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It's 2:20 PM. Know what I've taught for school today?

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Absolutely nothing.


On the other hand, I got my oldest daughter up and off to school (special needs school, life skills class).


I went to Turkey Hill for coffee because I didn't have enough left to make a pot and didn't feel like going to the supermarket.


I totally cleaned out and reorganized my closet- the one that contains my file cart, some craft supplies, board games, and so on.


I totally cleaned out and reorganized the china cabinet I took over for school and craft supplies.


I got my new bookcase (with SORELY needed bookshelf space) set up (thanks, Hubby!!) and went about totally reorganizing my bookcases (three of them now), which now look much less cluttered and are better organized according to the types of books they are.


I cleaned out the "inbox" type thing I've got sitting on my computer desk.


I got a load of laundry done.


I received and totally perused my daughter's standardized test scores from this year. And then posted about the math portion of them as relates to our Teaching Textbooks math curriculum on the K-8 board.


I updated my blog.


I did send my daughter to have silent reading time (three chapters of "Caddie Woodlawn), but mainly they played with playdough today.


I still have to pick my oldest daughter up from Special Olympics basketball practice, and my younger daughter has Girl Scouts tonight, and I've got to make dinner in between, but I really do intend to get a bit of schoolwork done sometime today. I think.


I kind of wish I could take a nap first though haha.


Yeah, it's one of those days!

Edited by NanceXToo
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I haven't done school all week :blushing:


I have been extremely lazy and just haven't had the muster to get it together.


Our week starts on Sunday so I am considering this week a wash and starting on Sunday.


I hasn't been a total loss, we watched stuff about space yesterday so we had science. :D


We have discussed some events in history so there is that :D


I did make my ds9 add some things up so there is math :D


Otherwise we have just done nothing. Oh well. We will be rigorous next week!

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We started at 2:30 and worked until 3:00 when I had to leave the house to take dd13 to her Girl's Club meeting. Your day has been much more productive than mine. I spent quite a long time playing Frontierville on Facebook, reading this forum, and stressing over my next couple of college semesters. The college is being so dumb! I'd like to go slap a couple of those people with a wet noodle.

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No, mama...you've had "Teacher Inservice Day"!!


You chose to take a bit of time and make your surroundings pleasant so schooling would go more smoothly tomorrow!


I take days like that when I need them...if things start stacking up and getting cluttered I can't think and can't teach.


We finished math and spelling this morning and now my kiddo's are outside building a go-cart/boxcar out of junk from the neighbors yard. I will be counting that as science. They also discovered some bones and have been researching what they are, so another hour or so for science. I am inside supposed to be working on a pre-k/k curriculum idea I have, but am instead, reading the boards.

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The only "school" we did today was about half of a "Homework helper" math book that I'd picked up cheap at the teacher's store here, that DD did to amuse herself while DH and I were in a meeting with the accountant (I'd intended for her to do a page or two about our current topic, then read her literature book, but apparently DD was having fun with the math.) I figured any 6 yr old who had managed to keep herself amused with something even moderately educational during what was a boring meeting even for me deserved to be done with school for the day.


I suppose I really should encourage her to practice piano, though-she's only got about a month before her recital.

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Must be in the air. We had a day off as well. The boys played out in the rain while I made a late breakfast. They played with Bubber, a board game, and their Airhogs. While the toddler napped we read together. I worked out. :D Now they are watching Bambi while I think about making dinner and washing the dishes.


By just thinking about it, it will get done by the power of my mind.

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No school here today either.


Today started off badly with all the kids in bad moods, followed by the three bigger ones eating 2/3 of a carton of frozen yogurt while I took a shower, then realizing that I had a ton of errands that had to be done today with 3 sugared up kids.


The good things about today were that we impressed a lot of people at Costco while we ate lunch and all 4 kids were well behaved. The ederly man sitting at the table next to us made a comment about how well behaved they were and asked if he could buy them a pack of m&m's from the vending machine. I unfortunately had to tell him no thank you due to the ice cream incident from the morning.


Plus my 5 year old spent all of quiet time teaching the 3 year old how to play trouble and then playing hi ho cherry-o with her when she got tired of trouble.

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We spent the morning watching the local news tell us about tornado watches and warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings. (Educational) Once the danger was past, we watched several episodes of Survivorman. (Educational) And I've played on the computer most of the day while listening to the rain. (Um, not educational)

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We spent the morning watching the local news tell us about tornado watches and warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings. (Educational) Once the danger was past, we watched several episodes of Survivorman. (Educational) And I've played on the computer most of the day while listening to the rain. (Um, not educational)


Yes, the non-stop rain has made me lazy. Have you had any damage? My father had a little tree blow over. My fil had a huge pine tree fall over. It knocked down another treeand took out part of his fence. He also had a portion of his barn cave in. This is like a hurricane.

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We took a day off here too. My mom arrives this weekend, so I did some cleaning. My youngest has been sick and needing nebulizer treatments during the night, so I'm tired. The rain has not been helping either. My eldest did read for 30 minutes, but that's all we've done today. He worked exceptionally hard yesterday getting a lot of this week's work done, so I'm not stressing about it. Sometimes you just need to take a day (or 2 or 3 or 5... :001_smile:).

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Add us to the slacker club. lol! We did well for the first couple of hours and got math, history, science, and grammar finished (woot!) but its rainy and dreary here and I am a terrible mommy on days like today. I sent them away and I balanced the checkbook and paid bills. Then I called my mom during rest time (I love rest time...I really REALLY do...best part of TWTM if you ask me!) while ds played mad scientist in his room (and snuck out to grab vinegar...spilled it too, of course...grr) and my husband came home early right as I was hanging up. Tonight we are ordering Chinese and I'm working on my classwork (anthropology) while dh and the boy play Wii. We were supposed to go to the DMV but just couldn't get motivated. I need to go to the commissary too but mehhhh I think I'd rather starve. Have I mentioned that I'm not great with rainy dreary days?? lol!

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Yes, the non-stop rain has made me lazy. Have you had any damage? My father had a little tree blow over. My fil had a huge pine tree fall over. It knocked down another treeand took out part of his fence. He also had a portion of his barn cave in. This is like a hurricane.


No damage here, but a lot of large branches littering the roads in our neighborhood. And it's still raining...

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Well, I'm glad to see I'm in good company at least, LOL.


And thanks for the Teacher's In-Service day excuse, I like that! :)


Here's what I managed to accomplish since I last posted:


I posted some events to my homeschool group's calendar (I'm going to be hosting a weekly movie discussion club for ages 8-12).


I did another load of laundry.


I picked up my older daughter from Special Olympics basketball practice.


I stopped at the library to drop off and pick up books.


I unloaded and reloaded my dishwasher and washed some pots and pans.


I wiped playdough remnants off my table and chairs.


And I made dinner.


While I did the dishes/dinner, I had my daughter read to me from "By The Shores Of Silver Lake."


Other than that, still no school. Unless my daughter playing Pokemon on her Nintendo DS and my son playing Connect Four with my other daughter counts. :D


Now I'm waiting for younger daughter to finish getting herself ready so we can leave for Girl Scouts.


After we drop her off, ds and I are going to do a bit of food shopping.


After Girl Scouts, I'll have my daughter do her math lesson, and we'll do a quick spelling review for tomorrow's quiz and call it a day.

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You are awesome!!! You just had a teacher's workday, like the other gal said.


We went to Community Bible Study this morning, but other than that the kiddos have just been playing.


I have been trying to get curriculum I've sold ready to ship and get more acquainted with this cool forum. :)

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I didn't do any school today. I had a Doctor's appointment with a specialist about some booK problem I have been having. (It's not cancer, never thought it was, and it isn't. It's basically pain from many little breast cysts).


My dh had the day off work for my appointment. But since I didn't know if he could get it off I got my friend / the kids piano teacher to watch the kids. Instead of a lesson yesterday they went over today and she made them french toast and then gave them a combined piano lesson.


The timing worked out that I got into my appointment with no waiting time, and the location was really close to home. So I ended up getting home just have my dh send my kids to piano. That meant I had a hour of quiet time with dh in the middle of the day.


After lunch we took the kids to a Mad Science class. Other then that they have been playing computer most of the day.

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I failed at getting a read aloud done today again. I so struggle with this. On the bright side I did get the Transformation Van Cleave experiment set up for the rock study we are doing. Of course we need patience in waiting for it to start to harden. Not cool in their books. Experiments need to be ready NOW!

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No teaching here today either. I spent the morning curled up in my bed in pain after calling my mom to come help with the kids.


DS did get down his folder and do all of his paper work for today, I think, but I haven't checked it yet.

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