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The universe is conspiring against me

What do you think the Universe is trying to tell me?  

  1. 1. What do you think the Universe is trying to tell me?

    • It's time to get serious about eating right. Milkshakes aren't in the Plan.
    • I should stop frequenting places that have drive-thru windows.
    • I'm a doormat. I will never get anything in life if I don't learn to speak up.
    • I have too many kids. Fast food employees can't be expected to take big orders
    • I'm obviously too tired to make rational decisions. I should just go to bed now.
    • Stick with Nutella. It's a girl's best friend.
    • Something else I haven't thought of?

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Can you help me figure out what it's trying to say?


This morning I took my kids to the library across town. On the way there, I decided to stop and get milkshakes. I've been feeling really wiped out and a milkshake just sounded wonderful... So I go through the drive-through and order 1 regular + 3 jr milkshakes of various flavors. When I got to the window, I waited for several minutes and got 3 jr. milkshakes. The regular milkshake wasn't on my receipt. I said, "You didn't get the regular one?" My lovely cashier responded, "Which one was supposed to be regular?" :banghead: Oh nevermind. I was too annoyed with the guy to talk to him any more or to go through again and make another order. I decided to take a few sips of the kids milkshakes and go somewhere else later.


After our library trip and a few errands, we went to Wendy's for lunch. Again, I went through the drive-through. I ordered lunch for everyone. along with a Frosty for me. And...they didn't hear my order for a Frosty. :svengo: I know, I should have gone back--but I didn't. I was too tired to bother. And my salad wasn't even good. I spent my afternoon in my friend's kitchen eating animal crackers dipped in Nutella. It wasn't a mint cookies-and-cream milkshake but...it was chocolate.


So tell me, what should I learn here?


Poll to follow.

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Other. There is a full moon.


I voted to stay out of the drive through window joints, though. They can't look you in the face and not politely and quickly correct your order if you are face to face and staring them down with eyes that scream "I NEED ICE CREAM!"

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The universe wants to you to exercise by getting out of your car, walk into the fast food joint, grab the employee by the lapels and then give your order.


:lol: I wasn't expecting that.



After typing up my whole sob story ;) I feel like I have to justify myself. Fast food is not our typical lunch fare (especially not two joints in one day!) Today was...special. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted "I have too many kids. Fast food employees can't be expected to take big orders" but I really don't want to say that you have too many kids! You don't!


However fast food employees at the drive thru do have problems with long orders. Sometimes it's the employee that's not very bright, sometimes it's the drive thru system that's having problems. I rarely get an order right, unless it has just 2 items. And even then....

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Obviously the Nutella is in charge of the universe, and it wanted you to eat it with the animal crackers later in the day. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.


I went with this option, too. After all: when one door (or, perhaps, drive-through window) closes, a jar of sweet, sweet Nutella opens. :)

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Obviously the Nutella is in charge of the universe, and it wanted you to eat it with the animal crackers later in the day. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.


:lol: I knew I'd find some kindred spirits on this board. It must be seeking revenge on me since I haven't had Nutella in my house for over a month.

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Sorry. I voted doormat.


There's no way I would have left the original drive through without my milkshake. I wouldn't have drive through again; they can fix your order while you wait right there, and no I won't drive up and wait in the special parking space.

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The universe wants to you to exercise by getting out of your car, walk into the fast food joint, grab the employee by the lapels and then give your order.




This is the proper solution. Sometimes you need a milkshake, whether the universe wants you to have it or not. Screw the universe. Get the milkshake.

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Sorry. I voted doormat.


There's no way I would have left the original drive through without my milkshake. I wouldn't have drive through again; they can fix your order while you wait right there, and no I won't drive up and wait in the special parking space.


Thanks for speaking up. :)


So... I didn't pay for my (nonexistent) milkshake, there were 2 cars behind me, and they hand mix them (so it takes forever to make one). Would you still have sat there and waited? I need some coaching.


I was so annoyed with the guys tone. I didn't want to deal with him. But really, I'm he only one that missed out. I don't think they missed my $3.

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Sorry. I voted doormat.


There's no way I would have left the original drive through without my milkshake. I wouldn't have drive through again; they can fix your order while you wait right there, and no I won't drive up and wait in the special parking space.


I would not have left without a milkshake too, but I would have driven to the special parking space. The guy behind me does not have to pay for the drive-thru's mistake. However, I would have walked out of my car and stood at the drive-thru window until I got my milkshake!!!

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Sorry. I voted doormat.


There's no way I would have left the original drive through without my milkshake. I wouldn't have drive through again; they can fix your order while you wait right there, and no I won't drive up and wait in the special parking space.


:iagree: You need to learn to speak up with a voice that says you mean it! I learned from my dh, who has no problem with making a whole queue of people behind him wait while they get get his order 100% correct.

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I have this issue too--I order something, they don't hear me, or they hear something else, and I don't get exactly what I ordered. Sometimes they have an order screen that shows what I've ordered, and I don't verify my order. I need to get in the habit of either checking the screen, or asking them to repeat back the order.

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Sorry. I voted doormat.


There's no way I would have left the original drive through without my milkshake. I wouldn't have drive through again; they can fix your order while you wait right there, and no I won't drive up and wait in the special parking space.


I voted stop frequenting drive-thru windows, but I agree with Joann that you should stick around until you get your milk shake.

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Thanks for speaking up. :)


So... I didn't pay for my (nonexistent) milkshake, there were 2 cars behind me, and they hand mix them (so it takes forever to make one). Would you still have sat there and waited? I need some coaching.


I was so annoyed with the guys tone. I didn't want to deal with him. But really, I'm he only one that missed out. I don't think they missed my $3.


Yep. It goes something like this:


Me: "I ordered one regular chocolate shake and 3 junior shakes."

Employee: "We only charged you for the three."

Me: "That's fine. Would you please make my regular shake now. Here's my debit card back."

Employee: "We have a line; would you please move forward to the special spot?"

Me: "Actually, I prefer to wait here. I'm sure it will only take a moment to make it."


As far the people behind me, sometimes you just have to be patient. But then, I'm never the person throwing a fit in the back of the line because it's taking too long. Waiting in line is one of the few areas of patience that I have.

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Other. There is a full moon.


I voted to stay out of the drive through window joints, though. They can't look you in the face and not politely and quickly correct your order if you are face to face and staring them down with eyes that scream "I NEED ICE CREAM!"


HAHA! Love it.

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The universe wants to you to exercise by getting out of your car, walk into the fast food joint, grab the employee by the lapels and then give your order.


Do fast food cashier uniforms have lapels? I have a feeling you don't visit many fast food restaurants, Jean.


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The universe wants to you to exercise by getting out of your car, walk into the fast food joint, grab the employee by the lapels and then give your order.


I like this. However...


I don't think you wanted the milkshake bad enough.


If you had REALLY REALLY wanted the milkshake, the same way that I REALLY REALLY want ice cream at times, there is no way you would have left that first drive through without the milkshake. :D


So, maybe a bit of doormat too. I suffer from this at times. I try to check my order before pulling away from the window, but on occasion I don't, and later notice something is wrong...I don't usually feel like going back. However, if it was a huge mistake, I have gone back through the drive through and told them it was wrong.


I completely agree with the part where fast food employees can't handle big orders. Even just ordering for three people sometimes can be a pain...especially when one of these people wants something left off, or substituted, or wants an extra sandwich.


Over the weekend we went to a new place that just opened up no more than a week or two ago. They're not your typical fast food, even though they have a drive through...they're more Subway-ish, in that as you go through the line, you have to pick your toppings. However, you pay for your food first, then go through the line for the toppings. It was super busy that day, so I was ordering for four people, while some of them held the table. The guy seemed overwhelmed that I was ordering four things, since I was only one person, and he couldn't keep them straight, especially since two of them were the same item, yet I wanted different toppings on each. However, I chalked it up to them being really busy and being new and all that.

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Drive thru help:


I always start my order with, "I'm going to be ordering 6 meals."


At Subway, I request that they keep the sandwiches in a certain order. If they rearrange the sandwiches, I get confused about which is which. Once they are in order, I can say, "ok the first one has...., the second one needs..."


Chipolte and I are still working on a method. They like to give me other people's food and give the other people part of my order.

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