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Stupid Parent Award goes to mom giving 8yo botox

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"The few times that we did it, it would lessen the lines," said Kerry. "They wouldn't completely disappear, she's a kid. And we don't do so much to where it's going to make a big difference."


"I got influenced by some of the moms when we went to one of the pageants," Kerry said about what prompted her to begin Britney on Botox. "They were telling me about the lines on her face. A lot of the moms are giving their kids Botox. It happens."


Where are the "lines on a 8yo?:ohmy: It seems she also waxed the girls legs but only once and the little girl said no to further waxing. I just don't get these pageant moms:001_huh:

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Yes. Let's be sure to teach our 8 year olds how IMPORTANT looks are. You know, much more important that all that other stuff. Who needs to get by on intelligence, talent, and hard work when you can just be pretty?


:glare: Sorry. Touchy subject. Those pageants disgust me. I've seen some local ones, with little girls in their Sunday best which are adorable, but... teeth bleaching, waxing, excessive makeup, and now botox? Too far. IMHO.

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This is sickening! What physician in his right mind would inject an 8 year old with botox??? You would think that would be considered unethical and illegal. Apparently not.:angry:


Okay, I just read the article again. The MOTHER of the 8 year old is the person giving the injections!!! Apparently she is a licensed aesthetician. This makes it even worse in my opinion.

Edited by Emerkaza
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That poor girl. My own dd turns 8 in a month. I can't imagine giving off the (very strong) vibe that her body isn't good enough. I also can't believe they got a doctor to do that. I thought there were ethical guidelines about doing plastic surgery work on kids. To me, this should fall under that.



ETA: just saw the update about the mom doing the injections. She should lose her licensing for that.

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"Kerry, who asked that her family's last name not be used, told "Good Morning America's" Lara Spencer that it was actually her daughter, Britney, who wanted to try Botox, a beauty treatment more normally requested by aging women than growing girls."


This woman blames her eight year old daughter!!!! And really, according to this: "When I brought it up to Britney she was all for it" It was really her idea, the daughter just went along with it. What kind of woman wants to inject an 8 year old with toxins, can't say no, and blames it on the kid?! What an idiot!

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Where are the "lines on a 8yo?:ohmy:


:iagree:I'd like to know that, too! If I'm not mistaken, Botox PARALYZES the facial muscles. She is doing this to a DEVELOPING child! She doesn't think this will affect how her face grows?! She was smart to not give her last name because she KNEW people would think it's wrong because. it's. wrong!

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This is so shocking to me. My DD had a few botox injections for CP and it is scary stuff. They swore, promised, and had me convinced that there was no way the botox could travel from the injection site to any other part of DDs body that would hurt her. About 6months later, I read of children getting botox who died from, that's right, the botox traveling. The article infuriated me because it described the children as "cp patients" who were likely "already compromised," to justify the deaths that were caused by botox poisoning. My DD has CP and is a candidate for botox but she is not close to sickly. I wonder if this mom really knows that botox kills and has been proven to sometimes travel away from the injection sites. And, even if it doesn't kill, who knows what it is poisoning. It's one thing for grown ups to take the risk (which is admittedly small) but I am dumbfounded as to what would make someone put that risk on an 8yr old for cosmetic purposes.

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Sounds like she should have watched this:




Warning: there is one loud, offensive (but poetically effective) word at 2:45.


Wow! That is really powerful.


I can't even believe that a mother would give her child Botox or get her 16yo a nose job. Why are women so concerned with their looks, really? I mean men don't particularly care. Yes, I'm sure some men do, but most don't care enough to get surgery or do any of the million other things that women do to themselves to make themselves 'pretty'. Why do women?

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She still gets it from a DR.


She wouldn't say who exactly her source was, sounded like it was someone who had access to it but wasn't a doctor. Of course now that she has talked about it on national television hopefully they will find this "source".

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Wow, this is shocking! :ack2: There really are no words. Oh wait....yes, I do have words:


The little girl has such a sweet little face....why would the mom wanna mess with it? How could she stick those needles in her little girls precious face?? :cursing:


I don't know if you all realized this, but there are several clips at that link about it. After you watch one, there's another, and another. In one clip, a doctor said they don't know what the long term impact will be by starting botox so young.


Because of the initial news clip about this, now (according to one of the other clips), the San Francisco human services is now investigating the mother...mainly for 3 reasons: what training does she have?, where is she getting the botox?, did she consult the daughters pediatrician?


A doctor also said that the FDA has not approved botox to be used in children for cosmetic purposes and that it's a toxin that paralyzes the muscles. He said, "If it's injected into the face and then drifts to the throat, it could prevent you from swallowing. If it drifts to the breathing muscles, diaphram, it can prevent you from breathing. And in a young child, it can actually change the shape of your face because the muscles interact with the bones to form what your face eventually looks like." He said this is "maltreatment" and that if he saw them as their doctor he would be "required to report them to child protective services".


One pagent coach said, "this is not what pagentry is about and I'm sorry to say that she's only doing a disservice to her daughter and will never win the title that she so desperately seeks". I wonder if she would be disqualified (like how people are disqualified when they get caught using steroids)?


Something I noticed was that the little girl has a Medic Alert bracelet on. If your child has some medical condition it would seem even worse to be messing around with something so stupid like this.


Well, you know....while the mom is at it, she might want to get in touch with the guy she buys the botox from, who is "a trusted source behind the doctors scene", and maybe she can do some liposuction on herself.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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Some people really need to be slapped.


:iagree:And I'm a non-violent, "We don't hit in our family" kind of person. But still.... dang.


I'm glad social services is getting involved. This woman is scary. Let's review: (a) She thought it was a good idea to do in the first place. (b) She thought giving her daughter botox was *so vital* that she was willing to break the law to get some and © She went on national television to try to defend it!


Does she not have the common sense God gave a housefly? Good grief.


What's really scary, though, is that this is only the stuff we know about. Heaven only knows whats going on behind the scenes :(


My thoughts and prayers are with that precious little girl.

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This made me so sad. This poor little girl has such a screwed up view of what real beauty is... and it comes from her own mother. Talk about emotional and even physical abuse?! I certainly hope, in this case, that social services does a complete evaluation of the mother and daughter. That does not seem like a safe environment for the little girl.


What is with society these days? Why can't we just let our kids be KIDS!??!?

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I seriously have no words. I can't begin to fathom injecting Becca with toxins to erase some (NONEXISTENT) lines from her face. And the mom did it when other pageant moms pointed out the lines on her daughter's face? I'd have major issues with those b****es.:rant: Why can't our kids just be kids???

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That is great news! This story has bothered me since I saw it yesterday. That poor little girl. I hope she AND her mother get help.


I hope she's not taken away from her mom. As it is the Botox is disturbing to adults but the little girl probably doesn't think much of it. There's a desperate need to take that woman aside and give her what for but no need to traumatize the girl by turning her life upside down.

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I hope she's not taken away from her mom. As it is the Botox is disturbing to adults but the little girl probably doesn't think much of it. There's a desperate need to take that woman aside and give her what for but no need to traumatize the girl by turning her life upside down.




This lady needs some education IMO; it's my belief that what she's doing is dangerous, but she doesn't seem to be aware of it. However, that in itself shouldn't be cause for her daughter to be taken away from her. Better to improve the parenting than split up the family.

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One word to describe this mom. Narcissistic.


Two words to describe what she is doing to her child. Child Abuse.

This is the type of mom I grew up with. In order for me to have that picture-perfect smile to model, she had my teeth capped when I was 11. Several thousands dollars later(at my expense, of course) I have had to keep up the cosmetic dental costs and pay for over 2 decades of therapy to heal from many things my mom did for and to me.


What a sicko. I do say take this poor, beautiful child away from this mom. There is no cure for a Narcissist.:angry::cursing:

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One word to describe this mom. Narcissistic.


Two words to describe what she is doing to her child. Child Abuse.


What a sicko. I do say take this poor, beautiful child away from this mom. There is no cure for a Narcissist.:angry::cursing:


She's shooting toxins into her dd's face. How it ISN'T child abuse is beyond me. She even states in the article that she knows she's right, and nothing is going to change that.

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One word to describe this mom. Narcissistic.


Two words to describe what she is doing to her child. Child Abuse.

This is the type of mom I grew up with. In order for me to have that picture-perfect smile to model, she had my teeth capped when I was 11. Several thousands dollars later(at my expense, of course) I have had to keep up the cosmetic dental costs and pay for over 2 decades of therapy to heal from many things my mom did for and to me.


What a sicko. I do say take this poor, beautiful child away from this mom. There is no cure for a Narcissist.:angry::cursing:


Otherwise decent people do stupid things all the time. Diagnosing a woman based on one news show interview is pretty shaky stuff.

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WHAT???? Her darling little face is a minefield of bloody injection sites! The mother has to be in some kind of massive hell to think this will help her daughter get ahead in this world.

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