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Guess who will be the keynote speaker at our state convention?

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Yeah..tweeting would be nice.


I would probably skip it and let the organizers know I was in favor of diversity and wouldn't be attending conventions where people trash the other attendees.


My reason for doing this is because I am too loud and would likely do something inappropriate otherwise.


That's my dilemma. I wasn't planning to go, so if I go now, it may make it seem like I'm supporting Ken Ham. I'm frustrated, because I am (I think) in agreement with his creation position, but I don't like the way he's calling out other authors. I think he should speak convincingly of his position, and let people make their own decisions. Like when I worked at a bank, they said the best way to learn to detect counterfeit money was by carefully studying the real thing. So let Mr. Ham give his arguments and promote his books. Then his listeners/hearers can evaluate other materials on their own.



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That's my dilemma. I wasn't planning to go, so if I go now, it may make it seem like I'm supporting Ken Ham. I'm frustrated, because I am (I think) in agreement with his creation position, but I don't like the way he's calling out other authors. I think he should speak convincingly of his position, and let people make their own decisions. Like when I worked at a bank, they said the best way to learn to detect counterfeit money was by carefully studying the real thing. So let Mr. Ham give his arguments and promote his books. Then his listeners/hearers can evaluate other materials on their own.




I don't necessarily agree with creation but I agree with you.


I think homeschooling families are a diverse bunch. If people hate diversity why don't they go to their own conventions, why do they have to mess with the only diverse one?

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Ken Ham.


Now I am tempted to go to the convention, just to see if he will say something controversial. :D




I am somewhere between...:lol: and.....:001_huh: ....and...:glare: and then back to...:lol:

Sorry...I am going to Philly....lalalalala...I am going to Philly....lalalala...


Back to my regular somber self...



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I'd say go to (and enjoy!) the talks you like, skip the ones you don't, and don't worry about the rest:)


The trouble is they aren't advertised as "so and so, Old Earth Creationist" or "so and so, Dominionist." *I* knew which ones to avoid so I didn't see any controversial stuff. But, I can see people just sort of stumbling into it.

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I'd say go to (and enjoy!) the talks you like, skip the ones you don't, and don't worry about the rest:)


I think if the convention offerings serve your goals enough that you want to attend, then do. There are plenty of speakers/vendors at Cincinnati that I wasn't planning to bother with. My kids all read now, so I don't need teaching reading stuff. I'm pretty happy with our math options, so I won't be pouring over that. I am excited about what we've been learning with the Writing with Skill Beta test, so for writing I'm not really looking.


But I'm a sucker for good history books and science stuff. So I'll be browsing that pretty hard.


If someone I really didn't like was keynote and they were going to shut down the vendor hall during those keynote speeches, then I might reconsider. Otherwise, I'd just consider someone I didn't need to hear as producing a less crowded vendor hall for me to take advantage of.


Though I guess if the bulk of the vendors and speakers were of the same ilk, there wouldn't be many offerings of enough interest for me to attend. Is it wide ranging, other than this speaker?

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The trouble is they aren't advertised as "so and so, Old Earth Creationist" or "so and so, Dominionist." *I* knew which ones to avoid so I didn't see any controversial stuff. But, I can see people just sort of stumbling into it.


It would be nice if there were more descriptive workshop identifiers. Of course, you can also unleash the power of the internet if you have the speaker list ahead of time.


I did walk out of one workshop years ago. Blamed it on the noisy baby, but I was really getting away from the speaker.

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The trouble is they aren't advertised as "so and so, Old Earth Creationist" or "so and so, Dominionist." *I* knew which ones to avoid so I didn't see any controversial stuff. But, I can see people just sort of stumbling into it.


Almost like walking into a movie and knowing nothing about it

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Yeah..tweeting would be nice.


I would probably skip it and let the organizers know I was in favor of diversity and wouldn't be attending conventions where people trash the other attendees.


My reason for doing this is because I am too loud and would likely do something inappropriate otherwise.



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Almost like walking into a movie and knowing nothing about it


I have never, EVER seen a preview of a conference speaker on tv or the internet, not even on the conference's own website. Maybe there *should* be a site with warnings about specific speakers. "Warning, will continually gripe about liberals and how Godless they are when speaking of his math curriculum." :D

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I have never, EVER seen a preview of a conference speaker on tv or the internet, not even on the conference's own website. Maybe there *should* be a site with warnings about specific speakers. "Warning, will continually gripe about liberals and how Godless they are when speaking of his math curriculum." :D


It does seem like MidWest is a little better at indicating which workshops are being conducted by vendors. I remember years ago, being very frustrated at attending a workshop on learning foreign languages, only to realize that it was solely about one very particular (and to me peculiar) product.


If something is going to be on the glories of one product, then I want to know that. Might make me more interested in attending. Might make me avoid it like the plague.

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I have never, EVER seen a preview of a conference speaker on tv or the internet, not even on the conference's own website. Maybe there *should* be a site with warnings about specific speakers. "Warning, will continually gripe about liberals and how Godless they are when speaking of his math curriculum." :D



I would read that website.


I haven't been HS very long and I do not know who some of these people are.

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Oh, I leave sessions all the time. I try to sit in the back and near a door if I don't know the speaker. If their speaking style is tedious, if they're selling a product and I hear enough to know it's not for me, if their world view is so opposed to mine that I can't stand to sit any more, then I quietly leave at a moment that I feel is opportune. I try to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible.


But I don't hold it against anyone. I don't go and complain about the speakers. I know full well and can't help but thinking that other adults should, too, that there is a whole huge world of people out there and that even among Christians there are a ton of different viewpoints on every book of the Bible, probably on every verse of the Bible, LOL.....


The info on speakers is posted a year in advance for these big conventions, isn't it? That seems to me time enough to google them if someone is so easily offended that they'd fall out in a faint if they heard a word they didn't agree with. They don't make us sign up ahead of time and hold us to seeing only certain speakers. We are free to come and go as we please.


I've put up with stuff I find offensive at every single convention without complaint, smirks, huffs, etc. I'm not sure why everyone else can't do the same so that we can all get our curricular materials purchased and go home....

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Yeah, I received an email from my state hs organization proudly proclaiming that Ken Ham would still be speaking there. :glare: Apparently there was some confusing about the initials of the expo and they didn't want people to think it was them that disinvited him.


I won't be going to any talks. I just want to look at books and hold them in my hands.

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Woah! They haven't started shutting down the hall during keynote speeches, have they? I've never been to a convention that does that! I wouldn't go to one that did that, LOL, I'm there for the books......


I think that the convention in Hawaii didn't open up the vendor hall until after the opening session, which included one presentation from the keynote: Zan Tyler. (Who was pretty interesting, btw.)


And for some reason, I recall HEAV not having the vendor hall open when the main speaker was doing his presentations. But that was over 10 years ago and I could well be misremembering.


I do wish that MidWest had the vender hall open earlier and later than they are doing. I am finding that there are so many speakers I'm interested in hearing that I'll have little time for shopping and fingering books.

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I am somewhere between...:lol: and.....:001_huh: ....and...:glare: and then back to...:lol:

Sorry...I am going to Philly....lalalalala...I am going to Philly....lalalala...


Back to my regular somber self...




There's no GHC in the southwest, unfortunately. Maybe someday. I've never had the chance to hear SWB speak.



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Yeah, I received an email from my state hs organization proudly proclaiming that Ken Ham would still be speaking there. :glare: Apparently there was some confusing about the initials of the expo and they didn't want people to think it was them that disinvited him.


I won't be going to any talks. I just want to look at books and hold them in my hands.


I went last year. All I did was look at stuff in the vendor hall, and hear Andrew Pudewa speak twice. :001_smile:



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I went to the NICHE confrence last year, and I am pretty sure they did close down the vendor hall during keynotes. At least they announced they were going to, I'm not sure how succesful they were ;).


I don't think they do that here.



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Me too....because I suffer from the sin of gossip as long as it is not personal...and I am not even sure how to twitter....but I'd probably figure it out.


Reporting something factual, live as it is happening, is not gossip.


Unfortunately many of the news media outlets put their own spin on things these days, which means that what they "report" probably is. :)

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If that's the AFHE one, it sure did suck the fun out of realizing I'd finally be living near one that I was able to attend. :glare:


There are only two talks that sound up my alley, I'm not particularly interested in parenting talks or "being encouraged," and I'll have already purchased our curricula for the next year by then. I'll probably only go if my sister hsing her K'er wants to go.

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I have never, EVER seen a preview of a conference speaker on tv or the internet, not even on the conference's own website. Maybe there *should* be a site with warnings about specific speakers. "Warning, will continually gripe about liberals and how Godless they are when speaking of his math curriculum." :D

Our local conference has links to the speakers and vendors own websites, so that you can pre-plan. I use this to determine whether or not I will even attend. I can't imagine that there would be many or even any conference attendees who wouldn't know who Ken Ham is, but even so I have walked out of of talks that I decided were not worth my time.

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We don't get anyone quite that illustrious, but we (well, they) will be hearing from someone from Creation Truth Foundation, complete with a "mobile field exhibit".


I just wish I could find a homeschooling conference that actually featured people talking about *homeschooling*. :glare:

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