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UPS's insane delivery schedule

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We saw UPS delivering to our neighbor at 9:30pm a couple weeks ago.


The delivery method used guaranteed delivery by "end of the business day". Guess that means by the end of their business day and not the typical business day.

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I can top that. We had UPS deliver a package at some ungodly hour--10pm sounds about right. We'd been waiting for it, too.


We bring it in (he knocked & left), & it's not for us at all. :confused: So we figure we'll call them the next day or something...


About 10:30, he shows up again wanting his package back. He also says he had one for us but can't find it.


And it seems like he stopped again a little later...he'd found our box. By then, I was thinking, jeepers, I didn't want it *that* badly!

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I love my UPS driver (he brings books!). He always comes between 5:00 - 5:30. We live within 5 min of the distribution center. I think this helps in terms of how quickly things come. Often I get next day delivery on items (without paying the fee).

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It probably depends on what time of day he gets to your area on his route, if anything has come up (traffic, etc.) to delay him....and how many deliveries UPS powers that be are trying to cram into each shift. I am sure the UPS guy has no desire to be out late if he can help it. Maybe the company is forcing overtime on occasion rather than paying for new drivers? I dunno.

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USPS is usually hear around noon, UPS around 2:00, and FedEx, my heroes, are here around 10 AM. Fortunately, our fedex is female, because she's seen me in some weird states! We are NOT morning people!!!


During December, UPS does 2 runs. The first, around 2, and the 2nd one is around 6 or 7 pm. Not sure exactly, cuz it's so dark!! They also have 2 guys on the truck; a driver and a runner. The driver usually slows down for the runner to drop the package on the porch :D


I have to say, I do love my UPS guy. I left a sheet on the front porch one year, because we were expecting a big dollhouse and a toy kitchen. He covered them with the sheet for us, EVEN though amazon had put them in a carboard sleeve! What a guy (his looks don't hurt either!!!)

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Business get their UPS deliveries earlier and residences later. Really stinks since you pay more to ship to a residence than a business.


When we lived in town, we got our UPS between 2-4 usually. Since we've moved into a strictly residential area, they come late--5-9pm. Since they don't have as many deliveries here, we're at the end of the route as they're on their way back to the terminal.

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Our good friend is a UPS delivery driver. They deliver until their truck is empty. If that means it is 9:30pm, that's what it is. Their shift doesn't end until the truck is empty no matter how crammed the truck was to begin with. It is INSANE around here at Christmas time. I'm not at all surprised to go to bed and find a delivery had been made sometime between 10pm-6am.

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Our good friend is a UPS delivery driver. They deliver until their truck is empty. If that means it is 9:30pm, that's what it is. Their shift doesn't end until the truck is empty no matter how crammed the truck was to begin with. It is INSANE around here at Christmas time. I'm not at all surprised to go to bed and find a delivery had been made sometime between 10pm-6am.



Tracking said that it was loaded on the track at 5am-something. Does that mean the driver had a 16+ hour shift?

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