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Any good April Fool's Day tricks????

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hahaha, that's awesome. We have a triple bunk bed for our boys, so dd went in and changed all their bedding around and moved them all to different levels...ds is ticked about being moved to the bottom, lol. They want to get her back, so the 5 yo is giving her doughnut seeds (cheerios) and I think the 8 yo is going to do something with stinky socks, LOL.

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We have homemade oatmeal every morning for breakfast, so I served up green oatmeal instead this morning. I didn't let them see it until I set the bowls on the table. Unfortunately, my 6 and 5yo almost started crying and didn't think it was very funny. I had to repeatedly tell them it tastes THE SAME as it does every morning, show them the bottle of food coloring, etc. The 6yo finally believed me, but the 5yo never did fully recover. lol


Oh well! So much for trying to keep it simple and not freak them out.... ;)

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Well....I thought about doing this....


My husband has absolutely no clue when I see my doctor for my OB appointments. I might just email him something along the lines of "Hey Babe, I forgot to let you know that I had another OB appointment this morning. They actually gave me another ultrasound! I was excited to be able to see the baby again. Check out the pic....don't pass out!"


And then attach an ultrasound picture of twins (gotten from somewhere on the internet).


I may send it this afternoon....not sure if he remembers that today is April 1st!

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Dd is the prankster at our house today. Nothing big. She drew pictures of big eyes and stuck them on the toilet tank in the downstairs half-bath, which is the one we use most. That sort of thing. My favorite so far is that she drew a crayon picture of a whoopie cushion and put it on her brother's chair by the computer. Evidently he saw it before he sat, though, and moved it to her chair. They had a good giggle about how her whoopie cushion prank "backfired".

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We have homemade oatmeal every morning for breakfast, so I served up green oatmeal instead this morning. I didn't let them see it until I set the bowls on the table. Unfortunately, my 6 and 5yo almost started crying and didn't think it was very funny. I had to repeatedly tell them it tastes THE SAME as it does every morning, show them the bottle of food coloring, etc. The 6yo finally believed me, but the 5yo never did fully recover. lol


Oh well! So much for trying to keep it simple and not freak them out.... ;)


I had the EXACT SAME reaction to the pink milk at our house!

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My 2nd dd switched the boys pants around (3 boys, she swapped all of their jeans). They never check what they are putting on, so they ended up putting on the wrong size pants.


I told my oldest boy that I was cancelling school for the day, because their grandfather is visiting. I said they could watch tv and play video games all day. When I said April fool's, he was quite upset. :D


I don't think there will be anymore jokes today. It's also my oldest child's birthday. She's 17 today. The rest of the day will be for her. :001_smile:

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So far, I have:


-- Put red food coloring in the toilet tank. M2 woke me up this morning with, "Mommy? MOMMY? The water in the toilet is red, and I didn't do it, I swear." :lol:


-- Rearranged several pieces of wall art in my house. It's bugging my son to no end but I want to see how long it takes before DD notices.


-- Changed the password to my husband's iPad. He called me from work with the question, "OK, what is it?" I felt very proud of myself. :lol:


I don't think I'm done. I'm contemplating going to Target and picking up some underwear two sizes too small for my husband and stuffing them in his drawer. I'm also considering what to do to dinner to make that memorable as well. I do love me some pranks.

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Well....I thought about doing this....


My husband has absolutely no clue when I see my doctor for my OB appointments. I might just email him something along the lines of "Hey Babe, I forgot to let you know that I had another OB appointment this morning. They actually gave me another ultrasound! I was excited to be able to see the baby again. Check out the pic....don't pass out!"


And then attach an ultrasound picture of twins (gotten from somewhere on the internet).


I may send it this afternoon....not sure if he remembers that today is April 1st!


My 19yo dd posted a 6-week Ultrasound photo on her FB status, announcing that I was expecting a baby. I am 46. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary on Tuesday.


At least 10 of our friends have sent their kind wishes, prayers, blessings for our new baby.


(This has trumped her AFD FB joke from last year, where she posted a picture of her hand wearing MY diamond engagement ring . . . announcing that she is finally spilling the beans about the wonderful guy she's engaged to. It's easy to change your FB status to "in a relationship with .....")


I AM individually replying to the friends who took it seriously.

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My 14 yo glued the eggs to the carton this morning! My poor dh couldn't figure out WHY the eggs wouldn't come out!!!! :lol:


Tonight I'm going to cook pancakes. Ds14 is going to get a layer of cotton in one of his!!!


Any more????



We woke up our ds this morning by saying "hurry, hurry! You're going to be late for swimming lessons!"


Swimming is his fave thing in the world, but swimming only starts in June. He was out of bed like a shot and dressed in 15 seconds flat.


Boy was he ticked when he woke up enough to figure it out!! :lol:


My! We are mean parents! :D

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I told the kids school was canceled for today. I couldn't think of anything better. They were very excited considering it is spelling test and science quiz day. Boy were they mad at me when I said I was only teasing.


I couldn't think of anything good to get my husband with. Pregnant wouldn't work. I considered telling him that I either wanted a divorce or that I was having an affair, but not only is that too mean for me, today is our 12th anniversary, which would make it even worse.


I'm going to try to come up with something more before the day is over.

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My brother called me this morning to tell me that he needed a place to sleep tonight as he had a huge fight with his wife (of 28 years) this morning and he left her. My stomach dropped into my toes. Then, he started laughing. He is twisted. Apparently, he also woke up his son (age 14) this morning at 5 AM to tell him that he needed to get up because his dog was loose outside. Again, twisted.

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My dd plastic-wrapped a scary mask inside the toilet seat to scare whomever wandered in there to sleepily use the facilities this AM ;)


But her friend got her good (although "good" isn't really an appropriate description of her prank). She called my dd late this AM to tell her she is moving several hours away, and that she will likely miss their mutual friend's bday party next Friday because they are having a real estate open house that weekend. Dd was so upset, crying, talking about how her BF is moving away, so far away that she can't even visit, etc.


I had just spoken with the mom on Tues. and she hadn't mentioned a move, so I thought either dd had misunderstood, or something sudden and terrible had happened. I promised to email the mom to get the full story, and as I was typing, it dawned on me that it could be an April Fool's prank.


Dd called her back, and after initially denying it, she admitted it was a prank, but not to let on to their other friends, since she's pulling it on everyone.


What a relief for dd, and creative of her friend, but still...:glare:

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I am so doing the pooped my pants one..my whole family would probably BELIEVE me too! lol...


And I would LOVE to sew my dh's jammy pants shut....but then I'd have to seam rip them....BUT I could have the seam ripper nearby ;)


As for dinner tonight..I want to do it all out...but I have to get creative!!! Like put on a tablecloth and somehow tape everyone's dinner plate and cup to it...LOL!

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My 14 yo glued the eggs to the carton this morning!...


Tonight I'm going to cook pancakes. Ds14 is going to get a layer of cotton in one of his!!!




I managed to really get DH today (only the 2nd time in almost 15 years). He has been in the US for almost two weeks. He's tired. He's irritable. He's heading home tonight. So I sent him the following email (you should know that we live in the oldest part of our village and can't even park at our own house anymore. Parking has been a huge issue with us the past two years - with constantly changing rules):








The Stadt (city) towed your truck this morning. They are
saying that you can not park in one spot for more than 36 hours. I have the no. to call but do not know what to do as I can't go down there & pick it up. I am
sorry. I have not been by your truck & did not see the notice they supposedly put on the windshield. Please LMK what I should do.



He emailed back - furious - and said he would takle care of them (I mean, the situation) when he returned. I emailed back - in a huge font - APRIL FOOL'S, SUCKAH!!!"


He loved it and said I just made his day! :lol:

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I might just email him something along the lines of "Hey Babe, I forgot to let you know that I had another OB appointment this morning. They actually gave me another ultrasound! I was excited to be able to see the baby again. Check out the pic....don't pass out!"



That is awesome! Love it!

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I haven't done anything. I'm kind of tired of April Fools, but the pj bottoms appeals to me.


DD colored our milk green. She also hid a dollar bill in the toilet paper roll for some lucky finder.


One of my previous past jokes was a great one. Using those teeny tiny rubber bands, I rigged the sink sprayer so that when DH turned on the sink in the morning to add water to the espresso machine it would spray him. It got him good.


A big flop was Family Fun's food pranks. I served everyone mini "Chicken Pot Pies". The kids hate chicken pot pie, but this one was made with candies and pudding. It was gross. For dessert, we had cupcakes that were really meatloaf and colored mashed potatoes using their recipe rather than my own. They were also gross.

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My friend had me pee on a pregnancy test for her so she could prank her husband. Her youngest child is 16. I was there when she showed her husband and the look on his face was priceless. She let him off the hook fairly quickly though.



That's what friends are for!

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