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Praying friends, I covet your support...

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Our house went on the market Friday. We have had a lot of activity already.


The house we really want to buy is still on the market, but we've just gotten a heads up from our realtor that there's been a second showing to someone else.


Be still my heart.


I am tempted to ask for prayers that we get a quick, fat contract on this house, that those interested in the other place would just walk away and not get us all worked up about trying to make a better, quicker offer.


But I know that God has all the details worked out ahead of us. So instead I will ask for your prayers that I not have an anxiety attack while waiting on His perfect timing. For peace, and wisdom to know what actions we actually do need to take, and when.


And maybe that I can manage to be nice to everyone who drops crumbs on the floor while this house is on the market.


Thanks much.

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Our house went on the market Friday. We have had a lot of activity already.


The house we really want to buy is still on the market, but we've just gotten a heads up from our realtor that there's been a second showing to someone else.


Be still my heart.


I am tempted to ask for prayers that we get a quick, fat contract on this house, that those interested in the other place would just walk away and not get us all worked up about trying to make a better, quicker offer.


But I know that God has all the details worked out ahead of us. So instead I will ask for your prayers that I not have an anxiety attack while waiting on His perfect timing. For peace, and wisdom to know what actions we actually do need to take, and when.


And maybe that I can manage to be nice to everyone who drops crumbs on the floor while this house is on the market.


Thanks much.


Praying here. We were selling our house and the only house on the market I wanted sold. I was devastated and took my house of the market. The next year we listed again. I still didn't see anything I liked and was scared. I even emailed the people that bought "my" house. LOL They didn't want to sell.


One day I went to look at a house that I thought would work (it didn't) and saw a realtor sign at another house farther down the road. It was full of tall grass and weeds. I really got excited because I can usually see past that kind of stuff and loved what I saw. My dh couldn't see past it, but then when we finally went in he understood.


We've been here 3 years and this is the happiest we have been in a house. It is perfect for us (we had to do a few things to make it that way) and are so glad we didn't buy that other house.


If for some reason that other house sells, what are your plans? Could you rent and wait and see what turns up?

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Praying here. We were selling our house and the only house on the market I wanted sold. I was devastated and took my house of the market. The next year we listed again. I still didn't see anything I liked and was scared. I even emailed the people that bought "my" house. LOL They didn't want to sell.


One day I went to look at a house that I thought would work (it didn't) and saw a realtor sign at another house farther down the road. It was full of tall grass and weeds. I really got excited because I can usually see past that kind of stuff and loved what I saw. My dh couldn't see past it, but then when we finally went in he understood.


We've been here 3 years and this is the happiest we have been in a house. It is perfect for us (we had to do a few things to make it that way) and are so glad we didn't buy that other house.


If for some reason that other house sells, what are your plans? Could you rent and wait and see what turns up?


Thanks for this encouragement, I love your story. When our house sells, we feel confident that there will be something available in the area we like, for a good price. This house we've been most fixed upon seems to give us the most of the whole package of what we believe will meet our needs. Our hope would be for a door-to-door move, but we have relatives in the area and may be able to stay with them in the interim if there's a gap between selling this one and the availability of the next.


So many details! Thanks to all of you for your replies, they mean so much to me and my family!

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First off, so glad you're having much activity at your house. :)


We just went thru this, so I understand the anxiety. We ended up making an offer on our new house (pretty near a dream house for us, found under miraculous circumstance) w/ a contingency that our house sell (it had been on the market for 7 weeks, w/ 17 showings). The sellers accepted our offer w/ the counter that they continue to show the house, and that when they received another offer, we would have 48 hours to remove our contingency.

However, we worked out financing so that we could take the contingency off (and could carry both houses, temporarily if needed) and wouldn't you know it, after all that work & worry, 2 days later our house sold- showing number 18!! Nerve-wracking!! Closings are 5/27 & 6/22


I say all that to say this- I'm convinced now more than ever, that when we trust God's hand, He works it out for our good. HOWEVER< we will not know in advance what/how it will happen, and it will likely be in His own sweet time. :lol:


These nerve-wracking experiences enhance greater trust & patience....praying for you & yours during this exciting/stressful time :)


ETA: ooops, the last sentence got cut off.

Edited by LarlaB
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We lost several houses we thought would be perfect for us. We were becoming frustrated and depressed, and at one point actually considered just packing up and moving back to FL. That's when we found this house, and it really was and is perfect for us. We were SO glad those other deals fell through!


If good thoughts are acceptable, you have them. :)

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Our house went on the market Friday. We have had a lot of activity already.


The house we really want to buy is still on the market, but we've just gotten a heads up from our realtor that there's been a second showing to someone else.


Be still my heart.


I am tempted to ask for prayers that we get a quick, fat contract on this house, that those interested in the other place would just walk away and not get us all worked up about trying to make a better, quicker offer.


But I know that God has all the details worked out ahead of us. So instead I will ask for your prayers that I not have an anxiety attack while waiting on His perfect timing. For peace, and wisdom to know what actions we actually do need to take, and when.


And maybe that I can manage to be nice to everyone who drops crumbs on the floor while this house is on the market.


Thanks much.


Praying --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Boy, do I totally understand! :001_smile:


Photog just left our house.

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Thanks for the prayers. I am feeling a bit less anxious. We had two showings today, I am hoping for some feedback soon.


I also learned that the two houses that were deemed our "competition" got contracts offered and accepted just before our listing went active, so our biggest competition in the neighborhood has been eliminated. Yaaaay!


Mejane & Rosie, your positive thoughts are most definitely appreciated. I'm gettin' too old for the stress of the real estate game!

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Praying for you Auntie M


We saw a few houses come and go. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I will share that I ended up being glad we were NOT in either of the two that it *most* upset me to lose. One burnt to the ground from a chimney fire the first Christmas we would have been there and the second was near a small factory that had an explosion! It didn't damage the house, but I would have had a For Sale sign in the yard THAT DAY.

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