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Anybody ever have a mama cat break open the sac on a baby before it was born?

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She ended up needing a shot of pitocin. We were told all the babies came out fine. Well now, 4 days later, I have one who is "different". His head is wobby, more like all over the place. He has no head control and is very limp. He is colder then the rest, and MUCH skinnier. I tried to get him to latch to nurse, but he won't :( He ends up missing the spot, and I figured out today that the cute sucking sounds were heard were probably him NOT getting milk... He has an appt at 5, and I am keeping him warm. I am sure we will pick up bottles and that expensive kitty milk after the appt. But I am worried, very worried.

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She ended up needing a shot of pitocin. We were told all the babies came out fine. Well now, 4 days later, I have one who is "different". His head is wobby, more like all over the place. He has no head control and is very limp. He is colder then the rest, and MUCH skinnier. I tried to get him to latch to nurse, but he won't :( He ends up missing the spot, and I figured out today that the cute sucking sounds were heard were probably him NOT getting milk... He has an appt at 5, and I am keeping him warm. I am sure we will pick up bottles and that expensive kitty milk after the appt. But I am worried, very worried.



I'm very sorry. What it sounds like is brain damage from birth trauma. This has happened a few times with barn kitties here. I'm afraid there is nothing that can really be done, aside from very expensive support therapies that will not correct the problem, but will prolong the life of the kitten somewhat. Eventually, though, the kitten will probably pass. I truly hope I am very, very wrong. But, prepare yourself for some hard decisions, just in case.



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I'm very sorry. What it sounds like is brain damage from birth trauma. This has happened a few times with barn kitties here. I'm afraid there is nothing that can really be done, aside from very expensive support therapies that will not correct the problem, but will prolong the life of the kitten somewhat. Eventually, though, the kitten will probably pass. I truly hope I am very, very wrong. But, prepare yourself for some hard decisions, just in case.




:crying: So your saying even if we bottle feed him, it probably won't help him??

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:crying: So your saying even if we bottle feed him, it probably won't help him??



I'm not sure. I'm just sharing what I have experienced. The outcomes were never good for those barn kitties. I'm a practical minded person, and I'm just saying to keep the possibilities in perspective. Your description fits the situations we've had here, but as I said -- I truly hope I am wrong. Your vet should be able to give you solid answers and options.

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I'm not sure. I'm just sharing what I have experienced. The outcomes were never good for those barn kitties. I'm a practical minded person, and I'm just saying to keep the possibilities in perspective. Your description fits the situations we've had here, but as I said -- I truly hope I am wrong. Your vet should be able to give you solid answers and options.


Ok, well thank you. Death is never easy to deal with. I feared for him last night, and today I was really scared he might die on us. But that was because he was cold and so, so skinny. I know in newborn kittens that they can go downhill fast if they haven't been eating or getting too cold. I worried he might be "special", and that we'd love him just the same, but it would mean his forever home would be with us... and we already have 3. But I was prepared to take that on. I am not, however, prepared to have a vet tell us that we might have to make a choice to put him down today because his prognosis is that he will never really get better and eventually pass anyway :(

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It could be brain damage of some kind, or couldn't it possibly be that he's starving and will benefit from being hand fed? Personally, I would give the bottles a go. It would be too hard to just give up without trying. Hopefully your vet will be able to answer some questions and you'll be able to make decisions that will be right for your family.


Hoping and praying that the little one will be okay. :grouphug:

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Ok, I am back... he *may* have brain damage, but right now we just don't know. The Vet thinks he may be so wobbly from being malnourished, like he is trying to hold is head but just can't :( He is being separated from mom and siblings right now. He has to be on a heating pad, and we have syringe feed him 3cc's, or as much as he will take, every hour. After a couple days we will see if he can relatch. He IS suckling though, so that is a good sign :)


Go Pongo!!

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Can anyone think why we needed to separate Pongo from his mama and nurse mates? The Vet never said, but mama is sad and wants her baby, and hubby thinks he will get lonely. I put him in there and mama cleaned up his face and his bum... this would help us out alot. We could still pull him for his feedings every hr and put the heating pad under their area to keep him warm too. Right now he is curled up against mama's chest. It's obvious he missed her, and mama seems pretty content too :)

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Can anyone think why we needed to separate Pongo from his mama and nurse mates? The Vet never said, but mama is sad and wants her baby, and hubby thinks he will get lonely. I put him in there and mama cleaned up his face and his bum... this would help us out alot. We could still pull him for his feedings every hr and put the heating pad under their area to keep him warm too. Right now he is curled up against mama's chest. It's obvious he missed her, and mama seems pretty content too :)

The vet probably wanted to make sure the kitten didn't get shoved off to the side and become cold again, or be crushed under mama and other kittens and be unable to move to safety because of weakness, or...well....

Sometimes the mama cat will give up on a runt and...take matters into her own hands. It's not always predictable, so they probably wanted to protect the kitten from what might (or might not) happen.


It's sad, but it's nature. One of the reasons cats reproduce so easily and freely, I suppose. It's not unusual for one or more kittens not to survive. :grouphug:

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yes,every time!

Raising a newborn is extremely difficult and time consuming.


I never said it wasn't... I have raised 6 newborns myself, and this is not my first litter. I was just confirming, not complaining.


How's Pongo doing??? :)


He's "okay"... :( I was wishing and hoping for better, but last night we discovered a squishy bubble about fingertip, or dime sized between his eye and ear. I have no idea what is going on with that, but I am scared. He took in 2 and 3cc's once, but normally it is all we can do to get him to take 1, if we're *really* lucky 1 1/2 :( I even gave him a longer break to see if it would help. I thought maybe we were feeding him too much, but no... Poor little guy, I am sad.. and very tired.

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Since he's taking in so little' date=' you may want to call the vet and ask if you should try feeding every half hour instead of every hour. But even that little bit is probably more than he had been getting before. Still praying.[/quote']


He didn't make it :( We went to feed him right after my last post, and.... We've all been crying since, and my 8 yr old and 4 yr old seem to be having a particularly hard time with it. As well as my 15 yr old daughter who had been helping care for him :crying:

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I don't know why' date=' but maybe the vet was concerned Pongo might get squashed by the others, or rejected. :)[/quote']


:iagree: This can happen. The weaker kitten often gets nudged out of the way by the stronger kittens or can get trampled when the others are in a hurry to feed.


When my cat had her first litter of kittens, one of them was weaker. He never seemed to get enough food. While the rest of the litter were getting nice and filled out, this one was scrawny. One day, the fattest kitten scrambled over the runt while trying to nurse and broke its neck. It was very sad and traumatic - I think I was 9.


(As to why my cat had multiple litters of kittens - this was back in the day when they used to advise waiting until a cat has been in heat before spaying. Despite us watching her like a hawk, when we took her in to get spayed, they told us she was preggers. Almost immediately after the last kitten was given away, we took her in again, only to find out that she was preggers again. It happened 3 times. I guess this is why they changed their policy.)

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I'm so sorry Lisa. :grouphug:


There was probably some brain injury as evidenced by the swelling above the eye. I think it's wonderful that you put so much into trying to give Pongo a chance. :grouphug:


Don't forget to balance the loss of Pongo with the joy of the other kittens. This will help your children to see that while death is part of life, so is life part of life. Let them cuddle extra with the others as they mourn Pongo. :grouphug:

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Thank you... I meant to ask, those that have had experience with this sort of thing... should we be concerned about mama?



:grouphug: I'm so sorry. I wouldn't worry too much about mama. She will probably spend a bit of time trying to look for him. Gently coax her back to her litter and reassure her. She won't understand why he's gone, but eventually the other kittens will redirect her attention.

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