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LOL! 10 y/o dd wrote a story and the last paragraph cracked me up.

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I'll post the whole story here, it's short. For some reason the ending really made me laugh.



One cloudy day in the Caribbean, there was a little girl named Clara. She was only eleven years old. She loved to sing, dance, and play with her friend, Ali.


Her father, Mason, and her mother, Alexandra, loved her very much. Her brother, Eli, was fifteen and teased her sometimes. She did not mind though. She loved her family a lot.


Mason loved to take his daughter to the seaside. Now Alexandra was very ill and couldn't make the walk, so she got sea shells her daughter collected for her and listened to the ocean sound in them.


It started the next day. A thunderstorm started to brew in the south side. (Clara hated storms like these. Once, in the time of her ancestors, a storm blew away their house, and they had to move to Topeka, Kansas and leave their family behind). The wind rattled the window in the log house, and Clara screamed! For she had seen (or thought she had seen) a wolf.


Mason was comforting her, and her mother sang her favorite song softly. A moment later, her father took his gun and went to find the so called wolf.


While he was out, Clara was allowed outside for a little bit just to get berries for food in case the storm lasted for days on end. Her father came back claiming he had not seen a wolf but that it would've made a good meal.


The next day after eating just berries, the storm had stopped. Now her brother went on a bear hunt during the storm and was killed by a pack of wolves. They mourned for almost a day then tried not to think about it, for they hated the feeling. But they had moved on. They all had (well the rest of them did) a wonderful life.


The End.




Maybe I just have a morbid sense of humor but the whole "They mourned for almost a day" really made me laugh. Then again, so did Topeka, Kansas lol. :lol:

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