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Major Prayer needed for my sister ~ would you serve as an intercessory prayer warrior

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My sister, Susan (I always call her Sue), sent an email today telling us that her doctor found a "spot" on her lung.


Backgroud: She has never nor does she currently smoke. She doesn't drink. She just turned 58 last month. About 16-17 years ago she was diagnosed with kidney cancer at the young age of 41-42! She said her doctors told her she broke the "typical" patient for this disease. Usually older males get this, but she was a younger female.


Praise God for His lovingkindness and working through doctors and treatments, they successfully removed the bad kidney and there has been no regrowth. Thanking God here! She went in over a span of about 15 to get tests done every so often to make sure it did not come back. She remains free of that.


Now this news comes. I'm very concerned for her.


If you are a follower of Christ, would you please consider standing the gap and interceding for my sister in prayer? I would so appreciate it.


She is going in for a ct scan this Wednesday, May 18 at 11:00 eastern.

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Oh, I sense such sweet, loving praying souls on behalf of my sister. How very kind. I am so very appreciative. I did mention to my sister the prayers that many of you will agree to do and she was touched.


Thank you! :grouphug:

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Thank you all so much! Truly, this is the body of Christ bearing one another's burdens.


The focus is not on me, but I will say I went to bed with tears in my eyes, didn't sleep well b/c of a strange dream and woke up with tears in my eyes...praying each time.


When my sister had surgery years ago to remove that kidney I went to MI and stayed a month. Her dh was working then and her daughter was then about 11. Now her dh is retired and her daughter, my neice, just graduated from college and went through the ceremony a week ago yesterday!


My 85 year old dad is upset, but still planning a trip from OH to NC to make a surprise visit for my dd's 12 b'day this next week. Prayers needed for him driving Sun/Mon for him to stay focused on his driving and arrive safely.


Thanks again....here I am tearing up again knowing that you have purposed it in your heart to pray for Sue, sister in Christ and wanting to serve the Lord in that way through obedience. Hope this makes sense.

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I will pray for her. My mother had two small renal cell carcinomas removed two years ago. She continues to have testing every six months, including a chest scan, to check for metastatis. I hope your sister receives a good report from her scan.

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