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Do you ever wish you had lived in a different time?

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Or at least were able to experience a different time? I find the more I study history the more fascinated I become with other time periods. What would it *really* have been like to live then? Not that I would want to trade places necessarily, but I would so love to see it for real - to experience it in all its glory and its ugliness. Kind of like the movie Timeline. LOL


I find the romanticized versions often found in historical fiction to be so enticing, but I know it could not have been like many of the portrayals. It is hard to find the "real" versions of what was, you know?


We are studying the Greek culture right now and so much of the culture that is preserved is the culture of the rich--the art, the feasts, the clothing, the theater--there is not much concrete information about the poor or rather small middle classes. It leaves me wondering what it would have been like to live then - as we live here today with our own financial situation. How would we compare?


Anyway, where would you visit (or choose to live) from another time?

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and I often picture myself living in 18th century England. But then I read about the horrible way the Thames smelt from human waste pollution that I start to change my mind. Then I think about cholera and typhoid fever and then Montezuma's revenge. Then I'm thankful for modern pharmaceuticals like Imodium and I realize I'm thankful to be alive now rather than then....


I guess every dream has to end! And so many people died then of TB and plain gastroenteritis that I would hate to witness that demise.

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I think about this often! I am really prone to thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. There are MANY cultures, past and present, that I would dearly love to experience. But I suspect I would always want to come back home to my own. I think the one I would want to "dabble in" the most is actually human pre-history, precisely because we know so little about it. I've always been fascinated with Anthropology/Archeology, and recently reading the Earth's Children series was really fun!

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I'd love to travel and visit. I'm fascinated with so many time periods in history, I'd love to *know* how it really was. Sci-fi writer Connie Willis has written about future historians being able to visit the time they were studying....her 'The Doomsday Book' is quite gritty about medieval life. I'd love to do a weekend in ancient Rome or Medieval Belgium or ancient Egypt.


As for living...I think I was born fifty years too early. I can't wait for the new gadgets and inventions. :D

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Not me. Well, unless you're talking about the future. Then I might be interested. I love studying history but I've never once thought 'oh I wish I could experience that.' I love modern stuff especially indoor plumbing, medicine and dental hygiene!

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I don't know that I "wish" to live in a different time, but the Underground Railroad/Civil War/Oregon Trail time period has always fascinated me. Crazy I know, coming from a gal that showers daily, but I've always found that general time period very intriguing.

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I find other time periods fascinating, but I don't think I'd *really* want to experience the real thing. I wory too much about where I'd use the bathroom and how often I'd get to shower. I guess I've camped too often.


This reminds me of the time on the old boards we discussed going on an authentic mush... in a weatherproof sled with a see through cover/roof and quality shock absorbers, sipping a mug of hot chocolate, and looking forward to an evening arrival at the nearest hotel, a hot meal and turn down service :).

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That's why we hang out in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism.) "The Middle Ages as they should have been" as they say. So we get the good food, nice clothing, guys in armour (mmm, nice look. Bad smell, but nice look,) etc. We don't need to indulge in nasty things like sexism, bubonic plague etc.

The SCA time period begins at Roman times, and I assume you're in America so you should be able to find Civil war re-enactors too. Pick a time period. Or don't pick, and do them all!

Since being in the SCA I've started learning to dressmake, knit, tabletweave, am studying Polish heraldry, had a go at felting, helped out in many feast kitchens, improved my embroidery, and generally had a good time. My peplos would look so much better if it had been woven in the right dimentions so I didn't have to overlock (serger) and hem the edges. Being a modern woman who only likes to visit the middle ages, I'm delighted that I was able to buy the linen rather than growing and processing it myself. Though I do know a guy who built his own floor loom (two actually) and wove his own trousers.

So that's the nice thing about re-creation. You can have the food and clothing, try the crafts, watch the tournaments, and still enjoy the flushing loos out the back.



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My first baby was breech, my second I almost bled out, and my third had a cord wrapped around his neck. One of us four would have died by now if I lived even 100 years ago. I love modern medicine not to mention indoor plumbing.


However, I will say that studying past times has given me a fuller appreciation for the ease and comfort of our modern life.

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to see things as they actually were, maybe even be able to step through, invisibly, for an hour or so. But to live in those days, no. We take for granted so many things - medical and dental care, and hygiene as previous generations could not have imagined.


So as to the times I would love to "see":


New York and Chicago in their early days

Rome in its glory days

in the studios of Mozart and Beethoven

World Fairs in major cities

Victorian England

witnessing the work of Da Vinci and Michaelangelo


I could go on and on.

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My first baby was breech, my second I almost bled out, and my third had a cord wrapped around his neck. One of us four would have died by now if I lived even 100 years ago. I love modern medicine not to mention indoor plumbing.


However, I will say that studying past times has given me a fuller appreciation for the ease and comfort of our modern life.


:iagree: Me too... funny insides. And even if I was able to live through two c-sections, my youngest would have did at 13 months. She is alive and well do to modern meds (insulin and thyroid). Oh and we would never have caught the celiac in both my kids. Wow, I'm really thankful everyday!

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I would like to travel to other times, but not necessarily live in them. Though I've always thought I would have liked to live in the 1930s and 1940s.


Have you read:




It's a great classic of time travel, set in the middle ages (and the future when they have time travelling historians). Great read!

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All your answers were so fascinating! Overall I would say that almost to a person, you would not want to live in another time. That was really interesting to me. I too wouldn't want to change modern dental, medical, electricty, etc., but I do have to say I long for a simpler time when there were not so many choices I think. :)


Thanks for all your answers!

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Or at least were able to experience a different time? I find the more I study history the more fascinated I become with other time periods. What would it *really* have been like to live then? Not that I would want to trade places necessarily, but I would so love to see it for real - to experience it in all its glory and its ugliness. Kind of like the movie Timeline. LOL


I find the romanticized versions often found in historical fiction to be so enticing, but I know it could not have been like many of the portrayals. It is hard to find the "real" versions of what was, you know?


We are studying the Greek culture right now and so much of the culture that is preserved is the culture of the rich--the art, the feasts, the clothing, the theater--there is not much concrete information about the poor or rather small middle classes. It leaves me wondering what it would have been like to live then - as we live here today with our own financial situation. How would we compare?


Anyway, where would you visit (or choose to live) from another time?


They'd have cast me out of Sparta for being a weenie. Athens wouldn't have let me in because I have no skills to contribute to an art-based colony. Maybe I could have been a house slave? Eh. Persia is out of the question... and I'm not sure I would hold up well in a tribal community in Africa.


Egypt would be nice... but not for a slave, which would most likely have been my lot.


Central American Pre-Colombian cultures are fascinating -- from the safety of a thousand years of preservation. But to live there when the party was kicking? Eh, not so much, thanks.


I'd have made a *lousy* Norseman's woman. Oy, vey. And I thought our first winter in the Forever Home was challenging! :tongue_smilie:


Middle Ages Europe? *shudder* I have a thing against lice. It's a serious prejudice.


Most of the land, and a lot of the politics, covered by the former USSR require a type of fortitude I simply don't possess. Y'all would be reading about how scientists uncovered my dead, frozen, mummified body in 2001... good luck trying to determine if it was the Bolsheviks or the winter that did me in.


I'm too opinionated and mouthy to have survived Venice during the Inquisition, too blunt and not nearly accomplished enough to get far in the Victorian Era, too fond of alcohol not to have gotten shot during Prohibition. I might, *possibly* be able to make it a month or two during the early years after the American Revolution. Maybe. Don't quote me on that.


Other than that, I can't think of a decade in modern history, or a country in modern history other than right here, right now, where I'd fare well. God sure knew my limits when he plunked me in this spot in the universe. And for that, I am thankful.

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Kay, thanks for the book recommendation!


I'm not so sure I would have wanted to live in the Depression, but I think I would like to have experienced WWII. Maybe. Except my parents wouldn't speak of their lives during that time period, especially my dad who served in the Navy. I'm wondering if it hasn't been romanticized a little too much, given how my parents tried so hard to put that behind them and forget about it.

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Unfortunately, I'm really rather like the royalty of that age and don't actually want to do any of the things myself, just live the life, complete with servants, LOL..... Hmmmmm, wonder if they have re-enactors who'd want to be my servants and make my dresses, etc., etc.....?


Funny you should ask! That's exactly what the local uni students did as a fundraiser recently. I'm afraid they only hired for the day though. I wasn't there, but I believe many were put to work entertaining children so mums and dads could enjoy themselves properly. Now if you really want this, you must join the SCA, get yourself or your hubby into armour, and become one of the best fighters in your kingdom so you can win the Crown Tournament. As Queen, you are entitled to a couple of ladies in waiting.



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