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Does "religious"= Christian?

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When you hear or use the word "religious", do you automatically assume the person/material is Christian?



Yes, and I'm always pleasantly surprised when it doesn't. Christianity is the dominant religion in my country, by a wide margin. Certainly, in homeschooling circles, Christians and Christian curricula are the largest group.

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I am a Christian but I am not religious. Someone who found out we homeschool asked "Why? Are you religious?" I was surprised at how offended I felt!


To me, "religious" is man-centered and focused on the external, not God.


100% agreement with this.

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Funny, but I've never heard anyone call themselves 'religious'. It tends to be a term used to describe others actions, rather than a personal description.


No, I wouldn't think Christian. Maybe its b/c there's just so many diverse denominations within that all would call themselves Christian, I don't know.

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Yes, and I'm always pleasantly surprised when it doesn't. Christianity is the dominant religion in my country, by a wide margin. Certainly, in homeschooling circles, Christians and Christian curricula are the largest group.


Same country, same dominance. :iagree:


(and my 'impression' when someone used the word "religious" has always been the same, both as a Christian and as other things.)

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Honestly, when I hear the word "religious" I think of legalistic, as it pertains to Christianity. So when someone says, "He or she is very religious," my first instinct is to be unimpressed and on my guard. I think the Pharisees of Jesus' day were religious, but their hearts were not where He wanted them to be.

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When I hear "religious" I instantly think of Christians on the homeschooling issue. As someone upthread already said, I have yet to find religious curriculum that isn't Christian.


Outside of homeschooling, though, my mind doesn't necessarily associate the term with Christians so much as anyone who believes in a deity and follows certain practices as a result.


Well, it is much like what a few others have said... I have a faith, and a relationship. Religion, to me, implies empty ritual and legalism.
Interesting. I think of religious as meaning "practices a religion". Here's Merrian-Webster's take on it; seems pretty neutral and self-explanatory to me.


Honestly, *in my experience* when I hear Christians refusing the title of "religious", it's just a way of saying "we're not like them."

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Honestly, my first response was a bit of a shock at the question--why on earth would someone see "religious" as primarily Christian?!


But, I guess, if one spends in a primarily Christian setting, or feeling oppressed by Christianity, that either of those might contribute to such an equation.


I live in a very diverse family (both Muslim and Christian, as well as agnostic, atheist, and neo-pagan) and community (including friends who are ultra-orthodox Jews), and my own religion (UU) is important to me, but isn't Christian.


Oh, so wait, to answer the question, my answer is "No, not to me."

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Where I work, slightly (although there are quite a few Buddhists). On the boards here, I assume that unless it is a poster whose name, atavar, or posting history tell me otherwise. Not that it makes a hill of beans difference to what I post, or how I read things, but, come to think of it, when someone says here they are religious or conservatively religious, I tend to assume they mean Christian.

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I actually find the terms opposed to each other. I hate the term "religious."



I didn't read past this quote. :iagree: with this 100%. I do not consider myself religious. I am a Christian. I try to live my life to Glorify Christ as best I can, although I am human and am no way near perfect. I pray so much during the day I can not count. I go to Church Sunday, I teach Sunday School. I go to Bible study Wednesday nights. I read my Bible (almost) daily. Our kids are in Awana, and my 13 year old is an Awana leader (for the cubbies with my ds4)


I equate the word religious with legalism. I am in no way legalistic. I do not allow rules, traditions or anything like that determine how I worship MY Lord.

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