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If you're doing the Ancient time period with a 6th grader...

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We're using four of the books from Oxford University Press's The World in Ancient Times series. Ds reads a chapter, adds to his timeline, does short summaries of important people, and writes a paragraph in response to a specific question. The teacher guides have evaluations with essay questions at the end, and I usually use this question to guide his writing. We also add in mapwork.

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We did it last year using a mix of History Odyssey Ancients, Level 2 with K12 Human Odyssey as the primary spine. We also used the first three volumes of the Oxford series until ds begged off. TOG Year 1 was in the mix as well.

This is not a recipe I would recommend for sanity's sake. To do it again, I would stick with HO and the K12 volume to keep things simple. We used much of the WTM logic stage suggestions for literature.


There are so many wonderful resources for this age on this time period that there is a temptation to try and create an all-inclusive program. It can be overwhelming. In hindsight, I would pick 2-3 main resources that felt comfortable for both student and teacher and work from there. Overall, we still had a great year and ds and I consider our literature selections to be some of our favorites.

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We're doing a self-designed program using the History of the Ancient World (Guerber/Miller) for the spine, biography pages, a timeline, Knowledge Quest maps, projects and lots of good books. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well it is working! :001_smile: We'll probably get through most of the History of the Greeks this year but we'll have to save the Romans for next year. That's fine with us because we love this period of history!

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We did it last year using a mix of History Odyssey Ancients, Level 2 with K12 Human Odyssey as the primary spine.


We did this last year as well. This year, I was planning on moving forward to the middle ages with TOG Year 2. At the last minute, we enrolled with K12 through a virtual academy and they put us in ancient history:glare:. I was about to call the school and have our class switched, when ds said he would love to study the ancients again.:confused: Yep, with the same text. He's had a great year.


We're going to do a two track history next year for 7th. We should make it through the Renaissance by summer because I have started adding TOG reading to the K12.


We'll be using Memoria Press' reprints of the Dorothy Mills books for Ancient World and Ancient Greeks along side our more modern(finally) studies.

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We did this last year as well. This year, I was planning on moving forward to the middle ages with TOG Year 2. At the last minute, we enrolled with K12 through a virtual academy and they put us in ancient history:glare:. I was about to call the school and have our class switched, when ds said he would love to study the ancients again.:confused: Yep, with the same text. He's had a great year.


We're going to do a two track history next year for 7th. We should make it through the Renaissance by summer because I have started adding TOG reading to the K12.


We'll be using Memoria Press' reprints of the Dorothy Mills books for Ancient World and Ancient Greeks along side our more modern(finally) studies.


I think part of what makes the K12 volumes appealing is that they unite disparate cultures through over-arching themes. When students think along thematic lines, it is easier to remember history's progression, imo.

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I am now looking closer at Biblioplan. I have been scattered and unable to choose a resource and supplements were very important (active learner). I am leaning closer to this set, available on cd-rom and hard copy, because of the scheduled resources. From MOH, Usborne, Streams of Civilization, et cetera to crafts and reading selections for the week, there is quite a lot. I like that it is planned to a certain extent. I can go in and browse for those activities and readings I want. I look at the week as a pick-and-choose, lesson-bankish sort of thing. :) LOL


I can always add extended map activities. I am like the Drawing Through History too. So, I can make history more active. I will have plenty of chances to outline and to narrate. :) Another very important fact is a need to adjust to my need to reinforce classical skills. I like the accompanying writing prompts pertinent to the historical era as well as the logic that drops in here and there.


You need to look through the lesson online. :)

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I'm piecing together a plan for ancients next year (5th-6th grade) with a few different resources. We'll be using Biblioplan w/SOTW, probably on audio CD's, and using All Through the Ages by Christine Miller as a literature guide. I'm also pulling literature/biography suggestions from various other programs like Sonlight, Ambleside, Veritas, etc... and of course considering all WTM recommendations. We already have the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and The Victor Journey Through the Bible that we'll be pulling outline and map info from.


I'm not sure what kind of time line we'll do, but am heavily leaning towards History Through the Ages time line book. Part of me doesn't want to spend that kind of money but then I think it would be a nice keepsake of many years of work so I may splurge on it.


I really wanted to try a planned curricula for next year, along the lines of MFW, but there are too many components that I don't want or need that it would be a big waste of money. I think Biblioplan will give me the spine I want with some hand holding without all the extras I don't. I've still got a long way to go before anything is set in stone but I'm getting there.

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Any thoughts on the Suzanne Strauss Art books? Or The Oxford First Ancient History?


There are a lot of ideas here. Thanks, everyone. Keep them coming.


I went through a ton of different resources to find the ones my son enjoyed and related to the most. We replaced the unsuccessful Oxford books with several of the Suzanne Strauss Art books: Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Alexander the Great, which was the favorite history book for the year. The Strauss Art books aren't glamorous with color photos, but they are well-written, thorough, have comprehension questions, and suggested projects. We liked them for more in-depth coverage while using K12 Human Odyssey to pull the information together.

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What are you using? I'm thinking through next year.


My daughter will be in 6th grade next school year (we start in late June, for various reasons). She will be using a modified form of AO year 6, with a unit on Egypt/Sumeria/Israel/etc for the first term instead of the 12 weeks of modern history.

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I went through a ton of different resources to find the ones my son enjoyed and related to the most. We replaced the unsuccessful Oxford books with several of the Suzanne Strauss Art books: Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Alexander the Great, which was the favorite history book for the year. The Strauss Art books aren't glamorous with color photos, but they are well-written, thorough, have comprehension questions, and suggested projects. We liked them for more in-depth coverage while using K12 Human Odyssey to pull the information together.


Thanks for the review of the Strauss Art books. It was hard to tell from her website.


Is there a place to look at K12's HO? Do you have to be part of K12 to get it?

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I wanted to do the entirety of history in two years (6th and 7th) because I had not done the four-year plan prior to this (for various reasons), and because I want to get in position for high school.

He's in 6th now, and we're going pretty well.


I chose BJU Heritage Studies 6 and World Studies 7 for my spines, but I added in a bunch of other stuff (turns out I got too spread out for my own good, ugh).

Anyway, for 6th I added in SOTW 1 and 2 with the map work, some SL books and timeline, Famous Men where appropriate, the Kingfisher and Usborne history encyclopedias, and Netflix documentaries and films from one of the lists that was posted here a while back.


That was too much stuff! Mostly we're just doiong the SOTW readings and map work, and the BJU readings and student activity book, and the films.

I decided I had to nix the Famous Men b/c it's too much (not that Famous Men itself is too much, it's just the cumulative thing, just too much overall).

And I'm not really doing much with the SL either, sigh.

I am, however, making peace with my own limitations.


But, he and I are learning a lot anyway, even though I am not really doing all the wonderful things I had planned.

I'm thrilled at what he has retained, so I guess I can call it success.

Although, one thing I am still working on is how to NOT over-plan! lol.

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Thanks for the review of the Strauss Art books. It was hard to tell from her website.


Is there a place to look at K12's HO? Do you have to be part of K12 to get it?


On the K-8 board, someone posted two scanned in pages from K12HO book. I think it was about a year ago. You can find the K12HO books used. Try various searches K12 Intermediate History A, K12 Human ODyssey, etc. You can also buy them new from K12 but they are quite costly now.

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On the K-8 board, someone posted two scanned in pages from K12HO book. I think it was about a year ago. You can find the K12HO books used. Try various searches K12 Intermediate History A, K12 Human ODyssey, etc. You can also buy them new from K12 but they are quite costly now.


I got impatient and ordered a used copy off Amazon, but thank you for this information. Did you use it?

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It's still a year and a half away for us, but I'm planning to use the Dorothy Mills books Memoria Press is republishing as spines with Ambleside's year 6 recs.



We may also use some of Omnibus I to cover the first books of the Bible. I'm not sure if I want to use it then or wait until we start come back to the Ancients in high school.

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Guest Colorado Dreaming

with my 6th grade boy this year. It has been wonderful! Really, all the books have just been fabulous. Loved it! Now we're getting ready to move into Core 7.

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On the K-8 board, someone posted two scanned in pages from K12HO book. I think it was about a year ago. You can find the K12HO books used. Try various searches K12 Intermediate History A, K12 Human ODyssey, etc. You can also buy them new from K12 but they are quite costly now.


If you want to see the pages of K12 Human Odyssey check out this:


Human Odyssey K12


Like others suggested, Oak Meadow 6th grade History would be a good option. Just another thing to look at A World of Adventure starts with ancient history and I think goes through the middle ages.

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We are going to do World History this fall (from the Beginning to the Middle Ages), so we'll use SL Core 6 readers with Mystery of History as the spine (supplemented with Story of the World from the Core 6 and other history reference books). I also happened to have the Veritas Press history cards, so I will be incorporating those as well. Turns out, there are resources that combine many of these into a great schedule -- will just need to add in the other resources.

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