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How about this movie for a Boy Scout event?

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So, my ds is attending an overnight scouting event at the local airport tonight. I got an email late yesterday afternoon informing parents that the boys would be watching Top Gun tonight.


That doesn't feel like an appropriate movie for a bunch of pre-teen and teen boys to me. I replied to our scout master and said as much. His response was that the movie is rated PG so it will be fine.


Thoughts either for or against this movie for these boys?

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The lead characters sleep w/ea other, but I don't remember if it's just understood or if more is shown (probably not w/the PG rating.)


Here's IMDB parental guide.


Notice the comment on the language. I know from rewatching several movies from the 80s the language seems to be more crude than PG movies today. This was probably before the PG13 rating. Top Gun would at least be PG13 by todays standards.


While Top Gun is a great flight movie I don't think it's appropriate either. Much of the movie is about their relationship, they do sleep together, and it's not what I would pick for that age level. We are pretty liberal with movies as well.


I would suggest a more modern movie. Something like The Mummy or Prince of Persia, high adventure, less relationship.

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My guess is that they are trying to tie in the movie to airplanes, correct? I dunno, I loved the movie as a teen and watched it a billion times. Though, PG definitely means something different now, as another poster said, because this likely came out before the PG-13 rating was in effect. I probably would let my kids watch it in their late teens.

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Gosh, you have my sympathy!


When my ds was a Wolf, we were on an outdoor campout. Nighttime saw everyone at the Activity Center to watch Dungeons and Dragons, PG-!3. Another parent and I got our kids out of there fast. We also changed packs at the end of the year.


If kids were watching a movie (big if), I'd go for Follow Me, Boys. Old, but not dated.



Reading the other comments about relating the movie to airplanes/flight -- what about October Sky? It's about teenaged boys in 1950's trying to buils & launch model rockets -- they succeed, eventually, and one goes on to NASA. Based on a true story and truly inspiring, plus kid-friendly.


I would not let my son watch a questionable movie, esp at scouts. At home, you can fast forward, explain. But not in a group of boys. NO!!

Edited by Alessandra
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Movies??? At Boy Scouts??


Why aren't they tying knots or learning first aid or something, you know, scout-ish?



I've tried twice to step into cub scouts. Both times, the first thing was a movie. Spiderman, Star Wars type stuff. We didn't go.


I'd love a camping, knot-tying, first aid group minus the religion, but as with much in life, my imagination soars far further than what is actually out there to have.

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I would ask the Scoutmaster if he has actually watched the movie, recently? There is a pretty intense s#x scene...they don't show the actual act, but everything right up to it....not what I would let my 12 year old watch. There is s#x talk to, between the male pilots and females at a bar they pick up.


Honestly, alot of the whole story line is the "love story" between Tom Cruise and the woman teacher.......kinda boring if not over the head of the Scouts, I would say.


Kind of aghast that this is what is being shown at a SCOUT event, of all things!!!!!

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PG-13 existed before this movie came out, so it is a PG movie, but it's not one I would feel comfortable playing to a large group of boys, as it does have a few scenes that could make some people uncomfortable.


I don't have a problem with the movie for my children to watch in my house, though.

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I did reply this morning that we do not feel the movie is appropriate for our child, and I asked another option would be available to those boys who did not care to watch the movie. I haven't heard back yet.


I just wish we had been given more notice or something. I can think of several other flight themed movies that would be more appropriate, IMO, than this film. Too little, too late at this point.

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I find it hard to believe a grown man doesn't remember the famous steamy love scene between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGinnis. It was... well, very passionate. I would not approve of a group of young teens watching that unless I were there myself with my finger on the fast-forward button!


That's a shame, too, cuz otherwise that is a great action flick. :glare:


ETA - Agreeing with the others about October Sky being a much better alternative. Love that movie. Or if they need to be lulled to sleep, Winged Migration. Flight at its finest.

Edited by AuntieM
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I have a few issues with the movies shown at my older ds' scout events. And, when it is a movie night (usually Hallowe'en and Christmas) my son doesn't go. He says it boring because who wants to sit in a cold metal chair to watch a movie that he could watch at home on the couch.


I realize your situation is different, your ds being on an overnight, but there is no way my 11 year old would be watching that movie. Our scoutmaster's reply to parental concern is, "You got to let him grow up. They'll see that stuff sooner or later." My reply was, "Much later, thanks!" I love our scoutmaster, but he doesn't have quite the same values as us, so we agree to disagree on such things, and ds misses those one or two meetings - no big deal to us.


I hope they do have an alternative activity for those boys who won't be watching the movie.

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My boys are 16 and 13 and they think Top Gun is kind of boring because the action scenes are not the whole story. They're not into romance movies no matter how many cool flying sequences they have. They would much rather watch How to Train Your Dragon or an episode of Dogfights from the History Channel.

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