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never take your 3 yo ds bra shopping....

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:lol: That is so cute!! Thanks for sharing.


We're in Middle TN too! How about those storms tonight!?!


Me too.... not far from Fairfarmhand.... storms were worse hear in the afternoon, it's quiet now.

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When my daughter was 2 she liked Gwen Stefani (the musician) who was going through a fashion phase of wearing black and white stripes. My daughter called her "Woo Hoo" (I think because her song "The Sweet Escape" has Akon in the background singing "woo hoo").


Anyway---this story is getting longer than I thought ;) --- she was with me in Victoria's Secret one day and suddenly she grabbed a pair of black white striped underwear and threw her arm up in the air and yelled, "Mommy, you need to buy these woo hoo panties!" I bought them. :D

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That reminds me of the time I took my eldest ds, 5 at the time, to Victoria's Secret with me. They had all of the manequins dressed in various shades of violet undergarments for some reason. Anyway, my ds was shuffling his feet and muttering to himself and suddenly blurted out, "I HATE all of these big, purple butts everywhere!" :D

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Reminds me of the time I took my oldest ds (then about 6-8 yo) to a Gyn appointment with me. I left him in the playroom while I had the actual appointment. Anyhow, he asked me what kind of doctor it was and what they did. I BRIEFLY explained in general terms. His response, "The doctor must throw up!"

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I think there just is a fascination with breast on the part of boys of that age. My 2.5 yr. old DS, this past Sunday, while sitting in my lap for Sunday services, reached up with two hands and squeezed both of mine, and then he kept trying to look down my dress. I can remember my older son doing the same thing, especially when I was in my swimsuit. :blushing:

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I think there just is a fascination with breast on the part of boys of that age. My 2.5 yr. old DS, this past Sunday, while sitting in my lap for Sunday services, reached up with two hands and squeezed both of mine, and then he kept trying to look down my dress. I can remember my older son doing the same thing, especially when I was in my swimsuit. :blushing:


You mean they grow out of it? :001_huh:

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I took my daughter dress shopping with me and when we were in the dressing room she started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Your back, it looks like it's smiling." Yes, I have bad back fat. At least it finally served a purpose, to make my girl laugh.

:lol: Sorry, crying from laughing so hard. My DS (5) has recently been telling me that I'm "fat" and that my butt is wide.:001_huh: I really don't think he understands what it means because today he told someone he's going to grow up to be fat.:confused:



Last year, when DS was 4, we had friends over for dinner. DS was sitting across the table from our lady friend, he started pointing at her breasts and saying "my mommy has big ones like those". I knew immediately what he was talking about but I tried to say, "oh, earrings, necklace", etc. He said, "No, drinks" (his word for breasts from when he was nursing).:blushing:

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Oh my goodness, that sounds like my 4 year old. My dh had the kids at the mall and were walking through that department, for some reason. Our 4 year old had to touch every display with both hands, saying "Boobs!" at every display he came across.


Needless to say, my dh dragged them out of there quickly...

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