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Summer "school" plans?


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We school year round, but I am thinking that over the summer I would like to just do some light school.


I am planning to do IEW over the summer and we will do Timetravelers' CD up to the World Wars for a bit of History and fun.


Not sure what else, but it won't be our regular curriculum until about August.


What about you?



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We do "school light" as well. This includes reading and math. My dd (10) will be doing history over the summer because she loves it. My ds also does science through the summer so we can get more advanced electives in. We started Apologia Biology last summer, finished it in March, and we are now working on Chemistry. I also don't let our schedule revolve around "school", so we take more days off for fun. I also try to pick subjects the kids really love (except math, they must do that because they forget too much with a 3 month break!)

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I plan to keep doing some math. They will be involved in the summer reading programs, so this will be their 'reading'. I thought about maybe doing some science as well (maybe astronomy since last time we studied it, it was too cold to go outside and star gaze) :001_smile:

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We have a three week break at the end of June, after everything is finished for this year, then we will be moving into our new school year at the beginning of July. We do have a two week vacation booked at the end of July, so our summer term is only about 6 weeks long.


We won't be doing our full schedule, but we will be doing math, grammar, spelling, phonics and reading.


We add everything else in at the beginning of September.

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I'm crossing my fingers that we'll actually find a new house and move during this summer break, so I'm not planning too much on the school front. We'll do piano and scripture study every day and math 2-3x a week. Other than that, I'll take them to the library and let them check out books on any subject they'd like to pursue on their own.

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We always continue maths and piano through the summer, and we will also finish up the last few chapters of SOTW2. DDs do the summer reading program at the library, and we continue family read-alouds. I will probably also have them do their Mark Kistler drawing lessons online. Otherwise, I have some educational/fun CDroms for them to choose from too. (Typing Instructor, Editor in Chief, Math Detective, Creativity Express, etc). They don't get much computer time during the school year, so it's a treat for them to get it during the summer. They are also on a summer swim team, so although I'd like to fit in some science, I don't want to overplan!

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We'll be schooling full speed this summer. We took a fairly big break early, because packing and moving is impossible while schooling four kids. Considering it's our first Arizona summer, the kids will mostly be stuck indoors anyway. :)

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Both kids will take music classes, my 6yo will do a week of nature camp, and we'll be doing some math games to cement basic addition facts, and maybe a little ETC workbook work. And lots of reading and trips to the library, of course.

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We are moving this summer, and the kids will have a short summer at home before they spend time at Grandma's and then start school in the new district (which starts earlier!). So my ambitious plans for summer have to be tempered.


*Continue Apples & Pears Spelling

*Continue FLL 2 with grammar worksheet

*Daily Math Review workbook and math drills


Read & listen to RAs about history

Keep writing paragraphs about whatever

Daily sentence diagramming

Latin lesson (Getting Started with Latin - short and sweet)


*I will send spelling, math, and FLL to Grandma for her to do with Corbin, and he can do free reading.


Chloe will be reviewing Alg. 1 (she is taking Alg. 2 next year after a year of Geometry), reviewing Spanish 1, and studying for her driver's permit. She reads and writes plenty on her own.

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We are going to attempt to do "school lite" here. There are a couple of things they need to finish up and a couple of short studies I want to do over the summer. Here is the plan right now:


DD- 1st: OPGTR (got a late start on this and want to catch up); 15 minutes of reading; some type of math, she'll be finished with her current program so I have to decide what I want her to do over the summer


DS-4th: finish McRuffy LA; finish CLE Math 300 then due some type of review/math fact practice; 30 minutes of reading


DS-6th: finish current grammar program; finish CLE Math 500, then do Key To series; 30 minutes of reading


DS- 8th (this one is going to PS next year): finish CLE Math 600, then do Key to Algebra; finish LLfLOTR


With all of them, I want to do Ellen McHenry's The Elements and Knowledge Quest's Around the World

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We're usually light in the summer, but this year we need to do both science and history to get done. I want to get to a certain place in the cycle with my oldest starting logic stage. So, the older two will still do these. Otherwise we'll just do math, reading and probably some letter writing for fun. My older two will get writing in with science and history so I'm not concerned about that.


I've also decided that each child will choose one project they'd like to work on over the summer. We'll take some time each day to work on this. My oldest is going to start some simple computer programming, my dd will learn to use the sewing machine, my youngest will probably immerse himself in lego building. It's my 3rd ds we need to figure out... :001_smile:


Oh, and we'll continue Bible as we kind of dropped it for a few weeks.... we'll get that in at breakfast while everyone is at one place!

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We need to finish up MM3 and R&S3. We are going through Apologia Zoo1 for fun. I have some Math games and geography workbooks and websites for my DD8 to go through just to keep us busy when it is SO hot and we are bored. I am also going to have her do ElizabethB's online phonics and spelling lessons because her phonics from ps is lacking and I am sure that will help her reading!


My DS5 will do phonics, Math, and Handwriting everyday so he doesnt forget it all :)

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We also do a little school work over the summer, not to cover any new material but to try to retain what they learned until the fall. Mainly reading, writing, and 'rithmetic (such as a couple of math workbooks, some handwriting practice, and journaling).


We are also going to read some of the supplemental science books for BFSU and do the drawing program that I never got to this year.

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Monday & Wednesday: Grammar (quick review), History & Math

Tuesday & Thursday: Science, Writing & Literature discussion


I hope to keep it under 3 hrs a day for the oldest, 2 hrs or less for the younger two.


We're just finishing up the important things & gearing up for a fall with less review.

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Oldest son: SOTW 1-4 on audio, LoF Pre-Algebra 1 & 2 (should go pretty quick); Merit Badge Work; LfC A-C Chant/Vocab review (prep for Secondary Latin course to begin in Sept.) Copy work & Challenge Reading List (with narrations) Health 6 (Abeka).


Oldest daughter: Begin Math Mammoth 6/LoF Fractions; SOTW on audio, penmanship/copy work; Challenge Reading List. Health 3 (Abeka)


Younger son: SOTW, Begin Math Mammoth 5; Math Fact Drills; penmanship/copy work; Challenge Reading List. Health 3 (Abeka)


Younger daughter: Abeka Phonics K, Letters & Sounds K, Numbers K (will probably finish by August... should be ready for grade 1 readers, etc.)


Youngest daughter: Nail this potty training thing (she is currently at a point that she thinks it's FUNNY to pee on the floor.:tongue_smilie:

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