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Eating better...any suggestions?

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I am over weight and tired of it. I know some is due to medical issues, others due to lack of exercise (due to a lack of energy) and a poor diet. Now this is all new to me. Well the last 6yrs have been horrible for me. I used to be average weight and very active. After the birth of my last child I have gained a lot of weight. Well 100 lbs to be exact (that hurts to say).


I know I need to change my diet. What things do you suggest I add to my diet to help get healthier? I know cutting out a lot of the meats we eat is one. I have really cut down on eating red meats this last year or so. I have tried to eat veggie burgers not hamburgers. I have tried to eat more fish and less items like pork.


Any suggestions? Any ideas on food to detox my body off of all these processed foods and such?


Thank you for any suggestions.

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Hubby and I have been working on losing weight since November and we've been successful! It's helped to have both of us on board- it keeps us both motivated and accountable!


Our big problem was overeating- we had healthy meals but eating more of healthy foods is still more calories that we didn't need. We've cut out most snacks unless it is fruit/vegetables. We've put more fruits/vegetables with our meals and continued on with our whole grains/lean proteins.


We have also got a Wii Fit and use that(found a good price on Craig's List) It tracks our progress and helps us set a goal for our weight. We exercise at least 5 times a week. Most of the time it is doing the Wii but now that the weather is warmer we are doing family bike rides, hikes, etc.


I'm down a little over 20 lbs and have noticed an increase in my energy levels. It was hard at first- I was tired and didn't want to exercise. Now that I'm in the habit I notice on the days I slip and eat poorly I feel AWFUL! I also notice that I enjoy the exercise and I feel better during the day!


Good luck!

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I am also overweight and have been working on getting in better shape. Try having a green smoothie every day. I've noticed when I have them regularly, I don't have as many cravings for bad foods. I also aim to have 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. It's hard to eat a bunch of other things when you fill up on veggies. And exercise is so important. Even if it's just a little extra than you have been doing. The more you make yourself exercise, the more you'll feel like doing it.

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I forgot about smoothies! We eat them several times a week with our breakfast- we do fresh/can fruit, frozen fruit, plain yogurt and some juice or water to blend it all together. I've tried spinach in ours but the girls and hubby have a hard time getting past the color!


I stock up on fruit in the summer when it is cheap and freeze it in our deep freezer! That helps with costs of the frozen fruit and then we get blueberries/strawberries in the cold winter months!


We've also watched our portion sizes! That and limited snacking has helped!

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My husband and I lost quite a bit of weight last year, when we decided to eat healthier. Our goal was not to lose weight but to try to live a less toxic lifestyle.


Basically, cutting out all soft drinks, sugared juices, white flour and refined sugars is a good place to start. In fact, try to limit processed food as much as possible and eat whole foods (check out Cynthia Lair's book about Feeding the Whole Family). You can eat all the fruits and vegetables you want... even meats are ok. Switch over to brown rice and whole grain breads (with as few ingredients as possible). Smoothies are great! We got ourselves a Vitamix blender-- it's a great way to get in all your fruits and veggies, and to feel satisfied. The more you feed your body healthy and nutritious food, the better you will feel, and you'll notice the cravings for processed foods start to go away. If you give your body "fake food" that is devoid of nutrients, you will end up craving more food in order to get the nutrients that your body needs... that's how weight gain happens.


For exercise, get a rebounder (we have a Needak Rebounder). It not only detoxes you, but it helps with weight loss and provides a slew of health benefits such as faster rehabilitation from illnesses, better attention and memory (great for the kiddos), more energy in the morning, better sleep at night, etc. The book that comes with the rebounder says that by doing a health bounce (a gentle bounce) for 2 minutes every hour (I assume that's every waking hour), you can avoid getting cancer. I think that happens because the bouncing brings oxygen to all of your cells and detoxifies them as well. On top of all these benefits, you get to exercise in a way that doesn't even feel like exercise. Great for kids too!


Good luck!

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We're in the middle of making this change too. We have to stop eating out so much, that's our biggest struggle. Other than that, for now I'm trying to cut out white flour and deli meats. My goal will be to get rid of the chemicals in the foods we eat. That will mean no preservatives, whole foods, and eventually organic if I can afford it. I know that we're losing weight this way, but we'll also be healthier. If we can truly change our lifestyle, not just a 2 week fix, it will be good.

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Any suggestions? Any ideas on food to detox my body off of all these processed foods and such?


Yep. Salad. Start off with whatever green, leafy, lettucey thing you are willing to eat then gradually swap some of the iceburg (if that's what you eat) for dark green leafies like baby spinach and rocket. Arugala? Arugula? Whatever you call it. Something like that. :tongue_smilie: Eventually you won't like the iceberg any more. Eat salad at dinner time. Eat salad at lunch time. If you can face the thought, eat at breakfast time too.


Other than salad, which has magical properties, start by changing your breakfast. You probably require a portion of protein, a portion of grains and a portion of fat. You'll have to figure out the ratio. Some people need to get their carbs from anywhere except grains. People like that scare me, but they exist so I feel I ought to tell you about them so you can check if you are like that too. ;)


General guidelines to start figuring it out:

~If you eat your meal and feel sluggish, you are eating too many grains, so cut back.

~If you are eating a huge bowl full and still prowling around wondering why you want to eat, you probably need more fat.

~If you feel fine after eating, but are back in the kitchen in less than two hours, you need more protein.


If you are back in the kitchen two or three hours afterwards, you probably have your portions right. If a small snack like a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a double handful of popcorn satisfies you, all is well. If you eat fruit, a sandwich and start thinking about popcorn, consider it a slap on the wrist for not eating a proper breakfast.


I find the easiest thing to do is make up a pot of lentil and quinoa soup for breakfast, so we can eat it again for lunch. I need to add ghee or olive oil, or nuts for the fat too. If you're so motivated as to be eating salad along with it, good salad oil will do the trick.



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Cut out soda and drink more water or tea. :) Do that for a couple weeks and see how you feel. Stay strong!


Eat your carbs mainly during *meals* and only 1 serving + double up on what you usually eat in veggies. Do this for a couple weeks and see how you feel and what the scale says.


Try to switch some of your "white" carbs for some whole grains (whole wheat, brown rice, etc.) and lower your sugar intake, including fruits/fruit juices. Do that for a while and see how ya feel. :)


Add in 3-4 walks per week. See how you...you get the idea. :D

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For me, this means greens, greens, greens, and more greens. Salads, kales, chards, bok choy, broc and cauliflower (which is white! lol) , avocado, sprouts --paired with grass fed meats-- poultry, beef, lamb etc, and wild fish. If I omit the white breads, white rice, potatoes (I do eat sweet potatoes --and squash), I thrive. I also do well with eggplant, tomato, green beans, berries.


Sugar and simple carbs do not work for me. Food needs are so tricky...everyone is different. For me, limiting simple carbs makes me feel stronger, and helps me maintain a weight that is better for me. I still do indulge at times. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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Yep. Salad. Start off with whatever green, leafy, lettucey thing you are willing to eat then gradually swap some of the iceburg (if that's what you eat) for dark green leafies like baby spinach and rocket. Arugala? Arugula? Whatever you call it. Something like that. :tongue_smilie: Eventually you won't like the iceberg any more. Eat salad at dinner time. Eat salad at lunch time. If you can face the thought, eat at breakfast time too.


Other than salad, which has magical properties, start by changing your breakfast. You probably require a portion of protein, a portion of grains and a portion of fat. You'll have to figure out the ratio. Some people need to get their carbs from anywhere except grains. People like that scare me, but they exist so I feel I ought to tell you about them so you can check if you are like that too. ;)


General guidelines to start figuring it out:

~If you eat your meal and feel sluggish, you are eating too many grains, so cut back.

~If you are eating a huge bowl full and still prowling around wondering why you want to eat, you probably need more fat.

~If you feel fine after eating, but are back in the kitchen in less than two hours, you need more protein.


If you are back in the kitchen two or three hours afterwards, you probably have your portions right. If a small snack like a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a double handful of popcorn satisfies you, all is well. If you eat fruit, a sandwich and start thinking about popcorn, consider it a slap on the wrist for not eating a proper breakfast.


I find the easiest thing to do is make up a pot of lentil and quinoa soup for breakfast, so we can eat it again for lunch. I need to add ghee or olive oil, or nuts for the fat too. If you're so motivated as to be eating salad along with it, good salad oil will do the trick.




Great advice. I already eat Romain and other lettuces, not so much iceburg since I really don't care for it too much.


Now as for your advice on the guidelines. I hit all of those often! I need to get a better balance going on.

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Use smaller plates. I usually plate meals on salad, rather than dinner, plates, and the smaller plates make the meal look bigger. I also allot half the plate for veggies, one quarter for protein, one quarter for carbs. In addition to the half plate of veggies, I start most meals with some kind of green salad. I use vinaigrettes and dressings with much less oil (usually I reverse the 3:1 oil:vinegar ratio). Along with the lettuce, I usually throw in some extras, like fruit, avocado, other veggies, or small amounts of nuts or cheese--go for more flavorful cheeses because a little can go a long way.

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try to drink water. lots and lots of it. i drink a smoothie in the morning, and the rest of the day i drink mostly water. if i want something carbonated, i put 1/4 pineapple juice mixed with 3/4 seltzer water - it is so yummy.


for snacks, i enjoy a wasa cracker with 1 laughing cow cheese. for lunch i usually eat a salad. for dinner i have a cooked meal (vegetarian). at night, i try not to snack, but if i'm craving something - a bowl of cereal with almond milk or popcorn usually does the trick (make the popcorn on the stove yourself - it's healthier and yummier).




ETA - and yes! to the advice of adding exercise and whole grains too!:)

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You might want to check out some raw food web sites/books for healthy, yummy recipes. I love Alissa Cohen and Ani Phyo. Ani Phyo also has a lot of videos on YouTube which can be quite inspiring.


I second the suggestions for lots of green salads and green smoothies. I eat a huge salad for breakfast 3-4 mornings a week, and green smoothies (usually baby spinach, banana and frozen berries) 3-4 times a week. I find it really filling and energy boosting.


I would also like to sing the praises of avocados. Excellent source of healthy fats, and it can fill you up for hours. I like it in smoothies and raw chocolate pudding (YUM), or mashed with lime, fresh garlic and a little chopped onion. The later is especially good in cucumber boats, celery sticks, or romaine lettuce leafs.


Ok, now I'm drooling! :lol:

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Disclaimer: You don't have to read the whole thing if you don't want to.


Cut out processed foods. Make more, or better yet, most, of your foods at home from scratch. This is a great way to avoid added sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and other unhealthy additives and chemicals including dyes.


No juice. No soda. Juice is empty calories. It's loaded with sugar, albeit natural sugar, it is far healthier to eat a piece of fruit.


Drink lost of water.


Limit your sugar and refined carb intake. No white rice. Limit white potatoes. Limit white flour, or switch to whole wheat. Limit anything with added sugar (or sugar substitutes).


Eat lots of vegetables. Mix up your lettuce varieties and enjoys salads, with a small amount of home made dressing. Processed dressing are loaded with crap, especially high fructose corn syrup.


Red meat is not as evil as everyone thinks. And while you are on this high vegetable leafy-green lifestyle you will need to get a lot of protein. Protein helps keep you feeling full longer. If you have access to free-range organic or at least meat not treated with hormones and antibiotics, even better.


Not all fat is evil. There are good fats. Opt for extra virgin olive oil rather than vegetable or corn oil. There's a few other oils that are good for you too (I'm drawing a blank right now). Choose real butter over margarine - but use it sparingly.


Don't eat if you aren't hungry. If you eat when you are bored, stay busy.


Exercise. Weight loss is largely about calories in vs. calories out, but the foods you eat do play a part in it.


Join a forum like SparkPeople or My Fitness Pal. Track your food for a couple of weeks. You will be stunned to see how many calories are in foods that you didn't think were high in calories. It's a very educational experience.


Rosie made some excellent points. I'm stealing them because I forgot to hit "quote" before I got started:


"Other than salad, which has magical properties, start by changing your breakfast. You probably require a portion of protein, a portion of grains and a portion of fat. You'll have to figure out the ratio. Some people need to get their carbs from anywhere except grains. People like that scare me, but they exist so I feel I ought to tell you about them so you can check if you are like that too. ;)


General guidelines to start figuring it out:

~If you eat your meal and feel sluggish, you are eating too many grains, so cut back.

~If you are eating a huge bowl full and still prowling around wondering why you want to eat, you probably need more fat.

~If you feel fine after eating, but are back in the kitchen in less than two hours, you need more protein. "


Not to scare you Rosie, but I am one of those people that needs to get carbs from some place other than grains. It took me something like 37 years to figure that out. I feel great now that I have. Sadly, I do like carbs, maybe more than I should.


And because this cannot be said enough: Eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup. Yep. If yo do NOTHING else, do that. You will lose weight.

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Thank you all.


I am a big carb person. So, how do I know if I am one that needs to get carbs from other places than grains? Well I do know since my gallbladder surgery I cannot tolerate things like breads (wheat or white) not sure what it is but I cannot eat them.


Where else would I get carb sources from?


Okay HFCS is on the list to eliminate. I will add in more green smoothies. How much spinach do I add to those?


I do drink a lot of cranberry juice so I need to stop that. I just get UTI easily and this seems to be my easiest way to avoid them to keep my cranberry juice intake up.


The reason I cut out red meat as much as I could is also related to my gallbladder surgery. I cannot tolerate it. There are a lot of things I cannot eat anymore. I cannot eat eggs, breads, red meats, high fat foods, fried foods, ice cream, and the list goes on.

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I will add in more green smoothies. How much spinach do I add to those?


I usually put a couple handfuls of baby spinach in the blender with two bananas and a bunch of berries. Maybe start with one handful and see how you like it, and then move up from there.

I do drink a lot of cranberry juice so I need to stop that. I just get UTI easily and this seems to be my easiest way to avoid them to keep my cranberry juice intake up.



You can get a supplement called d-mannose which contains the active ingredient in cranberry juice that helps with UTIs. I'm not sure how often you can/should take it, but you might want to look into that.


Good luck! :D

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Here's a link to some of the board's favorite green smoothie recipes.


My personal favorite is frozen strawberries, frozen mango, frozen blueberries and kale or spinach or turnip greens. I often add a scoop of supergreen food powder as well. Blend it all up with some water, and it's a delicious frozen drink. I put in a small handful of each fruit and a large handful of greens and just cover the fruit with water.


And to your question about carbs- fruits and vegetables are carbs. They are nutrient packed carbs. Most of your diet should center around fresh fruits and vegetables.

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If drinking green smoothies seems too unpalatable, dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries will mask the green and give your smoothie a more pleasing purple color. I make a green smoothie every morning for my DS with kale, and I add 2-3 soup spoons of blueberries. In my experience, lighter berries like strawberries and raspberries just give the smoothie a dirty-looking color; you could always throw those in with just a few blue or blackberries to give the drink a nicer color.

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I have tried to eat veggie burgers not hamburgers. I have tried to eat more fish and less items like pork.


Any suggestions? Any ideas on food to detox my body off of all these processed foods and such?


Thank you for any suggestions.


You've gotten so many great suggestions! But I wanted to point out that veggie burgers (unless you are making your own at home from scratch) are processed foods. Any of the meat substitutes are pretty processed, and most use ultra processed soy, but some, like a few of the Amy's burgers, use gluten and grains (and for you, I would think that since you have a bread sensitivity, I would probably leave those in the freezer aisle.).


If you really want to detox, I would suggest starting with just fruits and vegetables, organic chicken, deep water fish, olive oil and real butter, sea salt and spices, and just get creative with those for a few weeks. Then, gradually add back in something new each week to see how your body responds because likely something you are eating isn't working well in your system and is causing your body to want more of it; eggs one week, brown rice or quinoa the next, cheese the next, and so on. You might be surprised to find that it is a sensitivity to something already in your diet that is holding up the weight loss.


Oh, and walk. It's easy, quick, relaxing, low impact. Start out with what you can with energy levels and time constraints, then gradually build up. Before you know it, when you miss that walk you'll feel like crap and want to take one :).

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Where else would I get carb sources from?




Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. While fruits do contain simple sugars they are loaded with fiber which will slow digestion and absorption. If you are worried about calories, choose the fruits with higher water content such as peaches.


Vegetables, like fruits, are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. They tend to be much lower in calories than fruits but still have plenty of nutrients. Because of their high fiber content, a big salad will keep you full for a long time which will help you eat less throughout the day. This can help keep your diet on track.


Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast foods. It's high in complex carbs and is also packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Oatmeal is digested slowly and will give you a steady supply of energy going into the afternoon hours. Stick with the traditional style oatmeal as the pre-flavored kind is filled with sugar.


Legumes (beans, peas, peanuts) do not only deliver good carbs, they are also loaded with protein which is a good source for vegetarians. They are a good source of fiber as well as vitamins and minerals.

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for a person needing to lose weight, I think you'd be better off limiting your carbs than you would be to limit your meat. MANY people lose weight by increasing protein/fat intake and decreasing, or eliminating for a time, carbs. South Beach is a VERY healthy diet. I think Atkins goes a little overboard.


Since this will be a huge change for you, I'd make the changes slowly. Cut out ALL refined flour products. ALL. Eat whole grains instead (brown basmati rice, quinoa, etc) Add as many low carb vegetables as you can. Try to eat veggies of all colors, including as many dark leafy greens as you can tolerate. (dark leafy greens are good for detoxing!) Cut out ALL sugar NO MATTER WHAT. I allow NO sweetener other than stevia.


The Body Ecology Diet is very, very healthy but you have to be committed to change. It's pretty restrictive, but it claims that it will get your body back in balance and it will cure many diseases. I did wonderful on that diet and healed some ailments I had been dealing with for years.


Exercise - I'd start walking daily and adding in some hand weights. Add more exercise as your body is able to handle it.

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Thank you all.


I am a big carb person. So, how do I know if I am one that needs to get carbs from other places than grains? Well I do know since my gallbladder surgery I cannot tolerate things like breads (wheat or white) not sure what it is but I cannot eat them.


Where else would I get carb sources from?


Okay HFCS is on the list to eliminate. I will add in more green smoothies. How much spinach do I add to those?


I do drink a lot of cranberry juice so I need to stop that. I just get UTI easily and this seems to be my easiest way to avoid them to keep my cranberry juice intake up.


The reason I cut out red meat as much as I could is also related to my gallbladder surgery. I cannot tolerate it. There are a lot of things I cannot eat anymore. I cannot eat eggs, breads, red meats, high fat foods, fried foods, ice cream, and the list goes on.


I understand needing cranberry juice to prevent UTI's. You can buy the PURE, unsweetened cranberry juice that you add to water (it's too concentrated to drink from the bottle) or you can sweeten it with Stevia.


If you are eating a lot of carbs and you are overweight, this is the first place to attack! Start off by LIMITING carbs. Eat WHOLE grains like brown basmati (lowest on the glycemic index so it won't spike your sugars) quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat. Add legumes to your diet. HEALTHY fats are absolutely necessary. Think coconut oil, avacado, nuts. The fats will help carry you, the high carb intake will make you HUNGRY! M

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I forgot about smoothies! We eat them several times a week with our breakfast- we do fresh/can fruit' date=' frozen fruit, plain yogurt and some juice or water to blend it all together. I've tried spinach in ours but the girls and hubby have a hard time getting past the color!


I stock up on fruit in the summer when it is cheap and freeze it in our deep freezer! That helps with costs of the frozen fruit and then we get blueberries/strawberries in the cold winter months!


We've also watched our portion sizes! That and limited snacking has helped![/quote']


add blueberries and they never notice you put spinach in!

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I will try to find some pure cranberry juice. I am going to cut out the carbs. Keep the suggestions coming. I am making my list now.


Also what type of blender that won't break the bank should I get. My old Hamilton beach one is dieing!

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Thank you all.


I am a big carb person. So, how do I know if I am one that needs to get carbs from other places than grains? Well I do know since my gallbladder surgery I cannot tolerate things like breads (wheat or white) not sure what it is but I cannot eat them.


Where else would I get carb sources from?


Okay HFCS is on the list to eliminate. I will add in more green smoothies. How much spinach do I add to those?


I do drink a lot of cranberry juice so I need to stop that. I just get UTI easily and this seems to be my easiest way to avoid them to keep my cranberry juice intake up.


The reason I cut out red meat as much as I could is also related to my gallbladder surgery. I cannot tolerate it. There are a lot of things I cannot eat anymore. I cannot eat eggs, breads, red meats, high fat foods, fried foods, ice cream, and the list goes on.

If you are not eating these foods, you should be dropping weight without trying. If you are not dropping weight with this type of diet, I would suggest you get your thyroid checked.


You said you eat lots of carbs, but can't eat bread. What carbs are you eating?

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I cannot tolerate bread, but crave it. I also eat a lot of pastas and such. I crave carbs. Like you would crave something while pregnant.


Yeah, not loosing weight while not eating those items. I am in the process to get my thyroid checked for the hundredth time. Every time they say there is nothing wrong.

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Also what type of blender that won't break the bank should I get. My old Hamilton beach one is dieing!


I have a Cuisinart that works pretty well. I think it cost somewhere around $100. I've also heard good things about the Oster.


They say you often crave the very things that are the worse for you, which seems to be true for me, so keep that in mind if you're craving a lot of pasta. I'm willing to bet that upping your green intake will seriously combat those cravings as it will give you such a great nutrient boost.


I am a pasta lover but, sadly, find that eating it does not sit well with me. I get a heavy, bloated feeling and it seems to make me generally sluggish. But it's hard to give up dishes that I really love, so I've found that (in addition to eating more greens) finding a substitute has helped. Rice noodles are good for me, and I also enjoy quinoa. I also put raw zucchini in my spiral slicer to make a thin noodle, and it's fabulous! Basically I give myself the taste/feel of a pasta dish without the wheat pasta. Maybe something like that would work for you, too.

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I cannot tolerate bread, but crave it. I also eat a lot of pastas and such. I crave carbs. Like you would crave something while pregnant.


Yeah, not loosing weight while not eating those items. I am in the process to get my thyroid checked for the hundredth time. Every time they say there is nothing wrong.

Pasta is boiled bread. How can you eat pasta and not bread? What about bread bothers your gallbladder? Try switching to rice pasta. It is sold in the Asian food section in the grocery.


Can you eat olive or coconut oil? You are going to constantly crave carbs if you don't eat fat. Also, you need to balance your protein with your carbs. Don't eat carbs with out protein. Protein will keep you from being hungry. I would add fish and avocado's to my diet if I couldn't eat fat. Good fat is not your enemy, carbs are. I would stay away from any fake fat like margarine or canola oil.

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Don't have time to read all replies so forgive me if I am being redundant. I'd add fruits and veggies. Cut refined flour and limit sugar. Don't eat it if it came out of a box! Drink water not soda, juice, sports drinks, etc.


I know I have been blessed with a good metabolism, BUT I also think staying thin is part of eating well. I don't think you need to eat "weird stuff" (things your grandmother wouldn't have heard of!) to be healthy. I think you need to eat less, and you need to eat things that God made (or if you're an atheist, *natural* things) -- fruit, veggies, seeds, nuts, eggs, lean meats and fish -- instead of things that people made in a factory somewhere.


No rocket science, just common sense -- which, if you're like me, is a good thing! Check out Food Rules by Michael Pollan. It is down-to-earth and SIMPLE.

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I am in the process to get my thyroid checked for the hundredth time. Every time they say there is nothing wrong.


Get the actual numbers. Depending what kind of doctor you see, one might tell you that your thyroid is fine, when you are end the very edge of the "fine" spectrum. Another doctor who specializes in the area, may not feel that you are "fine".


And as Parrothead said, make sure the doctor is checking for Hashimoto's antibodies instead of just going by TSH levels.

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Right now I can say I am not exercising regularly. This is my down fall. I just don't seem to have energy to exercise to hard. I am constantly moving, very rarely do I just sit. I have to have something to do, but that doesn't always mean I am bringing my heart rate up enough to make a difference. I have added in walking, but not fast or strong to make a difference I fear.


I will make sure they check for Hashimoto's antibodies when they check it.

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Pasta is boiled bread. How can you eat pasta and not bread? I can't, but still sneak it in even though it hurts. What about bread bothers your gallbladder? I have digesting problems with it. Don't want to give tmi on that one. Try switching to rice pasta. I will try this. It is sold in the Asian food section in the grocery.


Can you eat olive or coconut oil? yes I can do olive oil, I have not tried coconut yet. I will give it a try. It is veg, canola and I really think butter that gets me. You are going to constantly crave carbs if you don't eat fat. I will remember that. Also, you need to balance your protein with your carbs. Don't eat carbs with out protein. Protein will keep you from being hungry. I would add fish and avocado's to my diet if I couldn't eat fat. Good fat is not your enemy, carbs are. So good fats would be fish, avacado, olive oil and such right? I would stay away from any fake fat like margarine or canola oil.



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They say you often crave the very things that are the worse for you, which seems to be true for me, so keep that in mind if you're craving a lot of pasta. I'm willing to bet that upping your green intake will seriously combat those cravings as it will give you such a great nutrient boost.




Good point. I will for sure keep this in mind.

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[quote name=Janie Grace;2644540


I know I have been blessed with a good metabolism' date=' BUT I also think staying thin is part of eating well.


Up until 6yrs ago I was always thin. I had a great metabolism, never was I over 120 lbs unless pregnant. Then that was usually gone in a month or so of having the baby. Not sure what triggered this on, but it needs to be fixed that is for sure.

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Good fats include avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, fish... I actually think any fat that is natural is just fine. So for example, I'd say go with whole fat yogurt over a low fat that substitutes sugar or sweetener to make up for the loss of flavour in removing the fat. (Which is what usually happens with foods that are made into 'low fat' versions.)

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You've gotten some great advice. I'm in a similar boat and have made some great changes in the last few weeks that are helping me:


NO refined carbs. No baked goods. No flour. No bites and tastes of the kids leftover goldfish! I also cut out rice and potatoes. Although I would eat a potato over pasta. And I have had some sweet potato once in a while.


So all this advice to add veggies had me stumped. What I did was make my own recipe for a green smoothie loosely based on the Eat Fat Lose Fat plan. I use 1/2 whole milk yogurt, about 2c spinach (you won't taste it), 2 TBSP of melted coconut oil (yes, 2!) and about a cup of frozen fruit, I like blueberries, peaches, strawberries, even frozen cherries. I have added some pineapple too because it's quite "tropical" with all the coconut oil. I will say it took me a little while to work up to 2 tbsp without feeling a little queasy. But that fat really has helped me feel quite full and satisfied. I have this for breakfast several times a week, and if I don't, then it's lunch. It's my way of making sure I get a good amount of fat in a healthy way. I also can eat eggs, which you said you can't. If I wasn't cutting out pretty much all carbs (other than fruit and veg) then I would def make oatmeal. I love oatmeal, but I like to put too much brown sugar on it, so it's a no-no right now.


For my veggies one thing I did was make a giant pot of veggie soup. I mean thick with veggies. I put in onion, garlic (I mean TONS of garlic), celery, carrots, red pepper, kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, a large can of diced tomatoes and about 6c of chicken broth. I then freeze this in 2c portions. I usually get 8 servings. It's a great thing for lunch to add some cut up chicken breast too and viola! you have a bunch of veggies done for the day! It's great to have this in the freezer for those days when you just can't have another salad or it's too chilly for one.


I also love to roast my veggies in olive oil and a little kosher salt and pepper. I do this for asparagus, brussel sprouts, peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, onion and sweet potatoes. Pair those with a protein and you have dinner. Save them for lunch on a big salad, they are good cold too.


I have learned that processed carbs are my enemy, fat is not. I prefer "good" fats like coconut oil, flax oil, sesame oil, olive oil, avocados, etc over animal fats. I've just never been one that can eat the chicken skin or the fatty part of a steak. Eat Fat Lose Fat says to keep your ratios about 60% fat, 10% protein and 30% carb. I track in FatSecret.com because it shows me a little pie graph at the bottom of the page so I can at a glance see how my percentages are. You might have to vary it though to what works for you.


I would also seek other professional advice on the thyroid. I finally got an appointment (tomorrow!) to see a more holistic MD who specializes in hormone and thyroid function. I am taking in my bloodwork from my primary doc (who said I was fine) and will discuss my quite obvious symptoms. I hope to get some answers.


Good luck to you!!

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After reading more of what your situation is, I want to repost and suggest the Needak Rebounder again. Look into it. Seriously, this thing has health benefits like you wouldn't imagine. It is exercise that begins at the cellular level, because it is bringing oxygen to all of your cells (with very minimal effort on your part). All you need to do is hop on and gently bounce for a couple minutes at a time to start receiving benefits. There's a book that comes with it called, "Rebounding for Better Health". The Table of Contents lists the following under the subheading "Therapeutic rebounding"-- Arthritis, Cancer, Cardiovascular Concerns, Chemical Sensitivities, Constipation, Diabetes, Edema, Incontinence, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Sagging, bagging & Wrinkling, Varicose Veins, Vision, and Weight Loss. It improves digestion, kidney, spleen and functions as well as your immune system, circulation, stress management, etc. Research it and see what you can read about it.


You may also want to read Raymond Francis' book: "Never Be Sick Again" and check out his website: http://www.beyondhealth.com for more help. A lot of what he says makes sense.

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I am a big carb person. So, how do I know if I am one that needs to get carbs from other places than grains? Well I do know since my gallbladder surgery I cannot tolerate things like breads (wheat or white) not sure what it is but I cannot eat them. Where else would I get carb sources from?


Try eating legumes, fruit and even starchy veggies, and half an avocado for breakfast and see how you feel. If you eat double the amount of food you usually would to feel like you have eaten a proper meal, then want toast, you probably need grains. The grain doesn't have to be wheat.


Since carbs are an issue with you, start with one cup of grains per meal, and half a cup for snacks (2 hours after brekkie, 2 hours after lunch and just before you start cooking dinner) and NO MORE. Fill the rest of your belly with legumes and fresh veggies, particularly the raw green leafies. It might take a few weeks, but I will be very surprised if your carb cravings don't subside. If they don't, I'd ask if you are sleeping properly.


I will add in more green smoothies. How much spinach do I add to those?
Put in a handful. When you get used to the flavour, start putting in more. And repeat until you don't think it is possible to get used to having any more.


The reason I cut out red meat as much as I could is also related to my gallbladder surgery. I cannot tolerate it. There are a lot of things I cannot eat anymore. I cannot eat eggs, breads, red meats, high fat foods, fried foods, ice cream, and the list goes on.
It could be what the bread is made of. Dd has breathing problems if I feed her supermarket bread. She is perfectly alright if she only eats home made flatbreads (we grind our own flour) and the occasional few sandwiches made from store bought, better quality bread. It might be the additives you are allergic to. That's dd's problem. I'm allergic to the taste and texture. :tongue_smilie:


Good fat is not your enemy, carbs are.


With all due respect, that is incorrect. Carbohydrates are necessary for lots of useful things, like creating serotonin. If you don't have enough of that, you will be miserable and won't sleep. Good carbs in the right amounts, at the right times, are your friends. Even people who don't eat grains are getting carbs from somewhere. Donuts are your enemy, without a doubt. ;)


Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast foods. It's high in complex carbs and is also packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Oatmeal is digested slowly and will give you a steady supply of energy going into the afternoon hours.



You can eat only oatmeal for breakfast?



Edited by Rosie_0801
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If the color of the smoothies bothers you, just add a small piece of beet in the blender. Your smoothie will be a very appetizing shade of red. I used to do this for my dc because they would not eat a smoothie that was green or grey!


My current favorite is:



vanilla almond milk

protein powder

1/2 zucchini

3 or 4 strawberries

a little stevia

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I personally cannot tolerate grains. I eat low carb and vegetables and healthy fats. Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado.


Grains set off cravings and I binge.


btw...vegetables ARE carbs ;)


If I eat carbs I eat a fist size amount with dinner. My plate would be 1/3 cooked vegie, 1/3 cooked protien, 1/3 carbs. A large salad to begin with


Look up the "Carbohydrate Addicts Diet". You can get the books at the library or cheap on Amazon. By the Hellers.


EveryBODY is different. Not everybody needs grains and some people cannot eat them. It took my 15 years to figure it out.


Good luck!

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Right now I can say I am not exercising regularly. This is my down fall. I just don't seem to have energy to exercise to hard. I am constantly moving, very rarely do I just sit. I have to have something to do, but that doesn't always mean I am bringing my heart rate up enough to make a difference. I have added in walking, but not fast or strong to make a difference I fear.


I will make sure they check for Hashimoto's antibodies when they check it.

I just joined Spark People. Having to report to the exercise tracker seems to be helping. I'm not exactly sure how to "friend" someone yet, but if you join and want an exercise buddy, I'm there as Parrothead922.

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I just joined Spark People. Having to report to the exercise tracker seems to be helping. I'm not exactly sure how to "friend" someone yet, but if you join and want an exercise buddy, I'm there as Parrothead922.

For me...that site is THE MOST CONFUSING place EVER!!!!! I cannot stand that website! It takes me half a day to even get started there, I gave up

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