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OMG what IS it with boys?!?!?! (or is it just MY boy)?

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Once, we were waiting at the airport for a friend to arrive. It's a covered, outdoor airport with plants growing in little garden squares.


Right when the flight arrived and many people were coming down the escalators, they were greeted by a little boy peeing on the plants in the middle of the airport, well lit by the skylight above! :lol:

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Three of us were at the park with our 4yr old boys yesterday when we saw one of the boys peeing against a dustbin, with another boy egging him on. The only really surprising thing was that my son was not involved. We pretended the girls playing quietly in the sandpit were ours, and threw horrified looks in the direction of the boys :-)


When ds was under 2yrs old he was in the kitchen alone, and we went in to find that he had dug an ice-cube tray out the cupboard and ... filled it. As for peeing in the garden - here we just consider that "fertilising". He's been known to use the (unfenced) front yard too...


I have to agree, dd never went through this stage.

Edited by nd293
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Well.. my husband once told me how his mother had her sons wee on the lemon tree to help it grow {true story, really works} and my children heard. So my boys decided to relieve themselves on the lemon tree we had in the yard at that time.. only they didn't need to wee, they needed to relieve their bowels. The only reason we knew was because the 4 year old came in to request toilet paper for them. I was somewhere between :ohmy: & :laugh:



My husband found it so funny he couldn't breathe and once he stopped laughing immediately called his mother to share the story.

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No, it's not just your boy. Nor is it just my boy. Sometimes it's my husband, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. :glare:

Mine too, though it is not only sometimes.:lol:


I have decided it is a male thing about marking out their territory, we have a 100 km drive ( mostly bush and farmland) to the nearest large shopping centre. My DH always has to stop at exactly the same place. I guess that is the furthest boundary of his territory. He tells me it is the furthest boundary of his bladder

Edited by melissaL
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I was somewhere between :ohmy: & :laugh:


Which reminds me ... a few months ago ds4 and the little girl who lives next door were jumping on the trampoline when her younger brother (aged 2yrs) started crying. His Mom and I went to him - he was all wet, head to shoulders. We couldn't find an explanation, except that sometimes the older kids take water up to the sandpit which surrounds the trampoline. Perhaps the little one had found water in a bucket and tipped it over himself? The older two had no explanation for what had happened.


Ten minuted later ds went inside, and his friend informed us that ds had peed off the trampoline onto her brother's head. Ds admitted to it. The younger brother was a monster, apparently, and pee chases away monsters... Who knew?


Mercifully my friend saw the funny side, although the fact that both of us were laughing so hard we could barely breath did make it difficult to discipline ds. He was sent to his room immediately, and I issued a heartfelt apology and followed up with a very contrite text message to my friend afterwards. Oh, the shame!

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When my oldest was 2.5yo, he dropped trow and peed right in the middle of an Easter egg hunt in a posh neighborhood. I was mortified! My husband thought it was funny to teach him to do it in the yard...didn't think ds might extrapolate that it was appropriate to do it anywhere he might need to go.

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Mine too, though it is not only sometimes.:lol:


I have decided it is a male thing about marking out their territory, we have a 100 km drive ( mostly bush and farmland) to the nearest large shopping centre. My DH always has to stop at exactly the same place. I guess that is the furthest boundary of his territory. He tells me it is the furthest boundary of his bladder



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All my boys do it regularly. They way I see it is that it is not a fight I want to start. There is much better things to worry about that I might actually win.


My son likes to act like he is looking at the side of your truck then he walks away and says "Hey mom your tire is leaking".:001_huh::glare: Yeah I go to the car wash often.

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It really wouldn't have been so bad if I had a bigger, more private property. But my yard is like 20X80 for crying out loud lol. We live in a county where "row homes" are common. My house is not attached to another house but it may as well be, there's only the width of a walkway between them. So any neighbor who happened to be looking out their window could easily see him.


Anyway, a lot of these stories are really making me laugh! :D

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Yep, it's just a "boy" thing and it doesn't matter their age. Just last weekend I came in the backyard (granted, we do have 4 acres) and DH was standing there taking a leak. I said "what are you doing?!!" He said "what does it look like?" :001_huh:

All 4 of my kids were there and not paying attention at all, like it's a common occurrence.

The thing that makes me laugh about this most, is that he's a director at his work and people look up to him. So the opposition of these pictures cracks me up. If they only knew..... :lol:

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Well, sometimes both bathrooms are occupied and one of the boys needs to go - I tell them to go pee outside. Actually, some times I wish females could do it too (especially when we go camping). Does that make me bad/gross/whatever? Anyway, boys will be boys.


I would go pee in my backyard if we had any coverage. No fence, no really any trees. ...

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My twins grew up in the country and peed outside all the time. It didn't bother me, my dad and brother always did it too. I never thought to tell them that you can't do it in the city, esp when you are trick-or-treating on a very busy road right in some one else's front yard....


That said my DH does it too, like on our trip to move out of state a few weeks ago, at a historic site. *sigh*

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I don't have boys so I can't comment from personal experience, but dh tells me that the one time he remembers getting spanked by his mom was when she walked into the bathroom to discover him and his brother, about 5 and 3 years old, standing on the counter and peeing into the sink.


My dad also told me once that he and his friends used to pee their names in the snow and have races to see who could "write" fastest. Since his name was "Ray" he usually won. :lol:

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All I will say on this matter is... you become a LOT less phobic about things like pooping and peeing outside when you are locked out of your house, and really, really have to go.


My youngest son has absolutely no qualms about dropping trou anywhere in front of anyone if he has to pee. He's gotten better, though.


My oldest son is just now learning how to stand and pee... he makes the biggest mess of the toilet at 11! Sheesh.

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:lol::lol::lol: I think *all* boys go through that stage of peeing outside!


Men that do not want to give that behaviour up take up golf for this very reason. I am convinced. My adorable daughter made a tshirt at the library craft day many years ago that had a man and a tree appliqued on it with her own little hands. She used marker to write Do not pee on the trees!! It was humiliating parenting moment 5,999. :lol:

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Incidentally, if any of you were the woman who witnessed this rude golf behaviour and said loudly to the group of idiots(including my dh) who were using the golf course as a toilet area thank you for saying loudly,"Not impressive guys, reminds me of my 5 year old." I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my mean little heart. They deserved it.:lol:

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I haven't read all the responses.....


We have had 3 outdoor peeing situations in the past month. All three involved DS4 and one involved DD5! :001_huh:


I just take deep breaths and remember that this too shall pass....(and be terrific blackmail material later! :tongue_smilie: )

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All I will say on this matter is... you become a LOT less phobic about things like pooping and peeing outside when you are locked out of your house, and really, really have to go.


My youngest son has absolutely no qualms about dropping trou anywhere in front of anyone if he has to pee. He's gotten better, though.


My oldest son is just now learning how to stand and pee... he makes the biggest mess of the toilet at 11! Sheesh.


Not to threadjack, but DS#1 improved his aim greatly after HE started cleaning the bathroom. :D

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My husband, when we were dating, took great pride in the fact that he had peed on the side of a building in every single city that he had ever visited. I think I've finally broken that habit. Or, at least, he doesn't brag about it anymore. He did just inform me, though, (as I was reading these posts to him) that he peed in an outdoor exhibit at an Army museum about a month ago. :glare: He had the kids standing lookout. And they wonder why I refuse to take the whole lot of them out in public.

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