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So, is the world going to end in 2012? Yay or nay?!?

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My XMIL claims that the Holy Spirit has told her when the end of the world is, but she can't tell anyone. :001_rolleyes:


Awesome!! She sounds like a hoot!


But then she also says that the reason EX's broken foot isn't healing well is because he has radiation poisoning from Japan. :blink:


Was he in Japan??!?!


I didn't realize the signs of radiation poisoning begin in the foot :lol:

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Nope. If the 2012 thing that you're referring to is based on the Mayan calendar...the only reason that the calendar stops at 2012 is because they didn't want to keep adding to the calendar for infinity. They just picked a date and ended their calendar. It was totally random. They were just done with making their calendar. Figured their descendents in the year 2012 would keep it going (if they were still around in 2012.)

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Agree with all the other posters who say that the Mayan calendar doesn't predict the end of the world, simply that is when the calendar stopped. When would you have it stopped? As another poster said, our world doesn't end each January 1 although we get new calendars.

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guess we'll find out won't we? I don't think so.....but it will be interesting to see what does happen....even if it's just in the alignment of the planets or solar system or whatever....yeah those vans spouting about May 21 have been around MS too....wonder what they're going to do May 22? LOL


Feel pretty durn silly I'd imagine:tongue_smilie:.

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...wonder what they're going to do May 22? LOL


They're going to pretend they never said anything. Just like the Y2K-ers.


I had a handful of people ask me what I was going to do with my business when there was no heat, electricity, or computers. I just said I'd cross that bridge when I came to it...

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well, if it were I might stop trying to clean the house as often. Just let the dust win. but no, I don't think it's going to end, so I don't think I can use that as an excuse to avoiding dusting :lol::tongue_smilie:


Whoa!!! This sounds like a good enough reason for me! So, yes! Yes I do think the world will first end on May 21, 2011. Then the second ending ought to be near Dec 21, 2011 (WHY wait until 2012?). Then the third ending should be in May 2012. Then...


I think I've become a "believer!"

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No. I don't believe the Mayans were predicting the end of the world, but rather that the calendar is cyclic. One speculation is that they were predicting when a particular line up of heavenly bodies (planets, stars) would occur again. They saw it in their time and we'll see it again in 2012.

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No. I don't believe the Mayans were predicting the end of the world, but rather that the calendar is cyclic. One speculation is that they were predicting when a particular line up of heavenly bodies (planets, stars) would occur again. They saw it in their time and we'll see it again in 2012.


Details, details... all of you non-believers get so hung up on the details! ;)


(Please take this with the humor it's been written with - and see my post a couple up for further context.)

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love the debit card post LOL HILARIOUS!!! I'll have to use that next time my son mentions it LOL....Love the walmart running out of supplies LOL yep I can see that happening both in May and in Dec 2012 LOL.......oh my!!

my 8 yr old saw a show about it when I was cooking one day (he was watching nat geo) and he was sooo worried about that for days..... :glare:

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Details, details... all of you non-believers get so hung up on the details! ;)


(Please take this with the humor it's been written with - and see my post a couple up for further context.)


:lol: sorry, I don't believe ANYONE can predict the end :)

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I tell my kids that the world can't end in 2012 because my debit card it good until 2014. :lol:




Uh-oh. Mine expires 11/2012. :svengo: I wonder how I'm gonna buy all those end of the world supplies over the following weeks, because everyone knows that when the world ends we all need batteries....

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THe world as we know it is ending pretty rapidly anyway- it is unsustainable and we have done so, so much damage.

I do not think 2012 is the end of the world, but many different cultures have prophesied a time of great change and upheaval- the times we are in now and in the near future. But I think its a good thing, not a bad thing- its birthing pangs. I do not get all doom and gloom about it- I am happy about it.

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THe world as we know it is ending pretty rapidly anyway- it is unsustainable and we have done so, so much damage.

I do not think 2012 is the end of the world, but many different cultures have prophesied a time of great change and upheaval- the times we are in now and in the near future. But I think its a good thing, not a bad thing- its birthing pangs. I do not get all doom and gloom about it- I am happy about it.


This. (I love that I so often just get to quote Peela and agree! :D) I think a change is happening, which will certainly mean an end to some things... but no, I don't think the end of the world is upon us. And fwiw, there's always change and endings and such... that's the way of the world!

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They really reiterate what I already believe. I don't pay attention to stuff like that because I believe that only the Lord will know. However, this young girl I work with was all in a tizzy about it. I told her I'd ask on my forum because I figured if there was any merit to it at all, someone here would know.


This is the reason why I rarely pay attention to anything - I don't like the hype of this kind of crap.

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Mark Twain said that when the end of the world came, he wanted to be in Kentucky........ because Kentucky is 10 years behind everyone else.


Sorry to my Kentucky neighbors.


No i think the Mayans just ran out of room in their calendar and planned to add some more later.


:lol: I have family in KY.... While I know that their way of life is so NOT representative of the whole state, I would have to disagree with Mark Twain based on said lifestyle. I'ma say they're a good 30 years behind. But with computers. :confused:


I predict Wal-Mart will run out of canned goods and batteries (and alcoholic beverages) on May 20...will restock on the 21st...and will not miss a beat on the sale of summer-ish plastic merchandise.


The party sounds fun! :D




Whoa!!! This sounds like a good enough reason for me! So, yes! Yes I do think the world will first end on May 21, 2011. Then the second ending ought to be near Dec 21, 2011 (WHY wait until 2012?). Then the third ending should be in May 2012. Then...


I think I've become a "believer!"


Can I choose to believe like Creekland? We could be a cult. A non-dusting 6-month doomsday cycle cult.

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