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Anyone want to join me on a Homeschool Room Spring Cleaning week?

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I don't have a homeschooling room to clean up, but may I say I love your clip it? I've always thought they were such a great idea!


I will share my new scrapbooking storage when I get a chance, though. ;) I haven't had much time for it either, but at least it's organized. :lol:

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I finished cleaning out and reorganizing my drawers and put the kids' toys back into the cubes, but then I stalled out. DH is taking them to his mom's later today, but I have 14 pages to edit tonight, so I'm not sure how far I'll get. I WANT to finish! I still need to:


1) Go through books and pull out things to donate/sell.

2) Go through my two bins of "not currently in use" curriculum and either move items to the attic bins or donate/sell.

2) Go through the box of "things that belong somewhere else in the house" and put all those things where they belong.

4) Have DH install my white board when it arrives--I'm bizarrely excited about this part. Who knew that a giant dry erase board would make me almost as giddy as getting my driver's license once did?! :001_huh::D

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Well... progress has been made!! YAY!! I bought the remainder of my bins, and now have everything set up according to grade, as well as by subject for those that are multi-grade. I organized all the incoming curricula that has come in. So while I haven't quite tackled what I had let to finish, I am not letting it get any worse either. For now... this mama, who has had 3 hrs sleep and is starting to see things funny, needs to take a nap. Then we do school in the afternoon, and we'll see what I can get to tonight :D

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I don't have a homeschooling room to clean up, but may I say I love your clip it? I've always thought they were such a great idea!


I will share my new scrapbooking storage when I get a chance, though. ;) I haven't had much time for it either, but at least it's organized. :lol:


Oh yes, love my clip it up! unfortunately, i haven't used it much as I haven't scrapped much since my book came out--just burned out! hopefully, with my scrap stuff put in the closet, I'll get weirdly reinspired...lol

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Just wanted to thank you all for the inspiration! My school room is already clean and organized, but my garage was terrible. Today my boys were all sick and sleeping most of the day, so dd9 and I spent the day cleaning and organizing the garage and it looks great! Dh is pretty happy that he can park his car in there with mine now :) I never would have thought to get out there and do it... but the pics y'all have been posting gave me the nudge I needed :)

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Oh yes, love my clip it up! unfortunately, i haven't used it much as I haven't scrapped much since my book came out--just burned out! hopefully, with my scrap stuff put in the closet, I'll get weirdly reinspired...lol


How did I miss that your wrote a book?

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Yea, I wrote a book on simple scrapbooking a few years ago (I was a Memory Makers Master--remember that magazine? :lol:)


Congrats! That's fabulous. I remember the magazine. What is the title of the book? Wow -- so cool. I love scrapbooking.:001_wub:

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The week is not quite over, but I can say with confidence...

I have FAILED! :lol:


However, I am a very good procrastinator. I put this off all week, since it was Homeschool Room Spring Cleaning week. So I did get something done. Procrastination.



Procrastinators unite!

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The week is not quite over, but I can say with confidence...


I have FAILED! :lol:


However, I am a very good procrastinator. I put this off all week, since it was Homeschool Room Spring Cleaning week. So I did get something done. Procrastination.



I am in that boat too! ... I've gotten little done on this project ... but ... it has gotten me going on another project that was being neglected ... :001_rolleyes:

However I mostly got done ... a lot of PROCRASTINATION!!!


Oh well ... there is next week to look forward to ...

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Fourth wall done!!! Now just have to touch up the little white bits I missed at the top of the other walls. Oatmeal may get her new room tomorrow after all.


And now my burning question, since I've given up my office and am crunched at a single desk in the school room: How to find a place for my junk when there's no place to be had????

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oh I failed too, but with us not even schooling right now too many other pressing projects. We finally got our "too small to do anything with it" room converted into a family closet I had moved the dressers into it before but never got everything organized the way I wanted it. I about about 95% one with it. Dh volunteered to go have a big laundry mat day to get ahead on my piles of laundry from the 3 weeks our dryer was broken. amazing how much piled up I couldn't get on top of it to save my life. we got about 60% of it done today. it was well worth it. I hope to tackle the school room next weekend.

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I would like to join late. But I just had surgery so I can't do anything until next week. I will see if the kids can assemble my expedit so I can make it almost in time. I would love to paint my walls, but it's probably not gonna happen soon. I have the paint, but not the time or mobility!

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I refuse to count it failure since it wasn't our spring break. I will try to post pictures when I'm done. Unfortunately I'm trying to unpack the whole house, not just the school room. So I'm a little slow and confused.

Good point! I am about halfway done! I want no clutter on top of cabinets! Banish the clutter!
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I got a lot done, but not everything I wanted. I'm about 75% there. I haven't managed to pull out the little playhouse (the kids want to keep it), and every time I try to go through my books and curriculum, I decide to keep everything because I might decide to use it! My MCT stuff? I might use it next year (even though GWG is working well for us). DITHOR? I really want to use in the next year or so for studying literature (maybe). All my FIAR guides (and I do mean ALL)? DD5 is only 5 and needs a different approach than DD8 does--I might want to use FIAR with her. Why is it so hard to part with these things?!


I also still need to get a box into the attic and get everything in the two "put away" bins actually put away around the house. Otherwise, drawers are weeded, table is clear, floor is clear and vacuumed, workboxes are gone, and brand new whiteboard is installed (I :001_wub: my DH). The room is once again ready for use! I'll post more pics later today...

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OK, people. I'm still working on it, I promise I am. This here room swap and spring cleaning biz is NO fun. Where's a wish-granting genie when you need one?


But anyway, the first big swap is just about done. Before and after posted here--the before is the mid-move disaster of my office; the after is just now, with Oatmeal quite happily settling in her new pink room. She is at this moment giddily working on applying the fairy and butterfly wall stickers.


Next up: removing the pink floral wallpaper from her old room, which will be Fruit Puffs' room....





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Thanks for posting your photos everyone! What an inspiration this thread is for us. Melissa, we have the same playhouse. I pondered giving it away this spring, but maybe we'll keep it for another year. :) Although we're probably done with FIAR forever now, and every month that goes by lessens our hope for another child, but I can't get rid of that either.


I finished organizing our entire homeschooling areas. The loft was last and here's some photos. Or head to my blog post.


Satori and I love the reorganization! We cleared up a table that was unusable before, and now we both can work together. It has a less cluttered look. We have more space to move around. We can get more productive work done.




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Now we're talking. Seriously, I think I will make that my focus tomorrow after school. I don't think that I can take even one more contentious thread on the general board, so that should free up plenty of time for me.


Plus I really need to stop squating on Facebook, hoping one of my friends in Japan will post an update. Time to get moving with what needs to be done instead of living by extension. The bad news will hold until I check in at evening time. (And it seems like there is plenty of bad news to go round.)


(Sorry that I'm sounding maudlin. The last bit of posting has me a tiny bit freaked out.)


It took us far longer than just a week, but our basement school room is looking pretty great at the moment. I will have try to sneak down there and take photos today.


Unfortunately for the chaos index, the packers are delivering our shipment from storage today, so it will be a fight to keep it neat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We ended up moving. So we started from scratch. I have a bit to do yet. I need to paint and get some stuff hung but for now we tossed a room together. Our eat in kitchen is our school room. We have a formal dinning room but no type of formal furniture so that is like an extended schoolroom/playroom to (once I get all the boxes out of it lol)


I will post some pics of our progress tomorrow.

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Here are some pics I still need to paint and to get some posters or something up on the walls.


My view from the kitchen



view from the foyer (dont worry the saw isn't on the floor anymore lol)



More pics





And just because they are so cute (first breakfast in the new house)


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I am!

I'm almost done going through our books, (just finished science and history).

I dated all my history books and put them in order, and made labeled dividers for science subjects.

I bought and labeled boxes for curriculum not in use, (for now anyways).

I'm not stopping until I'm done. :D

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anyone still working on their rooms?


Mine is a work in progress (and probably always will be, because it also functions as a playroom and pass-through to the backyard). I'm constantly tweaking things. I figured out how to rearrange our storage so I have a good amount of wall space for a timeline. Now I just have to figure out how I want to do that!

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I was still recovering from surgery when this thread started, but I really, really need to do this. I go back to work soon and frankly if I don't do it soon, it's going to wind up waiting until DD goes out to TX for her summer visit and then my mom will see the mess!


Not that she'll in any way be shocked. It looks a lot like my bedroom did when I was a teenager.:glare:

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Wow. If my room looked like most of your BEFORE pictures, I'd feel SO good! Unfortunately, since it's in the basement, it is the dumping ground. For everything, and everybody. But I am planning on working on it all weekend, with LOTS of caffeine. I'll try to post before and afters. But I'm almost ashamed to post the befores!

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Wow. If my room looked like most of your BEFORE pictures, I'd feel SO good! Unfortunately, since it's in the basement, it is the dumping ground. For everything, and everybody. But I am planning on working on it all weekend, with LOTS of caffeine. I'll try to post before and afters. But I'm almost ashamed to post the befores!


:lol: Obviously you did not see MY "before" pictures! Our room became the "go keep yourself occupied while I work" room. What a wreck! Don't be embarrassed--it's great motivation!

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I'm in but not photos as not having internet at home makes it a Pain in the behind to upload photos from public computers. BUT I do need to start getting organized for next year. I do not have a dedicated school room. Rather I have school storage in my bedroom, my "office" and I keep all our current books in cubbies in the livingroom. We school at the kitchen table in the next room. I also keep all craft supplies in the basement though right now they are in a horrid mess. Since convention is in 3 days, meaning I am coming home with curric, AND already have some other orders on the way it really is time to get organized. So here is my plan of attack, though I am starting after most of you.


1- organize craft supplies in the basement(well actually organize everything down there)

2- cull books and either box up ones being saved for littles or ones that we simply do not need for another couple years and get rid of ones we will likely never get to either by donation or selling.

3- reorganize the cubbies in the livingroom and try to make the piles on the top shorter so they will be less likely to fall on my head

4- sort and organize the new manips, science supplies etc that are on the way into the house(will need to pick up more rubbermaid shoeboxes from the $ store for that one)

5- lastly STOP buying more stuff or this space will never getting fully organized :D

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To do:


1. Get SCA garb off couch and into bins and hence to the garage.

2. Clean up everything else on the couch (not much).

3. Clean up everything on the floor.

4. Do something about the box spring and bed frame.

5. Declutter and organize bookshelves and cubbies

6. Declutter and organize desk, craft bins, and sewing table

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