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I tried to watch the wedding...

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I want Australia to be a republic. But secretly, I quite enjoy reading about the Royals in a magazine when I'm standing in line at the checkouts. My kids are completely wrapped up in history, which of course involves a lot of British royalty etc etc etc.


I wanted to watch the wedding. I wanted to enjoy it. Maybe it's just that I'm watching it alone, but I'm bored to tears. I.just.can't.see.any.entertainment. in watching it.

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I shocked myself by crying through half of it. I've paid barely any notice to the whole thing until this morning but it got to me. Loved every minute.


Especially loved the absolutely beautiful CoE service. The Anglican in me was immensely proud an moved by her church today. And I thought the address was spectacular.


Le sigh.


ETA: Maybe it's because I'm Anglican that the ceremony was so thrilling? Like to see the take of the Christians of other stripes of the board.

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I was not interested until my insomnia kicked in this morning. I caught from the middle of the ceremony. I almost teared up, and I haven't been watching a thing about the hype. What made it special for me is that is is quite apparent that they love each other.

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I wasn't interested, though I have the tv on now (something I never do in the morning).


When Sarah and Andrew married I had 2 roommates, one of whom was from England. She "made" us have tea and biscuits (cookies) and watch the wedding with her. I think then I was caught up in her excitement. Now I'm only mildly interested.

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I just can't muster up any interest in the British Royals. (Or any Royals for that matter... to be fair. ;)) Since we don't have TV, there was no hope of watching it at 4 am, LOL, but... if Katie wants to, we *might* watch it on YouTube later. Maybe.

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My 5 year old dd woke me up early to watch it with her (we recorded it). Right as it was beginning she said, "Mom, I can't believe I have tears!" -Then, as Kate was walking down the aisle, she said, "Mom, I thought a princess had a wand!"

- I loved watching it with her! What a great memory!! :001_smile:

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ETA: Maybe it's because I'm Anglican that the ceremony was so thrilling?


My son loved watching the choir, as he is in a similar Anglican choir. It was a lovely service!


We're not Angligan, but both of my kids sing with RSCM-affiliated choirs. My son, husband and I were out this morning (counter-protesting a Westboro Baptist Church thing), but my daughter just called me from her college. She and a few friends had a sleepover last night so they could get up early and watch the wedding. She was absolutely giddy about the new John Rutter piece sung for the event and loved singing the descant for one of the hymns.


She also enjoyed the hats and fashion.


We recorded it, and I'm planning to watch it after my son wakes up. We had to leave the house this morning at 5:45, and he collapsed on the couch within 10 minutes of walking back inside.

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I was not interested until my insomnia kicked in this morning. I caught from the middle of the ceremony. I almost teared up, and I haven't been watching a thing about the hype. What made it special for me is that is is quite apparent that they love each other.


This was me. Idid not allow myself to get into the hype; the whole time before the actual ceremony they were "Speculating who the designer of the dress was" I was like... who cares? You'll know in an hour, shut up and wait. but yeah, I totally got gushy at the ceremony, and I LOVE that they love each other.

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Oh, it was lovely! I enjoyed it so much! I watched Princess Di get married too (and was actually in London when she passed & was able to attend the funeral). The ceremony today was bittersweet and wonderful. My daughter & I watched it together & had a really nice time:D I'm Welsh though, so maybe that is why I love the royals? I dunno. I'm shocked when I read how many people aren't interested at all.:confused:

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I had no intentions of watching although my mom is a Royal fanatic and set her alarm for 3 am. So of course I woke up by chance and called her, good thing because she didn't hear her alarm! So we started our running commentary which got a bit mean when we came to the hats...but anyway she's very hard of hearing and can't work her cellphone too well so I was nearly screaming by the time the Queen drove up to the Abby doors. Hubby woke up and laughed at me but ds woke up and wasn't too happy to be awakened to Mom screaming, " There she is! " at 4 in the morning. So I moved the party down to the living room ( yes I should have started there -slapping forehead-). Finally, hubby joined me for the ceremony after making a pot of very strong coffee. He's a sweetie.


My favorite part was that lady wearing that big mauve Teletubbie hat!! What a hoot! By the way I'm a new poster and happy to have found the place. I look forward to learning and sharing here. Have a great day.

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I surprised myself by NOT crying . . .


I thoroughly enjoyed the service - the scripture reading, the sermon, the singing, the *churchiness* of the church wedding - the respect for God's House - oh I don't know how to say it, but it felt like a wonderful church service that happened to include a wedding . . .

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Especially loved the absolutely beautiful CoE service. The Anglican in me was immensely proud an moved by her church today. And I thought the address was spectacular.


ETA: Maybe it's because I'm Anglican that the ceremony was so thrilling? Like to see the take of the Christians of other stripes of the board.


I'm non-denominational Protestant, not high on ritual or formalities, but I thought the service was lovely.


The scripture passages were appropriate and encouraging for any marriage, and the address was very intimate. I liked that they were encouraging the couple to serve and love each other. The speakers and scripture readings didn't pamper the couple or treat them like royalty, but just like regular people who needed to know the beauty and mystery of marriage.


I do kind of like the royal flair of the carriage ride and the clothing and all that, but I thought the service itself was simple and beautiful.

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I loved it. I teared up watching Diana's boys. (I do not care for - nor have I ever cared for Charles and Camila - not saying Diana didn't have serious issues but... :glare:) I do like the Queen and I loved the Queen Mum when she was alive.


It's very obvious that they love each other. She's much more independent and aware of what being married to the future King of England entails than Diana was. It doesn't hurt that Katherine Elizabeth was the name I'd picked out in case we had a girl.


The dress reminded me of Princess Grace. Classic looking and not at all like that fluffy nightmare Diana wore. I liked it very much.

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I liked it. I didn't view it as "entertainment," however. Wedding ceremonies are rarely "entertaining." It's a serious, solemn ceremony for most people.


We love history around here, and so the kids and I got a thrill to be seeing a ceremony in Westminster Abbey as it was happening. We talked about all the kings and queens we've learned about, and how they stood on That Exact Spot at their coronations, etc.


Even though it was just a wedding, it had a feel of watching history unfold to it. I guess it's the romantic feel we (my family) have toward English Royalty. (We're just in the early 1700's in history, and have learned a TON about British royalty, so it's all fresh.) We enjoyed learning about how the songs had been used in other ceremonies, and how the jewels (the tiara) had been passed down from the queen.



I didn't expect to the entertained. I expected to see a serious ceremony. The fun part was the idea that we were watching a Prince's wedding unfold, live. How often does that happen? It wasn't too long ago that there was no TV and the only people who EVER saw royalty get married were the couple of thousand who could fit inside the church. That sort of thing gives me chills (that we get to see things that so few people in the past could ever hope to see.)

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I liked it. I didn't view it as "entertainment," however. Wedding ceremonies are rarely "entertaining." It's a serious, solemn ceremony for most people.


I agree about weddings, except the more famous ones, such as the royal wedding. I found it highly enjoyable and entertaining and lovely! When Sir Elton John is there, and Posh Spice has a hat on that you can't figure out how it is even staying in place, or the entire event is televised with a commentator sharing facts, unknown details, & information about arriving guests...it kind of changes things for me. It takes on an element of entertainment. That isn't a bad thing though. I loved it.



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the commentators knew who all the arriving guests were and there was no unpleasant chit-chat and speculation. Older dd loved the dress and all the females in the house liked seeing what everyone was wearing. Sometimes it's just nice to see something pleasant happening in the world.

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We're not Angligan, but both of my kids sing with RSCM-affiliated choirs. My son, husband and I were out this morning (counter-protesting a Westboro Baptist Church thing), but my daughter just called me from her college. She and a few friends had a sleepover last night so they could get up early and watch the wedding. She was absolutely giddy about the new John Rutter piece sung for the event and loved singing the descant for one of the hymns.



Ah ha! My minister directs a community choir I'm in and we've sung quite a few of his pieces and arrangements. Wonderful stuff!

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the commentators knew who all the arriving guests were and there was no unpleasant chit-chat and speculation. Older dd loved the dress and all the females in the house liked seeing what everyone was wearing. Sometimes it's just nice to see something pleasant happening in the world.


I watched a bit on TLC and was quickly turned off by the comments, giggles and, at one point, clapping. Ran to the CBC after that.

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I agree - I got bored through a lot of it - especially the singing. The most entertaining part was when my 4yo asked "Can you make me a dress like that mummy" :lol: (Although I probably could -my own wedding dress that I made was very similar).


Julia Gillard was funny - someone needs to teach her how to put on a hat :D

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