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How many items are in your Amazon.com wishlist?

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Wow, I thought mine was huge at 60. And a lot of those are things I don't really want to own, I just want to read someday.


Although some have been on there so long that I no longer care ... I did go through the other day and delete several things.

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Wow. That's a lot of stuff! I currently have 16 items, but half of those are books I eventually want to borrow from the library. My Amazon list is just a convenient way to store those titles.


I do this as well; otherwise, oftentimes I will forget about a great book that I've heard about.

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I also have 56 in my "saved for later" portion of my cart. (That way if I click on "cart" it tells me if there has been a major price change in any item -- that's really convenient, 'cause if something I've been waiting to purchase is suddenly and briefly half off, I want to know!)


My numbers have been higher in the past. I recently "cleaned out" some items I no longer needed on the lists. If the lists get too large, they're just not useful to me anymore.

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I'll make you feel better -- mine is at 364! However, I don't Want most of the books on it. There are probably 20 - 30 that I really may buy eventually, or that my mom will buy for the kids for birthday or Christmas presents. The rest are things that I saw recommended somewhere and conveniently saved on my Amazon list until I get around to trying to borrow them from the library (which is mostly a futile effort anyway because our system is so small).

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I think perhaps I have issues with books. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. Many of the books, are ones I WANT to check out from the library but ours doesn't carry. Our library doesn't even have ones like Swallows and Amazons and Paddle to the Sea so I keep it on my wish list until one appears for 1 cent or something like that!!

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I currently have 16 items, but half of those are books I eventually want to borrow from the library. My Amazon list is just a convenient way to store those titles.

:iagree: 16 for me too. And that's exactly why I keep a list.

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I currently have 16 items, but half of those are books I eventually want to borrow from the library. My Amazon list is just a convenient way to store those titles.



18 items for me, all "saved for later" and most of those are stored as library loan fodder :) I just cleaned out the shopping cart a few weeks ago. Dh had things in there from four years ago...

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my list is about 200. But, I have a reason for it! I put everything I want curricilum wise on the list and then printed it out (in a condensed form without pictures). I now keep the list with me in case I come accross any of those books at either Library booksales or at used book stores or even at yard sales....I have my fingers crossed that I will find a good many. I have all the books I need for this next school year so the list is for the following 2 to 3 years...

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A question for you and others - do you sort these? How? Have multiple lists? Do you add notes or comments to keep everything straight?
Yes. All of the above. The homeschooling lists are broken down by subject, and there is one general list for the kids and one for me.
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