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My boys just saw a mountain lion.

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They were north of the house doing who knows what, and saw a mountain lion about 50 feet from them. It ran away, they think it's a youngster.


Just when I thought it was safe to ride back in the woods. I wonder if that's why my mare would not. stand. still there the other day.

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Nope. Not possible. We were told several times that there were NO mountain lions in KS. :glare:


None. :glare::glare:


:glare: Not any. :glare:


All the numerous sightings in our area were incorrect. :glare:


Not possible. :glare:



(Glad your boys are safe!) :D


There is comfort in knowing I am not the only one laughing at the DNR or Wildlife & Fisheries reps who appear regularly on the 10 o'clock news to tell us they just don't live here. And comfort knowing I'm not the only one offended by their implications that the entirety of the general public is too stupid to recognize one when they see it.

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There is comfort in knowing I am not the only one laughing at the DNR or Wildlife & Fisheries reps who appear regularly on the 10 o'clock news to tell us they just don't live here. And comfort knowing I'm not the only one offended by their implications that the entirety of the general public is too stupid to recognize one when they see it.


Oh, you are FAAAAAAAAAAR from alone in this.:D

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Next time--they should NOT run! It will trigger the prey response, whether the lion is hungry or not.


just reread--IT ran, not them. good!


They don't run from much, me included. I think the lion showed good sense.


And I've been seeing lions on and off around here for 30 years. No way are they going to convince me they don't exist here.

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Oh, you are FAAAAAAAAAAR from alone in this.:D


Apparently the officials here in KS don't know that the mountain lion on exhibit at the Omaha Zoo was captured as it crossed a main intersection smack in the middle of town. Either that or the mountain lions know where the border is and refuse to cross it... ya think???

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Your mare probably knew something was up. Our gelding once turned around in the middle of a path when my ds was riding him. Something the horse had never done before. Ds turned him around but the horse refused to move forward.

Ds took a different route and we found out later that a cougar was in the woods.


Ain't it fun living in the country? :001_smile:

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