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How does media coverage affect you?

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I found out that I am less tense, much calmer and less stressed the less TV I watch, primarily news coverage. Could it be that we have enough to deal with in our immediate environment that we don't need the constant crisis announcements from all corner of the world by the 24 hour media?


Could you live (possibly better, calmer, more focused on issues in your circle of influence) without worldwide news coverage?

Does that border on sticking your head in the sand? :001_smile:

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I found out that I am less tense, much calmer and less stressed the less TV I watch, primarily news coverage. Could it be that we have enough to deal with in our immediate environment that we don't need the constant crisis announcements from all corner of the world by the 24 hour media?


Could you live (possibly better, calmer, more focused on issues in your circle of influence) without worldwide news coverage?

Does that border on sticking your head in the sand? :001_smile:

I'm exactly the same way. I used to like to watch/listen to the news, now it just causes me to have more anxiety.

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I do purposefully stick my head in the sand a lot of the time. :tongue_smilie:


We are bombarded with the negative from all around the globe 24/7. It can make it very difficult to be positive in my little part of the world.


I have enough stress in my daily life, I don't need to add more!

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I switched to reading my news online a few years ago. That way I can filter the news better.


I get sooooo very tired of them blowing a simple story into something HUGE just because it is a slow news day. Or them glossing over important events because it maybe, possibly, looks like it could, snow next week.

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News= False stress + propaganda/advertising


It is amazing how much more I get done without it, and how less worried I am minute to minute. TV is one of those addictive things that make you feel guilty later because you wasted so much time. I can't believe that I use to pay for it! I still have Netflix though for the occasional movie.

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I haven't had regular television in nearly 8 years. I haven't missed the news at all.


Our local newspaper hits the top news locally and around the world and if I want to pursue something, I can always look it up online.


This is me. The only downside is that my Mom has to call us if there is a tornado warning in effect.

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HA! That's funny. Tornado watches/warnings are the only time I watch the news, too. I catch the headlines online, read a few articles, and go on my merry way. Awareness is different than involvement, and I rarely get emotionally involved. I don't have the energy.

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I read the headlines on the computer and only if they interest me do I read any further. I have my Google homepage set up to give me the headlines when I boot up. We have never watched the news on TV- I never thought it was good for kids and so we just never have it on.

I don't think it's sticking your head in the sand. What can you do about it anyway? You will hear the important stuff either here or through your social network.

Most news is trivia. I don't need my head filled with trivia.

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I don't watch news. Haven't for years. I figure if something big goes down I'll hear about it pretty quickly. I didn't miss 9/11, the big tsunami in the Indian Ocean or the Japanese earthquake. In my world those are the only events in the last 10 years that were news worthy.

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I haven't watched the news on TV since I was pregnant with DD when 9/11 happened. I found that I just got too worked up and worried about things I couldn't change. We also do not get a newspaper. I usually don't know about stuff right away, and tbh, that doesn't bother me. If it's something really big, someone will mention it, either IRL or online. I do sometimes read news sites online, but I even try to stay away from them, because the answers to life just aren't there for me. I can fret and fret about gas prices and possible inflation and whatnot, and in the end, I can only deal with the situation immediately at hand. Anything else just works me up too much.

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We gave up watching the news 4 years ago. I had to think how long it had been I am shocked it's been that long. We orginally gave up watching the news because we were so stressed about the state of the housing market and what it meant for my dh's job as a superintendent. So, we stopped watching. Our stress level went down by heaps! He kept a job for 18 months after that. He was laid of for nearly 18 months and we still didn't watch the news because it would only make us feel worse.

We do read news stories on google but we keep away from local news which is fatalistic and depressing.

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I read Macleans, and get all my other 'news' from this message board. Even then I don't click on posts that sound like headlines that might be upsetting to me.


I do read are very local paper. But it's hard to get stressed out over that. The biggest news item in a few weeks is about the continued battle on snow removal on sidewalks.

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I completely agree with this post. My husband is one of those who has the news on all the time when he is home. I had to ask him to turn it off. I cannot watch the news right before bed or else I can't sleep. I can't do anything about most of it and it just causes me anxiety. I watch it occaisionally and have found that reading about it online causes me less anxiety. I also found that I had to stop watching Criminal Minds and it was one of my favorite shows. That show really made me anxious. I must be overly sensitive to that kind of stuff.

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