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That's ok, I didn't *really* want to get paid anyway

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Sen Paul has proposed a bill that will unfortunately never get passed.




“In my bill, we keep obligations made to our military personnel, seniors, children, and federal workers maintain an adequate level of pay, but Members of Congress and the President do not get paid unless they actually work out a resolution.â€
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We are in the same situation as many who have already posted. DH is a GS (gov't service) employee. The GS employees at his work seem to have no idea if they will be paid or not :confused: and DH says they won't know until it actually happens.


We are gonna' be in a world of trouble if this doesn't clear up fast. We just shelled out thousands for plane tickets home this summer. Which was right before an totally unexpected state of VA tax bill (thousands more), and a fresh new bill for DDs new retainers. We handled all of that, but need to continue getting paid to continue to eat...

Edited by FindingLaurie
really strange wording on my part
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Same here, AD military. Our pay has been screwed up since before Christmas. We haven't seen any base pay in months due to a clerical error. This next check it was finally going to be right and start getting our back pay. We've been running on savings for so long we're almost out.


If it shuts down, we're going to have to go begging to Mommy and Daddy just to pay our rent, forget any bills. I'm really worried because Tricare hasn't said if they're going to shut down or not yet. I've got one child in a cast and another needing surgery.

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DH and I were both federal employees when this happened in 1995, so we remember what it was like. DH is non-essential, so he's already thinking about projects he can start next week.


We delayed booking our vacation, of course.


I'm a part-time state employee, so at least we'll have something coming in.

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I've heard several analysts on the news today (several channels, I like variety) say that it'd have a better chance of not getting vetoed if they'd left out the non-military add-ons.


That is possible. On the other hand it is easy to say that this or that budget cut is all about taking advantage of the crisis. But some things are going to have to get cut.


I'm disappointed with one side for entangling the military in political issues (not that this is new). Actually, I'm irritated with both sides over it. My understanding was that last big shutdown, this was less of an issue for the military because a military budget had already been passed for the year.


I'm irritated that some folks on both sides of the aisle seem to be continuing to make this about scoring political points or posturing for election cycles down the road instead of doing the job they took an oath to perform.


Of course it is hard. But adults have to deal with hard all the time. I have to deal with the hard choices about educating my kids and the economic impact of being a single income family, when most around us are not.


I'm disappointed with the media coverage, which does make it seem like it will only affect federal workers. It could potentially ripple out much farther, and rather quickly.


Yesterday I sent notes to both my senators, expressing my disappointment that there has not been a budget compromise. I doubt that one comment will bring them to their senses. Hopefully, it was one of many.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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My concern is that they are trying to add hot button issues to this budget deal which IMHO should be left out and dealt with separately especially since about half of America is Democrat and half is Republican. Also, Congress is not in full control of the Republicans as well. They want to defund Planned Parenthood and and single out the EPA. They are trying to prevent the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases which was upheld as a legal mandate by the Clean Air Act by a conservative Supreme Court in 2007. Plus the amount of money cut to the EPA is like the second highest and is proportionally much, much more than all other areas which I feel is unnecessary. Why not cut 10 or 15% across the board instead of singling out the EPA, NPR, and Planned Parenthood IMHO. If they want to deal with these issues, then they should be separate IMO instead of holding a budget agreement and federal employees and contractors hostage just to get an agenda in IMO.


My 2 cents:)

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I'm really worried because Tricare hasn't said if they're going to shut down or not yet. I've got one child in a cast and another needing surgery.


I had not even considered that. I wonder how that would affect maternity care (I am seeing a civilian provider because our base does not deliver babies). Uh...:001_huh:

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I would have appreciated a little warning. a few weeks ago when it was mentioned I asked dh how his new jobs works with that. he got no answer. ugh. they were bought out and the new company told them YESTERDAY: can't work and must use your PTO and can go -40 and then you just get no pay. Ugh.


Luckily I didn't book that Disney trip earlier this week. But it completely ruins our spring vacation plans if this happens. And if it goes over a week I truly don't know what we will do.


I do know dh will be job hunting during his days at home if this happens. Anything not gov't contract related. At this point a pay cut is fine. I don't mind living on less as long as it comes in consistently! :tongue_smilie:


Of course if the shutdown doesn't happen he's supposed to go out of town.....

Edited by tess in the burbs
more info
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I had not even considered that. I wonder how that would affect maternity care (I am seeing a civilian provider because our base does not deliver babies). Uh...:001_huh:


If you have a certificate of non-availability (if that's what they still use and if that is applicable to your base), you would probably still be ok because treatment is done and then billed to Tricare.


But it might be worth calling the civilian office manager next week to make sure.

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My concern is that they are trying to add hot button issues to this budget deal which IMHO should be left out and dealt with separately especially since about half of America is Democrat and half is Republican. Also, Congress is not in full control of the Republicans as well. They want to defund Planned Parenthood and and single out the EPA. They are trying to prevent the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases which was upheld as a legal mandate by the Clean Air Act by a conservative Supreme Court in 2007. Plus the amount of money cut to the EPA is like the second highest and is proportionally much, much more than all other areas which I feel is unnecessary. Why not cut 10 or 15% across the board instead of singling out the EPA, NPR, and Planned Parenthood IMHO. If they want to deal with these issues, then they should be separate IMO instead of holding a budget agreement and federal employees and contractors hostage just to get an agenda in IMO.


My 2 cents:)


Planned Parenthood was originally funded by President Nixon.

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The nutshell version is that the federal govt can only spend money that it is authorized to spend. The fiscal year starts in Oct, but the budgeting process for that year begins around Feb. So spring 2010 should have had budget proposals, then negotiations, then a budget passed by the two chambers of Congress and signed by the President.


That didn't happen. So there wasn't a budget passed by Oct 2010. Can't spend what isn't authorized to spend. So they have passed a series of continuing resolutions that say they can spend a percentage of the previous year's budget. (Continuing resolutions have been pretty common in the last few Congresses.) There was an election in Nov 2010 and the new Congress took office in Jan 2011. The new Congress (or some parts of it) said that there needed to be a budget and that they wouldn't support more continuing resolutions.


There have still been a couple CR's, but it is coming to a head again this week. (It looked like there might be a shutdown several weeks ago, but they passed a CR at the last minute.)


One party has a majority in the House and the other party has a majority in the Senate (remember, we're pretty much a two party system, with various sub interests represented within a party, instead of having multiple parties that form a government in coalition). The two parties have pretty widely spaced opinions on what are appropriate levels of spending, levels of debt, and even appropriate government functions. But they have to agree to get a budget passed. Once passed, the president would have to sign it.


In my opinion, (worth only $0.02 of course), there are many politicians who have moved away from the idea that they need to pass this years budget. Some are positioning things to make the other party take the blame for a shutdown. Others want to practice brinksmanship (convincing opponents that a cut in a program is better than being shut down altogether). Some are trying to get leverage for the next budget negotiation round (Right now, they should be working on the budget for fiscal year 2012, which starts in Oct 2011. But instead they are still hashing over the current year, which is months overdue.) Others are focused on setting the tone for the next presidential and national elections (Nov 2012, but some presidential candidates are already campaigning).


What did Churchhill say? Democracy is the worst form of govenment, except for all the others. Well, we're living that at the moment.

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I would have appreciated a little warning. a few weeks ago when it was mentioned I asked dh how his new jobs works with that. he got no answer. ugh. they were bought out and the new company told them YESTERDAY: can't work and must use your PTO and can go -40 and then you just get no pay. Ugh.



That's what DH's previous employer had planned to do, let them borrow up to 40 hours of PTO then no pay. Unfortunately, he started Monday on a 6-month right-to-hire, and he won't be able to do that. Even worse, we have to pay for a month of COBRA for the gap month between his old job and when the new job's insurance kicks in. :glare:

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The nutshell version is that the federal govt can only spend money that it is authorized to spend. The fiscal year starts in Oct, but the budgeting process for that year begins around Feb. So spring 2010 should have had budget proposals, then negotiations, then a budget passed by the two chambers of Congress and signed by the President.


That didn't happen. So there wasn't a budget passed by Oct 2010. Can't spend what isn't authorized to spend. So they have passed a series of continuing resolutions that say they can spend a percentage of the previous year's budget. (Continuing resolutions have been pretty common in the last few Congresses.) There was an election in Nov 2010 and the new Congress took office in Jan 2011. The new Congress (or some parts of it) said that there needed to be a budget and that they wouldn't support more continuing resolutions.


There have still been a couple CR's, but it is coming to a head again this week. (It looked like there might be a shutdown several weeks ago, but they passed a CR at the last minute.)


One party has a majority in the House and the other party has a majority in the Senate (remember, we're pretty much a two party system, with various sub interests represented within a party, instead of having multiple parties that form a government in coalition). The two parties have pretty widely spaced opinions on what are appropriate levels of spending, levels of debt, and even appropriate government functions. But they have to agree to get a budget passed. Once passed, the president would have to sign it.


In my opinion, (worth only $0.02 of course), there are many politicians who have moved away from the idea that they need to pass this years budget. Some are positioning things to make the other party take the blame for a shutdown. Others want to practice brinksmanship (convincing opponents that a cut in a program is better than being shut down altogether). Some are trying to get leverage for the next budget negotiation round (Right now, they should be working on the budget for fiscal year 2012, which starts in Oct 2011. But instead they are still hashing over the current year, which is months overdue.) Others are focused on setting the tone for the next presidential and national elections (Nov 2012, but some presidential candidates are already campaigning).


What did Churchhill say? Democracy is the worst form of govenment, except for all the others. Well, we're living that at the moment.


Thank you! :) Seriously, that was quite thorough and I actually understand most of it - I'm not very good with this stuff sometimes, so it helps when someone explains in basic forms.


I feel bad for you guys - not in a yucky "pitying" way, don't get the wrong impression there… in a "this really sucks and i'm sorry" way. It sounds like a lot of people could have their lives messed with because of this and for the most part those are just average people who don't even have anything really to DO with the mess described above. That ain't fair.

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My poor parents - all of us kids are military. DH and I will be ok for awhile. Brother will be ok for a little bit. Sis depends on child support from ex-h in the Air Force and will have no money. If this stretches out too long, we'll all be heading home to mom and dad. I'm not sure they're thrilled with that prospect. Of course, their garden is getting ready to go in for the year and extra hands might be good at that point.

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I was referring solely to the "Ensuring Pay for our Military Act" should the govt. shutdown, not the full budget. Nothing should be added on to the military pay act that is not related to military and pay. Both sides are guilty on letting this go on so long.


That is possible. On the other hand it is easy to say that this or that budget cut is all about taking advantage of the crisis. But some things are going to have to get cut.


I'm disappointed with one side for entangling the military in political issues (not that this is new). Actually, I'm irritated with both sides over it. My understanding was that last big shutdown, this was less of an issue for the military because a military budget had already been passed for the year.



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Add all of my family to the list. Dh is active duty military, daughter working in Kuwait for military and son-in-law active duty military. We've been helping our newly married kids out and spent most of our saving with travel, new grandbaby expenses and such. I'm really disgusted that our representives get to act this way...and I read this morning Obama is taking his family to Williamsburg for a vacation this weekend...really^%$#%^!


I don't think if we can't pay our military, government works and the people who support all these organizations NO one should get paid including our President as they don't seem to be doing their job!


Thanks for letting me vent! ;)

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My dh said any time away from the office is unpaid. So, next week we are going to a doctor's appointment in Philly (we live in MI) so he won't be paid. When I have my double mastectomy he will not be paid for any time he takes to drive me the 7 hours to get there or to be with me/help me recover.


My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who is affected by this situation.

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I took my car in for routine servicing yesterday and it turned into $600 in repairs, and today my husband reminds me that he won't get paid if the government shuts down. Oh boy. :rolleyes: I also have a $470 college tuition payment due in a week for my oldest daughter.



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So I just found out that my sister who has a dod job is at risk with all of this...the worst part is that she is pregnant and due yesterday...but anyone who takes leave at her job next week will be furloughed indefinitely so if she goes into labor this next week and her husband takes time off to help the first week then they may not have income for an indefinite period. Even after the shutdown gets resolved...at least that's what she was told.

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I don't see what Hollywood personalities, sports stars, etc have to do with it.

Just the fact that they make lots of money. :001_smile: It'd stink to be ruining our credit and/or not having money to get groceries and eat because of a government shutdown, while they pick up their million dollar paychecks and go out on the town.


I thought that while I was lumping, I'd include them. Just a wish! :D

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