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Shhhhh! (Please)

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Does anyone else just want to say, "ShhhhhH! Please, SHHHHHHHHHHH!"?


I just want to tell the "hsing" community to SHHHHHHH!!!


I don't want the news agencies to find out about any of this.

I don't want the "public" to hear about this spat.


This is embarrassing on so many levels.


PLEASE! I don't know what else to call myself except a homeschooler. BUT I do not want to have to engage with folks who ask things like, "Hmmmm.... homeschooling - so I heard something about you hsers last month. Wasn't it something about_____"


PLEASE! I'm begging you. Please let this stuff go away.

PLEASE! Dh worked in TV news for nearly 20 years. This is too juicy. If "they" find out about this, it's not going to be nice. Really - there's been a ton of heavy news lately - Japan, Libya. The news is ripe for a scandal: an I'm better than them boost for public morale; an "At least I'm not as bad as those people" story.


Regardless of the issue - the pressure-releasers in the news are spun according to the rating needs (the public's catharsis requirements) - not the issue!


Please let this stuff die. PLEASE!


(don't know how to say this without posting. wish i could think of a way.....)


In the words of my three-year-old nephew, "Puh - LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE"



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There are already so many assumptions made about hsers, including the discriminatory "They don't teach real science" line. I'm hearing garbage about how "we" now argue about *which* "not real science" to teach, and I feel ookie using my atheist position to try to separate myself from it all.

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I don't get why this is embarrassing to you personally, but it's ridiculous for it to make you ashamed to be a homeschooler. Were you personally embarrassed and ashamed when the homeschooled 12 year old murdered his family? If not, how is this any different?


The alternative to the kerfluffle is for the bully to win. If one makes outrageous statements that no one challenges, it looks like we all agree with him. Which we do not.


Frankly, the whole kerfluffle makes me more content to be a homeschooler. I am happier knowing there are like-minded homeschoolers out there.



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With all due respect, you are posting this request to the wrong group of people.


Also, I'd like to encourage you in the fact that I believe most colleges and universities acknowledge that homeschoolers have an independent streak and DON'T lump us all in the same boat. At least that has been *our* experience. I wish you the best!

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I don't get why this is embarrassing to you personally, but it's ridiculous for it to make you ashamed to be a homeschooler. Were you personally embarrassed and ashamed when the homeschooled 12 year old murdered his family? If not, how is this any different?


The alternative to the kerfluffle is for the bully to win. If one makes outrageous statements that no one challenges, it looks like we all agree with him. Which we do not.


Frankly, the whole kerfluffle makes me more content to be a homeschooler. I am happier knowing there are like-minded homeschoolers out there.




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The kerfluffle may lead to more stringent examination of the college applications submitted by homeschoolers, especially those with intent to enter hard science fields.


Can we "beat the bully"? Of course. Our kids are still qualified, desirable applicants. But no one needs another hoop to jump through, or a step backwards from the recent trend to look upon home schooled applicants in a more favorable light. It's kind of like when an auto manufacturer issues a massive recall. Car shoppers often choose to avoid that brand until all the bugs appear to be worked out. It's a shame for that to happen with our bright, qualified students.


I'll have a senior this fall. We are starting the college application process soon. I, too, hope this stays out of the mainstream media.

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I don't understand where all the drama is actually coming from. It is in the media or is it just a FB war between some religious folks?


We don't use our TV for anything besides DVDs - no TV hookup and I really have been reading the international news much more lately. Is there a lot of talk about fundamentalist Xtian homeschooling in the general media? Is that what you're even talking about?? :001_huh:

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From what I see, it's pretty much died down, anyway. I honestly don't see how this is going to affect you personally. From my limited experience with a homeschool graduate and college, many we spoke with wanted additional SAT testing in math and science to ensure the student was adequately prepared in those areas, anyway. I really doubt the recent unpleasantness is going to have a major effect.

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I certainly don't mean to come across as invalidating your concerns *at all*. But, in my opinion, there has *always* been a concern with hs kids entering a science field without being able to show that they are aware of and understand the different views of those with whom they will interface. kwim? You are really just doing your child a favor by preparing them for this. You still have time for them to read up on these things and then you can *show* that, although you chose *such and such*, you made a point of them ALSO understanding other views.


Does that make sense?


I found that being able to give an answer goes a long way. This will be true for Honors program interviews. Prepare your child to be questioned and to be ready to give an answer. Also, I think it is pretty common for hs kids to be asked "what did you like and what did you NOT like about being hs'd" in these interviews. Prepare your child to give a WELL THOUGHT OUT answer without feeling *defensive*. kwim?


I hope this helps.


And for the record, although I think that the dialog that has occurred as a result of all this has really been great and healthy, I am ALSO ready for it to move on. I have learned a lot and I think differently about many things now. It's been good. :)

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I don't understand where all the drama is actually coming from. It is in the media or is it just a FB war between some religious folks?


We don't use our TV for anything besides DVDs - no TV hookup and I really have been reading the international news much more lately. Is there a lot of talk about fundamentalist Xtian homeschooling in the general media? Is that what you're even talking about?? :001_huh:


:iagree: Most of the homeschool moms I know aren't even aware of a 'kerfluffle.' And, personally, I don't think the general public gives a whit.

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Me too! :confused: *scratches head*


another here…



Although - is this something to do with some conference thing in the states that people were arguing about? I don't think I'd worry about it making the real news. I don't think the news cares about a few homeschoolers arguing over a book or whatever it was. :tongue_smilie:

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Perhaps you're worrying too much? lol:tongue_smilie::D I mean this is the nicest possible way, of course. I do! :D:grouphug: We are doing some apps right now for rolling admissions for next winter, and nobody cares. Most folks have no idea. I just spoke with a friend (who is an admissions director at a large college) about something related to my child's package (not applyling there), and the subject never even came up.

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another here…



Although - is this something to do with some conference thing in the states that people were arguing about? I don't think I'd worry about it making the real news. I don't think the news cares about a few homeschoolers arguing over a book or whatever it was. :tongue_smilie:


I have seen a couple threads about that too and I don't get what happened.


Apparently I am extremely out of the loop!

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I was lost too, but think I'm basically up to speed now. Can I just say that I think this takes the record for using the word "kerfuffle" the most in any thread? I love kerfuffle!!!! :D


As far as what this is about, I'm going to do some reading on the boards to get up to speed. Any help with threads to read??? :)

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