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Waiting for contractions . . . decisions, decisions

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ETA: Hey, Micah was born at 9:38 PM! He was all of 10 pounds and 8 ounces, and 22 inches long! I am sooo glad I didn't wait any longer to have him--it was hard to push him out! I had to push 20 minutes, and I was really struggling to get that head out! Whew--glad that's over. Maybe I'll try that epidural next time! : )




I am expecting #8, and my due date is Monday. I had an appointment on Thursday afternoon. I was between 3 and 4 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and the baby was at -1 station. Bethesda (the military hospital) doesn't induce until after 41 weeks, so I have another appointment on Tuesday afternoon. The doc did strip my membranes, but I didn't think she did all that thorough of a job. Still, I had some contractions Thursday night that woke me up, but when I actually was awake, there was no pattern to anything. And once I actually got up on Friday, everything pretty much stopped, as far as contractions go. But I just felt uncomfortable all day (and crabby, LOL), and I did lose my mucus plug. Last night I was VERY uncomfortable during the night, but I didn't really feel any contractions. My back and pelvis were achy, and I wonder if the baby isn't a bit lower now. But again, once I got up this morning, nothing really seems to be happening.


But the thing is, my last baby came very suddenly, with no real pattern of contractions at all. I woke up on a Sunday morning feeling uncomfortable. I got myself dressed and helped the kids, but then decided I just was too uncomfortable to sit through a service, so just my parents took the kids to church, leaving a little after 10:00. I piddled around, just feeling these "gas pains" every so often, until a little before 11:00, I realized I was shaky and clammy after one of these pains. Hey--I'm in transition, and the hospital is not near! Thankfully, since it was Sunday, there was no traffic, and we made it there in record time, with dh driving like a maniac on the beltway. We got there, I was almost complete--just an anterior lip--they got me into a room, broke my water, and Faith was born 5 minutes later, at 11:54--about an hour from when I realized I was actually in labor.


So there is some precedent for me not realizing (or feeling that) I am actually having contractions, and dh is not thrilled about the possibilities of racing to the hospital, having a baby on the side of the beltway, OR waking up in the middle of the night with me all of a sudden ready to push! He wants to head in to the hospital this afternoon for them to check me. I feel like I probably am a little more dilated, and they probably would not send me home, but I am not excited about a ton of interventions. They would probably break my water, but I don't know . . . I do like things to be natural.


So, I'm just sitting here (having walked 40 minutes this morning), waiting for things to start and wondering if we should just go in. Decisions!

Edited by AFwife Claire
added birth info
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Last time you had "gas pains". Do you have anything like that this time? Or any somewhat regular pressure in your back or upper thighs? I attended a birth where the mother didn't recognize her contractions because she didn't feel anything in her uterus. She felt it all in her back. Some women have it only in their thighs. If you put your hands on your belly, does it lift forward or feel firmer?


Would you feel better going in just in case you are in labor? Would you request to go home if you are still around 4cm? If you stay, would you feel pressured to accept interventions that you'd rather avoid?


If I were you, I'd either stay home awhile longer or go hang out at a place nearer the hospital (restaurant, mall, etc.). :)

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I was this way with two of mine. The middle boys came very, very quickly. I'd have a lot of "achy" back and generally feeling really crummy but nothing that I characterized as patterned contractions. Apparently, this can be because of the way the baby is positioned. So, I'd wait until I really "felt" a true contraction and then realized that seriously, this was not funny because I must be in strong labor. We'd rush to the hospital and I'd be 8 centimeter but having what my mid-wife called "the bag of iron", water would still be intact, membranes bulging, which was preventing the baby from being born. They'd break them and baby would be there quickly.


The first time this happened though, the midwife thought I'd have an hour of labor to make those last two centimeters. The maternity ward was stacked and packed, five midwives on call, six ob's, and two women whose babes were headed to the nicu because they'd been unable to stop their preterm labors. It was crazy acres. I figured I had time and told her to go take care of someone else for a little bit. DUMB MOVE! No sooner did she leave the room than I felt like I needed to push. I panted for about 45 minutes before finally buzzing my labor nurse who was literally running her legs off! She ran in, took one look, and started yelling. It was over in 15 minutes.


The second boy that came that fast, the midwife never stirred a step. I came to the hospital just a little sooner, again not really feeling any contractions, she broke my water so I'd finish dilating, and he was there within 90 minutes.


I can really understand how you feel. I guess that I'd probably go and be checked out. You can reserve the right to refuse interventions and go home if you aren't too much further along, or stay but again, refuse interventions and just walk and try to progress. For me, breaking the water - all four children - was necessary...the crazy things just would not break on there own and the kids came rapidly afterwards. But, every woman is so different and there isn't any one right answer to this one.


Happy baby!!!!


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I second the idea of hanging out somewhere near the hospital. Is there a mall or library near? Could you pack a bag and go within 10 minutes of the hospital?

I would have some juice to keep your energy up, too.

Don't know where you are delivering, but at least it's a Saturday, so traffic shouldn't be horrific.


I'm betting it'll be soon. :D



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How long does it take to get to the hospital? That is key I think.


My 5th was born 1 hour after I realized I was in labor. Hospital was 45 min. away.


My water broke with #6 and I rushed to the hospital (20 min. away) fearing the worst. Midwife gave me pitocin after being there an hour maybe. :glare:


My 7th was born 45 min. after I realized I was in labor. Hospital was 15 min. away but it was snowing and it was late. We went in the wrong door and NOBODY was there. It was supposed to be locked but it wasn't... so there we were. Dh couldn't find a wheelchair so I walked to L&D. It took a total of 40 min. to get from my house to a hospital bed. Just.in.time. :D


Depending on how far away the hospital is, I might go ahead and go and get checked. Although I do think it is so wonderful to labor en route to your destination. Somehow the fear that you might not make it in time lessens those labor pains.


Maybe have dh google emergency births so he'll know what to do just in case. Knowledge is power. :D

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I would go because my husband wanted me to.




Last time I wasn't sure if I was in labor either, and we had a 4.5 hour drive to the birth center!! When I finally woke up dh, contractions were in full force, he drove like the Iraq vet that he is :lol:, held my hand, and was on the phone with the midwife, all while our older dd slept peacefully in the back seat. He says this time, we are leaving the first time I feel anything, or get crabby!


BTW, I was 8cm when we arrived at the birth center and little dd was born shortly thereafter.



OH....come back and tell us what happened!

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Claire is in the hospital! She has been put on Pitocin. The baby's heart is beating alternately fast and slow, and the doctors are trying to decide whether to do a C-section. (This is from an e-mail just sent out by our church -- hope Claire doesn't mind that I sent it!)

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Claire is in the hospital! She has been put on Pitocin. The baby's heart is beating alternately fast and slow, and the doctors are trying to decide whether to do a C-section. (This is from an e-mail just sent out by our church -- hope Claire doesn't mind that I sent it!)



LOL, it turned out that the monitoring thing was more the problem then the baby's heart rate, but I was at 5cm and we decided to stay. See, the hospital is about 40 minutes away from us with no traffic, but you can never know about the beltway! So the doctor just broke my water, and there was some meconium in it. My 2nd aspirated meconium during his birth, and he had some complications for a little while, including having to be sent home on oxygen . . . so we're praying that doesn't happen here!

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LOL, it turned out that the monitoring thing was more the problem then the baby's heart rate, but I was at 5cm and we decided to stay. See, the hospital is about 40 minutes away from us with no traffic, but you can never know about the beltway! So the doctor just broke my water, and there was some meconium in it. My 2nd aspirated meconium during his birth, and he had some complications for a little while, including having to be sent home on oxygen . . . so we're praying that doesn't happen here!


Wow - you're able to type online while going through all this?:svengo:

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LOL, it turned out that the monitoring thing was more the problem then the baby's heart rate, but I was at 5cm and we decided to stay. See, the hospital is about 40 minutes away from us with no traffic, but you can never know about the beltway! So the doctor just broke my water, and there was some meconium in it. My 2nd aspirated meconium during his birth, and he had some complications for a little while, including having to be sent home on oxygen . . . so we're praying that doesn't happen here!


Wow!!! At 5 cm I was was DEAD!!!! You are awesome!!!! Your little one will be FINE!!! STay strong.

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