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Who had/has braces as an adult?

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I just got mine on last week. Seeing 2+ years of this stretching out before me is a little daunting, I guess I'm just looking for a little encouragement -- and proof that I'm not the only 40-something year old repeating those awkward teenage years. ;)


I had them from ages 10-12 so I suppose I know what I'm in for. Next month I get 4 pre-molars removed --not really looking forward to *that*! I'm not dentist phobic at all, but it will be hard to parent, etc for the day and I'm not sure how to pull it all off.


My 13yo is thrilled she's done with hers already and is feeling very smug. :lol:


I'd love to hear your experiences!

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I did braces as an adult. I only had to have two teeth pulled (no molars), but it wasn't a big deal, I didn't even take any motrin or anything.


I was so good about wearing the bands when and how the orthodontist told me that I only had the braces for 14 months when he originally had said 18 months.

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I had braces in my last year of college. Coincidentally I made friends with my dental assistant who was about 40 years old and also had just got braces. We became great friends and it was fun to have someone with the same problems when going out to eat. Ended up dating my cute orthodontist. I then wanted to study a semester in Mexico and got them off a few months early, but I was okay with it.

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I had them when I was 26 and thought is was completely worth it. I no longer grit my teeth with the corrected bite and I love the results! My 10 yo just got hers on today and I can't believe how much more civilized treatment has gotten even since I had them. Good luck!

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I have braces, and I'm 33! I've had them for almost 4 years... It's hard to imagine what it's going to be like without them! :D


I never had issues with straight teeth, but my baby canine teeth never came out. One of the baby teeth broke, and the doctors told me I needed to get both the baby teeth pulled.


That surgery happened about 1.5 years ago, and only one of my adult teeth has broken through the gums since then! I'll be soooo ecstatic when my adult canine teeth finally come in, and these braces can be gone!


The orthodontist was only expecting this entire process to take 2 years, total. I'm waaaay past that, and we're both just hoping I'm not in these braces for several more years!

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I had braces from 29-32yo. I had 4 teeth pulled along with my wisdom teeth plus 3 baby canines that never came out when I was younger. They pulled down the adult canines down by cutting windows in my gums, attaching chains to the teeth and my braces then pulling them down with the braces. Some of my teeth have gone back a little since then but not too badly and I no longer have any baby teeth in my mouth. :001_smile:

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They pulled down the adult canines down by cutting windows in my gums, attaching chains to the teeth and my braces then pulling them down with the braces.


This is what they did in my surgery, as well! Still waiting for those chains to pull the teeth down after 1.5 years, and these chains get tightened every three to four weeks. I normally dread that day - the tightening gives me quite the headache!


I do have fun picking my colored rubberbands. :D (I gave up on the clear bands, they stain too easily, so I go with the fun colors. They look much better than stained "clear" bands!)

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I just got mine on last week. Seeing 2+ years of this stretching out before me is a little daunting, I guess I'm just looking for a little encouragement -- and proof that I'm not the only 40-something year old repeating those awkward teenage years. ;)



I haven't yet, but I likely will when we have better insurance coverage. A former dentist encouraged it, and I pretty much disregarded him at the time because I didn't want them, but I've had some issues since that have made me re-think it.

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I never had them as a teen...too far to the nearest ortho. I got braces almost a month ago, as my teeth have kept moving, and the crooked teeth were becoming more crooked. I'm two years shy of the half-century mark.


I didn't get clear brackets, as I'm only expecting to have them on 6 months; I figured I might as well have some fun with the colors. I'm not willing to have four perfectly good teeth pulled to make room to do the full treatment, not to mention the $$.


Right now I have burgundy/purple bands on, and I think I'm going to go for turquoise next month! :) Today, one of my brackets is hurting my muth, so I'm going to break out the wax before dinner.

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I got them as an adult. I had a total of 8 teeth removed so that my others werent crowded. The gaps were embarassing at first, but the difference is so amazing and having a smile I am proud of has changed my personality so much. I didnt like them, they hurt most of the time, but I had REALLY bad teeth. It was worth every moment of that 2 years though and if I had to do it again I would.

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I just got mine off w/in the last 6 months. I ended up wearing them for 3 1/2 years. Originally I was told it would be 2 years. Ugh. I am so glad to have them off and have nice, straight teeth. I've never had straight teeth before.



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I had my tops put on in Jan. I am on my 3rd wire http://damonbraces.com/ put on a week ago. I will have my bottoms put on at the end of Jan. I am hoping to have them off Jan/Feb 2013. :)


I have been fortunate that I have not had to have any teeth removed. I do find them semi annoying especially when a new wire has been put on and my teeth are adjusting.


To keep myself going I just keep thinking of the end result. Less teeth grinding and my TMJ will be fixed. YAY!

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Best thing I ever did. I had my on for over 2 years? can't remember. I had them put on at 27 and I think I was done with them before I was 30. I had fun with them. I did all the different colors and everything. During football season, I had my blue and orange (Auburn) on. I have also had my gums cut back too. Not too bad, sounds horrible though. My smile is really nice. Wish I could do bleaching but I just can't afford it right now or justify the cost to myself. Lots of "older" folks sitting in the chairs at the ortho.

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Like you, I had braces in my pre-teens. I had no retainer when I was younger, and my lower teeth shifted. I found myself envious of everyone's straight teeth. I had braces around age 45! It took 2 years. I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled. I can now completely close my jaws :0 and no longer envy other's teeth. It was well worth the hassle.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Raspberries

Hello everybody


I am new here. I am 40 and have been wearing the traditional metal braces for the past 14 months. Today, I went to my orthodontist for monthly appointment and he told me that next month we could take the braces off. I was surprised it was so soon. When I frist started wearing them, I never asked the ortho the duration. My teeth before wearing the braces were crooked in a hillarious way and I had no confidence to talk to people even though I really wanted to. It took me many years to finally go to see an orthodontist. You need to have both; money and courage. Wearing braces is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Now, I have confidence to talk to people and it is worth every penny. I have some pain in my mouth sometimes (due to the movement of the teeth/tightening of the rubberbands) but I must say I never once apply the wax. I am so happy with my straight teeth even though they are not super perfect.

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I was hoping to get them once our house sold, but now have to wait a little longer. I am 41 and have wanted them since my late 20's but couldn't afford them.


Sad to think I was offered them in my teens but refused (for teeth grinding with no guarantee of working). Wish I could go back and convince myself.

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Guest Raspberries

Hi Birdwinglips


I understand completely what you are saying. At school, I was the only girl in the group with seriously crooked teeth which was not easy being a teenager. Then, in my 20s and 30s, I had no money to wear braces. I remember the desperation to have straight teeth that at 31 knowing fully well I could not afford the braces, I actually went for a free consultation at a top orthodontist. He was very good that he explained to me that once I completed wearing braces, my teeth would be straight but wouldn't be perfect. I was thinking, it cannot be worse than now for sure?


Anyway, last year I forced myself to just go into a dental clinic. Two weeks later, I was wearing braces. I was so happy. I had been saving money for the braces for about a year before that. I am sure you'll get to wear braces too one day.

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