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Calling all PRAYER WARRIORS!!!!!!

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Please I don't normally ask prayers for other people, but I am asking all of you who pray to pray specifically for Bryan Stow.


He was brutally attacked after the Los Angeles Dogers/San Francisco Giants Season opener Baseball game a few days ago.


He is in critical condition and remains in a coma with severe head injuries. He is from my area and is an EMT.


He needs prayer and the thugs who beat him need to be caught.


This story is so important to me, he is a local boy and it is all over the national news.



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Praying now.


Pizza My Heart up here in the Bay Area gave 30% of their income (or profits? Not sure) to his cause yesterday. The line for PMH in our neighborhood was out the door and down the street--unheard of. And I read that many businesses were also ordering delivered pizza from them because of this as well.

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Praying here! I will also relay this to dd. Her EMS has a prayer group, not something employees have to belong to or anything like that, just a group of EMS people who are people of faith - not even necessarily of the same faith either - that have chosen to pray for other first responders who are injured. Sort of like a prayer chain thing where they inform each other of situations as they hear about them and they pray privately about it.



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