You get off a long distance bus for a loo stop and that's the only loo. You just cope. And laugh about it later.



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Honestly, if you've had bad side effects in the past, I wouldn't want to experience them while traveling or overseas.


I think I would manage the hygiene issues primarily with a menstrual cup (you empty it and put it back in- nothing disposable), and then some sort of back up for night time.

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I do not use bc. I haven't for nearly 3 years because I had some very bad side effects with what I was using and told my husband I wouldn't use them anymore. I have loved being off them.


But in September I am going on a mission trip to Sierra Leone Africa and will be traveling in some areas that aren't the most hospitable for "that time of the month" if you know what I mean.


As it stands right now I will be starting my period right around the time I head out to fly over there. I do NOT want to be in the midst of a period while on this trip for obvious reasons- sanitary reasons.


The only way I know to assure I won't have my period while I am there is to go on BC pills and don't take the placebo week but start immediately on the next month's pill pack.


But I am nervous. I don't want the bad side effects again, nor the expense since our insurance won't cover the pills. But I cannot fathom my very painful and heavy periods while traipsing through slums and other locations.


Anybody gone on the pill for a short time and if so did you have any bizarre reactions or anything? Did you still have spotting even if you started the next pack right away?


Advice is welcome.


I did this once when travelling. I had spotting the whole 3 weeks. I would have been better off just having my period. Sorry but for me it just did not work.

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have periods, right? How do they handle that? Since half the population is female, I am not sure what you mean by the country not being hospitable for that time of the month. Can you not dispose of .... whatever .... where ever people dispose of trash? Honest question because I have no idea what women do there! Even backpacking we have ways of sanitarily packing trash out until there is a disposal place.


I have been on a three month BC pill for years. I almost never have a period. I take the normal week off once every three months, but I almost never experience the effects. So I am a huge fan of using BCPs that way, and I feel great, am very healthy, and wonder sometimes how other women put up with the PMS, cramps, mood swings, etc. No thanks!


That said, it does take a couple of months to adjust. At first I was nauseous and women do have some break through for the first couple of months. So if you are going to do it, I would start it right away and adjust.

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If you are going to places described in this article, it sounds like they don't really have a way to deal with it. Many stay home from school or work. Some of that is not being able to pay for supplies (which you can take with you), but the article also cites lack of clean water and bathroom facilities.


My cycles run 7-8 days, w/o BCP. 3-4 days of that involves needing facilities every 1- 1 1/2 hours and needing to get up in the night. Being stuck on a plane or traveling/bunking with people for that is awkward. Add in lack of clean water and :001_huh:

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Thank you all for advice. Can I say I'm more confused now than I was before?:glare:


I know the women in Sierra Leone have periods. But it's like the other poster mentioned, what do I do with my supplies? And where we are going there isn't much at all in the way of safe and sanitary water. In fact one of the hospitals we are going to says not to use any water in the hospital because it is unsafe...and this is at a hospital.


My periods are 6-7 days and the heaviest days, I soak a super tampon in about an hour and a half. (Sorry TMI)


We will be going to a slums while there that just a few years ago was labeled the worst place to live in the world by the UN. They have open sewers and trash all through the place. You walk on feces and other unmentionables. There are no working bathrooms in this place. Yet I know we'll be there for at least one full day. Going to the bathroom is going to be hard enough let alone to deal with my monthly.


I know I'm a spoiled white American. I have been on a mission trip before to a third world country even more remote in location than where I am going now. But the difference was that was jungle and we could bury supplies. Where I am going is urban and that isn't an option. But when I was on that trip, the shock of the trip and location cause me not to have my period for 2 months without me doing anything. I just can't trust that to happen again.


I have my annual scheduled in July. Can I just wait to talk to my doctor then for advice? Or do I need to call ASAP?

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Because of your trip (depending on cycle specifics) I would call, though they may not be able to get you in sooner. If it would gain you an extra month of trying the BCP, I would try to rush it. They tell you to wait until after your cycle starts to start the BCP. So, waiting until July for the appointment(end or beginning??) could mean waiting until August to start the meds.

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First of all, you'll have supplies, so you're not going to be in that group. I would not use menstrual cups or anything else nondisposable while traveling to a place without clean water . I must not be understanding the hygiene issue here. What are you planning to do ? You can carry tp/tissues and hand sanitizer. You should be able to insert a tampon (I'd use ones with applicators rather than ob-type) and carry a plastic bag to hold trash, I'd just stick it in your bag. If wrapped, it won't smell.


Are there any women you can speak to in your group who've gone before? Even generically about toilets not menstruation.

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I have done this several times for vacations. Honestly, you do not need to go on them for a month or months. You can take anywhere from 1 tablet to a weeks worth and they will suppress your period for awhile. I just did this when I went to St. John at the beginning of June. I took 3 pills and my period came 10 days late spanning my entire snorkeling vacation. I had a tubal nearly 7 years ago, so I just told my doctor why I needed them and she gave me a sample pack. Really there is not reason to take them for so long. Good luck.

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First of all, you'll have supplies, so you're not going to be in that group. I would not use menstrual cups or anything else nondisposable while traveling to a place without clean water . I must not be understanding the hygiene issue here. What are you planning to do ? You can carry tp/tissues and hand sanitizer. You should be able to insert a tampon (I'd use ones with applicators rather than ob-type) and carry a plastic bag to hold trash, I'd just stick it in your bag. If wrapped, it won't smell.


Are there any women you can speak to in your group who've gone before? Even generically about toilets not menstruation.


If her periods are anything like mine, I can completely see why she doesn't want to deal with it while tramping around in a third world country. For a couple of days there is no quickly changing. It's a heavy horrible mess that means you need to be able to access a private place with water every hour or so. I cannot imagine being able to do anything productive during that day or so in a place like that. Sure women there deal with it...by missing school, staying wherever home is, and sitting on a mat or rags.


I would definitely call the doc sooner rather than later so that you can get something sorted out. BC pills make me bleed worse, so I'd want to know if that was the case before I left.

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Presumably you will be using some kind of trench to defecate. Can you not drop your tampon in there? In a bag if you wish? Or just bag everything up and carry it in your backpack until you can dispose of it? You can carry gel to sterilise your hands before and after.



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If her periods are anything like mine, I can completely see why she doesn't want to deal with it while tramping around in a third world country.


I was trying to ascertain the exact nature of her concern so that we could advise her. I was not suggesting she has no reason to be concerned.

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I can ask the ladies in our group...some have been there before though I don't know if any have dealt with their monthly while there. I have to be discreet because our group is about half guys and half girls. And I know none of them personally. I can't just use a trench where everyone goes to take care of my female business. I know when we are at the guest house I'll have use of toilets and trashcans (though toilets don't always work). I'm more concerned with on the field stuff, like the slums and the hospital and the community, etc. If my period were light it wouldn't bother me. But I have cramps that leave me doubled over and very heavy flow for at least 2 full days.


If there were private places I could dispose in a baggie and hold till we got to the guest house I would...just not sure if there is, esp at the slums and I am loathe to contribute to their ever increasing trash problem because of no sanitation services which is causing untold diseases. And I don't want to shirk my duties while there because of my period.

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